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  • Jordana
    Post count: 4

    Can yoga help tmj?

    Post count: 42

    Are you referring to Temporomandibular Joint Injury?

    I work at the center for pain medicine and have heard of this being treated using RIT. Regenerative Injection Therapy (RIT),also known as prolotherapy or sclerother-apy, is an interventional technique for thetreatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain due to connective tissue diathesis. Have you talked to you Primary Care Physician? I would consult a physician before begining any type of stretching regimine. At UC hospitals they have studies at the Pain Clinics where you can get paid to participate. I have access to several papers published on treating this if you are interested. Send me a private message if you are.

    all the best to you!!


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Jordana

    Just wanted to let you know that I will get around to your question later. Did you know that the TMJ refers to the temporo-mandibular joint itself? Strangely the term TMJ has for many people come to mean a dysfunction of one or both jaw joints. I don’t know if you know but I graduated and practiced as a dentist. So I may be able to shed some light on that later for you. Right now, however, it is yoga time for me.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Jordana

    Rather than go down the educational path without any particular direction (there are, after all, great tomes penned about the TMJ!) I am going to pose quite a number of questions for you:

    >> May I ask you to tell me if you have any issues with your TMJ?
    >> Is this a general enquiry for a friend or for general information?
    >> If you have TMJ dysfunction what symptoms have you?
    >> What has your dentist or doctor told you about your condition?
    >> What can you tell me about your general stress levels?
    >> How often do you get headaches?
    >> What about neck aches or back aches?
    >> Do you grind your teeth to such an extent that you have pain in your jaws when you wake up?
    >> How often through the day do you find your teeth are clenching together?

    I could ask a whole lot more. But as you can see what I am trying to work out is the question you are asking so I can give you an answer that means something to you :cheese:

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 4

    Hi Gabrielle:

    I have tmj. I have had it for years, but recently sought treatment. My most bothersome symptom is clicking on either or both sides of my jaw. It is not painful, sometimes achey, but bothersome to feel bones rubbing together. I was seen by an oral surgeon recently and prescribed a night guard, which he told me to wear every night and during the day if I had the chance, as it would help re align the jaw.

    I do notice tension in my upper back, shoulders, and arms. Comprehension postures are much harder for me than stretching postures. The most difficult one is the rabbit and next is standing head to knee. I am also overweight.

    I also experience a lot of stress in my life__work, family, 3 teenagers, one with a mental illness, financial difficulty. I think I do grind my teeth at night, but also think it has been worse in years past.

    Thank you for the help:


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Jordana

    A well-fitted occlusal splint is designed to remove the guiding influences of your teeth, lengthen your muscles around your mouth and direct your jaw into a position that will encourage the dissolving of stress in the head, neck and shoulders. And of course you can’t grind your teeth when you have it on! The longer you have it on the better.

    When are you and aren’t you wearing your splint? Are you wearing your splint during class? And what do you notice about those 2 poses that makes it difficult for you?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 4

    Hi Gabrielle:

    I usually only wear the splint at night. I have never practiced with it on, but I will when i practice at home, now. I usually do practice at home.

    What I notice about those 2 poses is that I have difficulty making contact between my head and knees. In standing head to knee, I can some of the time. In rabbit, almost never and I have noticed lately that my chin is going into my chest.


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Jordana

    How would you feel about trying to wear your occlusal splint for longer? In fact, if it is well fitted (and yes they need adjustments sometimes) you will get used to it and love the feeling of relaxation you get in your jaws. It is generally recommended that you wear these things for at least 14 hours a day. Pretty much just take it out when you are eating.

    As for Standing Head to Knee I don’t know enough about what you are doing to give you anything constructive. I would be happy to go down that path with you. If it is related to your TM joints then we can continue chatting here. Otherwise we could ‘take’ this conversation to the poses section! 😉

    As for Rabbit, if head and knees touching is great if you can manage it but there are many other parts of the technique that are vital too. We can pull this one apart too.

    There is lots of information on both these poses at Standing Head to Knee posts and Rabbit posts. And these may help you work out if your issues have been talked about before.

    Happy to help, so just ask away – with specific details because I can’t see you! :cheese:

    Gabrielle 🙂

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