The sound of Pranayama Breathing

The sound of Pranayama Breathing2008-12-02T22:01:45+00:00
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  • martypit
    Post count: 28

    Hi Gabrielle,

    I finally got my book and dvds and I am sooooo happy. I am going to be really busy for the next few months! I have just read the introduction and I am now reading the first pose. I am a bit scared because there are already a billion things to correct in my practice! But I am happy. It’s better to know, isn’t it?

    You say (both in the book and in your latest free video) that you don’t agree with how pranayama is usually taught. If I am correct, you don’t agree with the “scratching” of the throat (maybe you have a better definition of that). You prefer a hairdryer noise.

    My question is: I understand the hairdryer for the exhale, but what do I do with the inhale? Same noise? Or just normal inhale breathing but stronger?

    As English is not my first language sometimes I miss bits, especially in the videos, so I ask you in order to be sure of what I am doing.

    Thank you

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Martina

    Thank you so much for your excitement about Hot Yoga MasterClass!!! Firstly if English is not your first language IT DOESN’T SHOW. Your English is beautiful. I do know however what you mean, the nuances of a second language may not be as easily or as instantly understood.

    The hairdryer noise is a great description of the EXHALE. I know others like the term Darth Vader breathing. 😆

    Just for the benefit of the people who have not yet seen the video Effective breathing in hot yoga I mention that you don’t need to make a singing or buzzing noise in the back of your throat.

    But you do need a constriction of your throat to take advantage of a particular scientific principle that WILL help deepen your breath. There are diagrams in the video that explain this principle. In my experience I had to stop using my larynx and find a better way because my throat felt itchy and irritated often causing me to cough or stop my Pranayama exercise. This is when I started using proper Ujjayi breathing principles also described in the video.

    The constriction of the throat doesn’t happen at the larynx it occurs higher up more accurately at the back of the mouth, or the top of the throat. So if you make noise through the larynx you are really just using energy that you could be using to deepen your breath. The noise you create is one of rushing air or that lovely sound of the sea.

    I guess you could say it is like normal breathing but stronger – but in order to make it stronger you have to do something with your throat, and that is, constrict it!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 28

    Hi Gabrielle,
    thank you for your reply. It was very helpful. And I have also watched your video again, just in case… 😉 I think I am ready to become a perfect hairdryer!!

    Thank you


    Post count: 28

    Hi Gabrielle,

    unfortunately I am still unsure about this breathing. I can do the exhale like you explain it in your book and video, but the inhale I still don’t really get it.
    Am I constricting my throat the same way for both the inhale and the exhale or are they completely different?

    Thank you


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