Too Exhausted to Go to Class?

Too Exhausted to Go to Class?2010-02-25T17:56:14+00:00
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  • bhakta
    Post count: 18

    Hi everyone. I just love this forum, I learn so much and get so much inspiration from all of you. Thanks so much!

    I’ve been practicing for 3 years at a Bikram studio and I have to say I can’t call it fun yet… But, I’ve lost 30 pounds and the Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Immune Dissorder and sleep disorder are alot better! Over the last 3 years I’ve been able to come off of most of the antidepressants that I took for decades. I’m been trying to come off of this drug called Cymbalta for 2 years now and just when I’m almost off of it, I’m getting more withdrawl symptoms: 6 to 10 hot flashes per day(makes menopause look easy %-P !) exhaustion so bad it’s difficult to do my daily routine, let alone, go to class, waking up feeling like I never sleep, feeling energized when I should be sleeping, constant bizare dreams when I do sleep, waking up every hour and half, nausea, loss of appetite.

    I really believe the hot yoga is helping me to heal my body, but this is getting too difficult to push through. How can you tell when your body needs rest and when you should push yourself to go to class? I normally practice every other day, but today I’m thinking about not going… my body is saying no, but my heart still wants to go. Now, why is that!?!

    Oh, I also am being treated for high blood pressure, high cholesterol,have about 30 more pounds to loose, and went from vegan to raw vegan 6 months ago. I also find it hard to get in more than a liter and a half of water per day because it makes me more nauseaus and I can feel the water sloushing around in my stomach… blub, blub, blub.

    Sorry folks, I know that’s alot, but any ideas or suggestions, etc…, would be greatly appreciated!


    Post count: 16

    I have a home practice and listen to the Bikram tape. There is a comment near the end of the floor series he had that struck me. I’ll paraphrase.

    “Yoga is like a gas station…you do yoga you get more energy”

    For me, while counter-intuitive, I have found it true…specifically, I have more energy since I have started my daily practice then before. Much more.

    I know that Bikram recommends daily practice as well.

    Not to say its easy…its not. But It’s great when its over for that day.

    Post count: 18

    Hi. Thanks for bringing that quote to rememberance! It is one of the things that has kept me coming back for so long. Unfortunately though, I’ve never felt energized from this yoga. Well, actually, once in my first month I only did half the class, but stayed in the studio the entire time. Many days I can barely make it up the steps to the studio, let alone down the steps afterward. After 3 years of practice, I can finally peel myself off of the mat and go get showered, without 30+ minutes recoup-time in savasana after the class. Now I can manage to stand after about 20 minutes. Overall, I do see my energy improving over the long haul, it’s just so slow.

    Post count: 356

    wow… I am both amazed by your story and concerned. Though we all have different health issues and reasons for going to yoga and that some peoples are a lot harder than others, I still think you SHOULD feel good about your practice 🙂 As I said even with how hard it is for you I admire your courage in still going but what does your doctor say about your health and conditions, what did you feel like before you started and what do you feel like now that your practicing and if there IS an improvement focus on that !!!!!! Does your doctor support your practice?

    Post count: 18

    Hi, thanks for the encouragement! Actually, all of my doctors have strong reservations about Bikram Yoga for me. Trouble is, they have nothing else to suggest for these health conditions except medications that have made me gain weight and have yucky side-effects.

    I’ve just been snooping around the site and have been checking out what you and others have written, for instance, about hydration and sleep. Definitely problem areas for me. I just can’t seem to get down enough water and my eyes have started drying out so I know I’m slightly dehydrated. I didn’t know it takes an hour for your body to absorb water and that plain water isn’t enough. I’ve tried Emerg-C and others but they make me so nauseous, because of the fizz, I think. I’m going to try Ultra-replenisher and Vita-lye though. Just the other day my homeopath suggested Trace Mineral Drops by Liquimins, so I’ll try that too. She is supportive of my Bikram practice but would prefer I did regular Hatha yoga. And I did for years, but I was just as exhausted and not getting better in terms of the pain, flu-like symptoms and insomnia.

    Then in terms of sleep, since I’m not taking antidepressants for complete insomnia, and the Cymbalta used to work by interrupting the deep sleep cycle, I think my brain is having to learn how to sleep properly again by itself. So waking up every hour and getting 3 to 5 hrs a night = more pain from the Fibromyalgia and more fatigue.

    With all these problems, I definately have to focus on even the slightest improvements or else I’ll just give up, which is just not an option! 🙂 I’m not off of disability yet, but I am working part-time for the first time in 15 years!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Valeria

    I would normally have said to look at your diet but you seem to have that handled. 😉 Having said that, your current health challenges would indicate an imbalance of nutrients at least in the past and perhaps now.

    I was just wondering if you have ever checked out the documentary called Food Matters. That link is the link to our store where we sell it. I love it that much I tracked down the producers and directors and organized it for our customers.

    I really find this film incredibly revealing. It does have some highly useful information about the use of certain vitamins in high doses that I believe you would find extremely educational. It may even change your life. So please if you haven’t seen it then I strongly suggest that you do get yourself a copy. It has truly changed my life. There is some fantastic information from reputable professionals about vitamin use with folk with similar conditions. You can also find it on their website as DVD or even pay per view: Food Matters

    I also think that your hydration is a major issue. May I please ask you what your drinking habits are? Do you drink a lot on waking or are you someone who takes a little at a time through the day? Or perhaps you’re someone who drinks with meals? The sloshing makes me think we could help suggest better ways of getting you more fluid. Even if you take a lot of electrolytes, at this stage it seems you may need more H2O.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 18

    Hi Gabrielle! The Forum looks great and I have finally pushed past my shyness and said hello to everyone. Hope you all are well! BTW, did I read that you get fresh, organic veggies that have been minerally enhanced?!! I’m so jealous!

    I will definately check out Food Matters. As for the drinking, I try to remind myself to drink throughout the day, but I can’t seem to chug down much more that a few gulps at a time. One of my yoga teachers said that he can drink a liter of water in one sitting; it takes me a whole day to do that, unless it’s right after class. Then I feel so thirsty I want to drink a liter and a half immediately. Otherwise I must admit that there are a lot of times when I get so caught up in just trying to get through all the things I have to do in a day that when I look, a few hours have past since I last had something to drink.

    Yeah, I’m really puzzled by this extreme new bout of exhaustion…but then I was thinking that a few years ago I would literally be bed-ridden with fevers and flu like symptoms for weeks and weeks at a time everytime I had a flare-up. Now, since I started Bikram Yoga, I no longer have the fevers, etc… and I am not stuck in bed, which is so wondeful. I have come a long way, but there is still room for improvement. I think things like diet, hydration, sleep, vitamins/minerals/supplements, type of daily activities need to be as perfectly matched as possible.

    Thank you so much!


    Post count: 18

    Well, I took off a week from Bikram yoga and I got no relief from the exastion. I also tried adding some cooked foods like soup, more vegan protein and whole grain bread to my diet as my homeopath suggested, but that didn’t help either. So I think it must be a flare-up of the CFIDS or a discontinuation effect of the Cymbalta…anyway, I took my first class back the other day and it was pretty tough. Had to sit out of a few sets because I was feeling so weak and nausous. I think I’ll try not going as deep in the poses and not necessarily do both sets, especially since the studios I go to are almost always 110+degrees. I’m also going to try and reach Rajayshree to see if she has any info on CFIDS and hot yoga practice.

    Gabrielle, “Food Matters” looks great. I’m going to use the educational version dealing with mental health issues as a training for work. Thanks so much everyone. Take care!


    Post count: 58


    I suffer with depression and for me exhaustion is a big symptom. Is is possible going of the Cymbalta right now isn’t right for you? Only you and your Dr. know for sure. Yoga is great and healthy for you, but for myself I believe that for some of us we may still need a little “extra help”

    I feel for you because I know that exhaustion all too well. To the point I couldn’t function. I had to use paper plates and plastic utensils because I couldn’t do dishes. Hang in there whatever you decide.


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