Thumbs don't stay interlocked, is that OK?

Thumbs don't stay interlocked, is that OK?2008-04-16T05:01:11+00:00
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  • Susan
    Post count: 6


    In standing head to knee pose, when you kick do your thumbs also have to
    be interlaced to the webbing? as hard as i have tried, my thumbs still pull
    apart. i think it maybe b/c i have really small hands or maybe b/c my grip
    still isnt strong enough, although i dont have trouble with my grip during
    any other posture.


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Susan

    Try not to think too much in the pose ;).

    I am not sure that there are many people who CAN keep their thumbs interlocked under their feet in this pose. Hey, my thumbs don’t even interlock in the first part of the pose when I am standing rounded over my leg. So don’t worry. The most important thing is that you have the thumbs underneath the foot (and not lying on top). In this way your shoulders are relaxed.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 28

    Hi Gabrielle,

    I have been trying to keep my thumbs interlocked for so long because that’s what I was taught to do! That’s why I couldn’t move to the second part! With the palms of my hands almost touching, I couldn’t straighten my back, so I kept going back to the first part.

    I’ve got the same problem with other poses.

    Is the interlocking always the same? I mean: wind removing pose, standing separate leg head to knee pose, head to knee pose?

    Thank you


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Martina

    No wonder you have had problems! Yikes!!! It is more important to have the thumbs underneath the foot than it is to cross them. And to answer the other question, the interlocking is not always the same. Read on …

    As the ‘owner’ of extremely long hands and fingers and hands and comparatively short thumbs relatively speaking 😉 I can tell you that it is anatomically impossible for me to interlock my fingers and include my thumbs at certain times.

    In Half Moon, or any pose where my palms are together I can cross my thumbs. But with palms apart it is not even conceivable. The more my palms move apart the more my thumbs uncross. My thumbs may overlap at the nails only or touch tip to tip at the nail.

    Of course every body is different. There are some who can keep their thumbs more or less interlocked for these poses.

    If your body geometry prevents you from overlapping your thumbs in poses like Standing Head to Knee and you then try to interlock them you will find that you can no longer hold the pose in the energetically efficient way intended. Crossing your thumbs could be recruiting your shoulder muscles making it impossible to relax them in optimal position. The fact that you have been crossing your thumbs is THE reason you have not been able to progress (and you have realized it, it seems :cheese:).

    Relax the thumbs see if they can be held parallel with your index fingers and if they cross then so be it! Part 1 Standing Head to Knee the grip is quite passive. The work is with the hip flexors to hold the leg up, as well as trying to keep the foot flexed the whole time (the hands help support the foot in its flexion but still passively). It is in the rest of the pose where you really pull back on the ball of the foot with your strong hands at the end of RELAXED arms (Part 2) and with activated biceps in Parts 3 and 4. At no time do you use the shoulders.

    So Martina, let me get this straight: have you been taught to interlock your thumbs in Wind Removing pose as well?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 28

    Yes, I have been told to interlock my thumbs in wind removing pose, standing head to knee and head to knee.
    The consequences are:

    1. in wind removing I am basically pushing my knee with my wrists
    2. in standing head to knee (part 1) I am resting my foot on my wrists/bottom of my hands
    3. in standing head to knee (part 2) I am pushing my foot against my wrists/bottom of my hands, which, as I said makes me feel so short that I can’t even think of straightening my back
    4. in head to knee I have the same problem of standing head to knee (part 2), but what I can’t do is round my spine properly and obviously bend my arms to reach the floor with my elbows

    Sometimes, after looking at your photos, I have released my thumbs in all three poses and the results have been incredible! But I felt I was cheating…

    Thanks for your help! I can’t wait to get your book!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Martina

    You are so sweet! Thank you!

    What an incredible way to be cheated: to feel that you are cheating when you are getting the most out of the poses!

    I do believe that you should interlock the fingers in Wind Removing but not the thumbs. Mind you for some people this will be OK. You will get a LOT more work against your knee, strengthen your fingers plus release your shoulders.

    RELAX!!! And go back to your cheatin’ ways 😆

    I am just about to answer your head to knee question…

    Oh and I just checked on your manual delivery. Get in touch with me on my personal email if it is not there by early next week.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 28

    I can’t wait to try everything without interocking my thumbs! I am so excited!

    Thank you very much


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