Throwing up after class

Throwing up after class2010-04-10T03:54:42+00:00
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  • brabbit
    Post count: 1


    I am a bikram yoga instructor and practice about 5-6 times a week. Recently, I started to get sick (vomiting) after taking class. It is pretty consistent, after I take class I throw up. Has anyone else had this experience? I believe that I am very well hydrated, I eat about 2 hours before class. I am pretty baffled as to what it could be but it is really having a bad effect on my practice… 🙁 any help would be much appreciated..


    Post count: 41

    Maybe you need more time between eating and class. If I ate 2 hours before practicing I don’t think I would make it to after class before throwing up. For me 4 hours is about a minimum and 5 or more is better. You might also consider what you are eating. For some reason apples and bananas don’t sit well with me before class but oranges do. As a Personal Trainer friend likes to say, “It’s your body and your science experiment”.


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Kitty

    Thanks for the ideas Lee! It could be a simple timing issue.

    After considering all the ideas below, please come back so we can see in which direction we are led.

    Maybe we will discuss what you’re eating in a general sense or any other symptoms you haven’t yet shared. So far, all we know is that you practice often, you teach and you throw up consistently after class. We don’t know how long this has been happening and whether your last meal is purged (what makes up the vomitus), what kind of food you eat (most raw, mostly cooked, commercial juices from a juice shop????). There are lots more questions that could be asked.

    Methinks it would probably be something a little more insidious than the timing of your last meal. Here’s why: After practicing so many classes per week and already being an instructor you probably have sorted out your eating patterns.

    Note that I didn’t say anything about WHAT you eat. There could be something severely lacking in your diet. Perhaps a gradual decline in something essential (nutrients, electrolytes, iron) – something that may be picked up in a blood test. Please check your vitamin D levels too with an hydroxy 25 test if you’re going to get tested. Make the test comprehensive. Of course being a woman it would be worth exploring whether you are pregnant (I had to say it).

    If you haven’t already seen this movie then please go ahead and Watch This!. Very simply, this has the power to change your life and understand what your body really needs and wants. We love it so much we have it available from our own store. Watch the trailer at least!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 356

    I know if I have ANY artificial sweeteners including stevia i can get this just a heads up but I would look at what you are eating and any changes that may have occur in either practice or teaching frequency ect

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