Tear of the gluteus minimus insertion.

Tear of the gluteus minimus insertion.2012-08-07T08:01:29+00:00
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  • lyndy
    Post count: 2

    I have been doing Bikram on and off for a few years. During most of that time I have been chasing the cause of increasing hip pain. After a recent MRI diagnosed with an almost full thickness tear of the gluteus minimus insertion and a partial tear of the lateral insertion of gluteus medius with trochanteric bursitis. Maybe caused by falling off a ladder a few years ago?…….My sport specialist has told me to continue with Bikram “as long as nothing hurts” . Which poses should I be careful with or modify to assist? ……..my doctor is not familiar with actual Bikram poses. Do you think that Bikram can help to heal these tears naturally or is surgery the only option?


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Lyndy

    That’s some injury. A good place to start is to tell me where you have any discomfort or pain in any activity or any pose. Can you tell me which poses? Which activities? What makes it hurt? What brings relief?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 2

    Hi Gabrielle – thank you for your quick reply.

    I have Pain, stiffness and weakness in my hip and leg after sitting for a while (Im a sales rep and do a lot of driving) Sleeping is the most difficult – some relief on my back (for a short time) – can never get comfortable. “Pulls” in my groin area when I walk…..dull ache most of the time over my hip towards the back….which radiates down my leg to my foot.

    Bikram poses – its not so much pain as loss of flexibility – Head to knee I have to bend my outside leg and knee a lot (to be able to touch my knee with my forehead)…..and keep my other leg straight… Spine Twist I need to do with my bottom leg straight …..if I bend my knee under me I can’t get my butt cheeks down on the floor. Toe stand I don’t do at all ……stay with tree. All a bit frustrating – not sure if I should push myself that little bit more of back off.

    This whole injury seems to have come on me gradually so Im not sure if I had an injury that Bikram has been aggravating all this time. I just don’t know. I know I have to somehow keep my muscles strong and flexible.

    Do you know if any the Bikram poses actually put strain on these tendon insertion points? Can I overstretch in poses like “wind removing”?
    thank you for your time

    Sara V
    Post count: 19

    Hi Lyndy,

    I am a graduate of Gabrielle’s teacher training. Apologies for the delayed response on this post. I was wondering how the past few months have been? Have you been practicing? If so are you still using the modifications? (which are wonderful by the way 😉 )

    Please let me know how you are doing.



    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Lyndy

    Yep, it’s been way too long between answers.

    I need to know if you’re still practising. I need to know if when you practise if the pain gets worse. I have a hunch it has to do with poorly explained technique. Can you also tell me if you attend largely script taught classes where the same thing is said pretty much verbatim?

    I know this has been a long time coming and I truly apologise.

    Please respond when you have a moment. My guess is that even if you’re not doing yoga at the moment I may be able to give you some ideas that could help.

    Regarding that tear, it would be useful to know what your specialist gives you as a prognosis and healing schedule. You have a tear, so what did they say as regards to the possibility of a full repair?

    Gabrielle 🙂

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