Suggestions for modifications

Suggestions for modifications2011-07-22T20:14:45+00:00
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  • bn422
    Post count: 2

    I had major back surgery for Scoliois (curved spine). It has been 35 years. I joined hot yoga and was amazed at how it helped with lower back pain. Years ago I also broke my neck…so needless to say I have a pin in my neck, a rod that goes down my spine (now incased in bone). My curve was pretty can still see the hump on my right side and I lean towards the left ( like I am always in half moon on one side:-)). Having said this here are some areas that give me concern or feel like I will never be able to master certain poses. Standing head to knee…I can pick up my left knee, but very hard on the right one. Extend the on leg is ok..just can’t pick on that right knee for very lone. Also, hands to feet pose…will I ever get my heels in my hands..I can do it on the side, which I never could before. And finally, the most difficult and where I actually hurt myself and couldn’t barely walk for hip and back pain was camel pose…I usually op out on this pose now. The instructors know of my injuries but seem reluctant to show me any modifications. Any and all suggestions would be welcomed, I have been practicing Bikram for 7 months now.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Betty

    I am sure we can come up with some great mods for you.

    Are you willing to take each pose one at a time? We can either do that here, or possibly better would be to go to each pose and post the specific issue there.

    First cab of the rank though is a little homework for you. There are already quite a few scoliosis answers in the forum.

    If you would be willing to put the word “scoliosis” up in the search facility and see what you can glean out of those posts you may find some of your answers are already there.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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