The Outside Cold after The Heat

The Outside Cold after The Heat2008-04-30T15:54:30+00:00
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  • StonedGoat
    Post count: 3

    Hi Hot Yoga Doc,

    I had my second hot yoga class today and the shock of reacclimatising to the cold after class (its nearly winter here) was harder to get used to than the heat itself. Is it healthier, and better for self-mastery, to rug up and face it or ease in gradually?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello SG

    I believe that you really need to stay warm after class. So if you are walking out into the cold make sure you take care of yourself: rug up. After 90 minutes of beautiful warming work what will make the difference to you is resting in Savasana to allow your systems to get back to a ‘better state of normal’. Sometimes (and that especially happens for men) yogis sweat a lot after they have finished class, even after their showers. This is in itself will make you feel cooler. Resting for enough time, treating that after-class time as importantly as the class, and rugging up to preserve your energy are all important aspects of your practice.

    There really is no need to hold off your practice until it gets warm again. You are going to LOVE being in the warm room during winter.:cheese: You used the right term anyway: acclimatisation.

    If you find yourself shivering as you head out into the cold then your body is not undoing the work you just did, but you will surely feel more calm for enhancing your warm state. There is nothing like that Yoga Glow. Make it your business to bask in it.;)

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 26

    When it’s cold outside I make sure to bring a change of clothes, like sweatpants and a t-shirt to change into after class. There’s nothing worse than wet clothes against your body in the cold.

    If you have heated seats in your car, turn those on also to keep your back warm.

    It’s getting warmer here in Massachusetts, so I’m enjoying leaving the studio without having to bundle up!


    Post count: 3

    Thanks for the words of wisdom. It definately helps to stay warm after class even if I get a bit stinky :-P. I did 3 days in a row followed by 3 days of recovery and am ready to hit the sauna again – my body seems to be adapting to the extremes in heat with added exposure.

    Post count: 41

    it’s best to have warm cloths waiting in the wings and bundling up.

    ha ha, this post remind me of my first bikram class ever. It was 90 degrees out, really humid and steamy.
    The class was 118 degrees. I felt it CHILLY when I left. ha ha (bikram yoga humour!)

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