Sore Hands

Sore Hands2008-03-21T02:54:59+00:00
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  • Author
  • Kandice
    Post count: 1

    I had my first hot bikrim yoga class last night. It was amazing. However, this morning i can barely grip a towel with my right hand, even turning a door knob hurts. My hand keeps having spasms. I am wondering if this is common from yoga? I’m going to go tonight anyways, but i was just wondering about that. Maybe i’m doing something wrong?

    look forward to your reply

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Kandice

    Yes, amazing is one superlative that describes a Bikram class.

    I am sure I won’t be the only one to tell you that you are probably doing nothing wrong. Isn’t that a relief? Often the first several classes can be the hardest for so many reasons. Physically as well as mentally. It seems as though your hand could be just re-discovering use in ways that have eluded it for quite some time. Maybe you have had some injury that has left it less used or strong, or simply your regular life doesn’t challenge your hand in ways that encourage strength. Everyone has conditioned their body to work in their own way.

    Going back to class is the best thing for you. It is where the healing will occur and where your body will open up while building the strength and flexibility.

    Just one little tip I would like to offer. During your Savasanas or breaks between the poses, because of your discomfort or pain you may feel compelled to work your hand through all kinds of gymnastics. Unless you have an actual cramp, whenever possible you should attempt to stay as still as possible. Try not to move your hands at all. Stand or lie in Savasana with a slight relaxed curl in your fingertips and breathe through your discomfort. Strange as it may seem, the source of your problem will disappear far more quickly when there are no blocks to your healing introduced during Savasana.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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