Stomach cellulite and loose skin

Stomach cellulite and loose skin2011-08-22T22:45:03+00:00
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  • yayaknappett
    Post count: 5

    I have been doing yoga and exercise for a number of years, I am 45. 10 years ago I stopped smoking and eat lots of cake biscuit and chocolate I am 5 foot 4 inches and weigh 10 stone 2 pounds, before stopping smoking I was 8 stone and 4 pounds. I desperately want to lose weight especially around my stomach and tone up, but am afraid of lose skin. I so want to be tonedbut am wobbly and flabby with lots of celluliteI I am starting to dislike myself.I have started doing Bikram, but still eating rubbish, I really want to eat raw or part raw, but cannot seem to stop eating sweet stuff, I get hypoglycaemic attacks. Will I be able to tone up and lose fat and cellulite off my stomach and inner thighs and generally all over the body and avoid loose skin ????????????? Can I do this with just Bikram or do I still do other exercise. Pleae help I am desperate and lost so much self esteem and confidence.:down:

    Post count: 108

    I think you realize already that the diet will have to change. You are getting hypoglycemic attacks because you are eating high glycemic foods…..sugar/simple carbohydrates. The swing you get in blood sugar keeps making you crave them more. This is a hard cycle for some people to break, but if you plan out a week’s worth of well balanced meals without the sugar, you will find your cravings will go away sooner than you might think. I am a fan of the Zone diet (read more about it to learn more about the glycemic index and which foods to choose) but a raw food diet will also provide you with better carbohydrates than what you are getting from sugar.

    Once you have that under control (especially if you follow a good balance of macronutrients – protein, carbs, fat) you will be able to burn fat much more efficiently and have a lot more energy. Cellulite is just fat….so you should be able to reduce your body fat with a healthy diet and good exercise. My cravings for bad things is much lower because of my Bikram practice.

    I can’t promise you won’t have any loose skin, but you will certainly be more toned, have less fat, and hopefully like what you are seeing in the mirror. I’ve noticed a very positive improvement in my overall tone with Bikram yoga. At first I doubted the upper body was getting a good enough workout, but boy was I wrong! I’m the same age as you. So hang in there, honor yourself with only the healthiest of foods, and enjoy your hot yoga.



    Post count: 5

    Hi Kristen

    Thank you so much for your reply, it has given me some hope 🙂


    Post count: 108

    You’re quite welcome! I’ve been in that place, feeling like I had no control over my weight or the way I felt. Hungry all the time, getting the “shakes”, trying to avoid fats and only gaining weight. Once I learned about better nutrition, I was amazed at how fast the fat came off and how much more stamina I had for exercise.

    You can do this, and you will be so much happier for it.

    Good luck.


    Post count: 5

    Thank you 🙂 I am new to hot yoga and do other excercises, shouls I leave them for now and just concentrate on the yoga ???? Can hot yoga really tone the inner thighs, waist, stomach, arms calves ??
    Sorry to sound so skeptica. How do I heat the room up and does it have to be humid, sorry lots questions, but I want to do it right.


    Post count: 5

    Perhaps another silly question, but do you really need a yoga mat ??? with my other yoga I never used one, so I dont know ???

    Post count: 108

    I don’t know where you are practicing or under what conditions. In Bikram yoga, you need not only the mat, but a towel for all that sweat. There are mats that incorporate a kind of towel on the top, but I use a mat plus a separate absorbent towel. The thickness of your mat may depend on the surface used in the studio. My studio has carpet, so my mat is the standard thickness. Some studios have harder floors, so you might want a thicker mat.


    Post count: 5

    Thanks again for your help, I am practising with a carpet on the floor, but there is no humidity
    so may change to the bathroom where i can get some humidity.


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Yaya

    Wow, it seems you have found new inspiration. Thanks for the support Kristin!

    OK, a couple of extra things. It sounds like you are practising at home. There is quite a bit of information in this website and forum that will help you.

    There are some details and even examples of how to heat your room at home.

    Also take a look at the free videos. I have dozens of unsolicited emails from previously overweight or untoned women who swear by the video about flattening the stomach and strengthening your back. There are other free vids that are very instructional: Find the Instructional Free Videos Here!!!

    At my store I actually sell an audio and an audiovisual Home Practice Kit. They come with an mp3 of the class, CDs, an optional instructional DVD, plus a 196 page pdf which will give you detailed information about setting up your space at home and answer MANY questions about food and nutrition.

    And the other product that may interest you can be found also at my store and it’s called Easy Weight Loss with Hot Yoga. This is a massive resource I put together which also has a 144 page recipe book with a lot of raw and transitional foods to help you incorporate raw food into your everyday life (along with cooked food recipes).

    I don’t want this post to sound like a big plug for my products but please go and see if My Weight Loss Product sounds useful to you.

    There’s plenty around to help you (including the free forum!). Please let me know if there’s any other way I can help you.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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