teacher training

teacher training2009-03-11T18:25:54+00:00
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  • Emily Hannon
    Post count: 1

    I would love to do the training but am a bit hesitant because of the cost. How much do Bikram Instructors make, and is it realistic to pay off a loan teaching after the training?

    Post count: 42

    Certified Bikram Teachers make $50 per class, and usually are allowed to practice for free at any affiliate gym. Teacher Training is US$6,600.00 — Teacher Training Fee
    US$3,900.00 — Hotel Accommodation for each student on two students per room.
    Single room — US$8,000.00, so $10,500.00 plus food and travel and clearing up your calendar for 9 weeks. Paying back the loan would depend on how easily you found a full time job at a reputable studio after teacher training. You would have to teach about three classes a day for 5 day a week to make any money, depending on the lender monthly payment could be around $370. Most times teaching at a few studios in your area is best.

    Best of luck on your journey!!


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Emily and Jeff

    Thanks Jeff for the low-down on the current training prices.

    After our emails to each other Emily: in the particular area where you live there are lots of studios and LOADS of Bikram yoga teachers. You may find that competition is quite fierce to get a teaching position in many studios.

    In fact in your area in particular I believe that many of the studios do not allow free yoga to teachers because there are simply so many certified teachers around. You are right though Jeff, there is an unwritten rule that teachers get free yoga but it is not true 100% of the time and is up to each yoga studio owner to decide.

    You may find that your home studio is interested in having you teach. The more popular this yoga becomes the less you are able to make a living teaching full time (because of over supply of teachers). On the upside: many new studios are opening up.

    You may want to ask a few questions of the teachers that you meet. You may be surprised at the results when you ask how many teach full or part time, own and run a studio, have a full time job and then those that only teach one or several classes per week.

    The classic issue that full time teachers have is teaching enough to earn their money (unless they own the studio) AND practicing enough to keep up their own regular practice. You may not know how you want to apply yourself until after the training and see how all these things fit into your lifestyle.

    Many trainees do the training and expect to teach and never do, others only want the experience, never expect to teach and end up teaching a lot. You won’t know until you get there (wherever ‘there’ is! :cheese:). I hope you keep us posted. I would love to know what you decide.

    So in a nutshell, I am not sure you can make the decision to teach purely based on the financial aspect. Owning and running a studio is different to teaching in someone else’s studio and the ability to earn is strongly related to that. When deciding to go to training, passion is your most important ingredient! How you use that passion is up to you.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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