Tumbled off the wagon and having a difficult recovery

Tumbled off the wagon and having a difficult recovery2009-12-12T20:16:39+00:00
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  • yogalifer
    Post count: 106

    I have practiced yoga regularly for the last four years–specifically Bikram for about the last year and a half. Early this year I was going frequently and even completed a few 30 day challenges. In June I started physical therapy for a hamstring injury and couldn’t make it to yoga as frequently. Then vacation, then helping out with my granddaughter, then work, then vacation again… Well, I have only been averaging about one class per week and now haven’t been to a class for almost a month.

    I am having a very difficult time getting back into the groove. I hate that because I LOVE yoga! When I was doing it regularly I don’t think that I fully appreciated the impacts to my life. I knew that I felt strong. I loved being able to easily walk up 6 floors to the office in the morning, carrying a large bag of dog food in one hand, etc. What I didn’t realize was just how much the yoga was effecting my life otherwise. Since I have stopped I have lower back pain, stiffness in my hips, I’m losing strength and lose my breath climbing stairs. I have started drinking soda again, overeating and drinking more alcohol than I should. I don’t think as clearly and have gained a lot of weight. It seems like all of this would be enough to motivate me to start back up again!!

    My work pressures are not going to drop off for at least another four months. I realized this morning, though, that I don’t have to be such an all or nothing person. I have had Gabrielle’s videos ever since she published them, but have never used them. I’m a studio kind of girl. However, I have realized that I’m just not going to make it to the studio regularly for awhile. In the meantime I could use these videos to get some practice in at home. I think that–even without the heat–this will help me maintain my strength and flexibility until I can get back into a regular class schedule. duh. It’s funny but this honestly didn’t occur to me until today.

    I would love any helpful hints as to how to get back into my yoga practice! :cheese:

    green apple
    Post count: 9


    I am not a yoga guru, but I think it is most important that you get moving instead of thinking. By that I mean yoga in a studio or nothing is not going to fit your current situation perhaps. If that is in fact the case, what else can you do?

    Do you take your dog for a long walk?
    Can you set aside Sat am for a studio class as you like them?
    Can you improve your diet?

    Just things to consider as yoga in it’s self can be one dimensional for me. Just get moving first and the rest will fall into place

    Post count: 17

    We should do lunch. for real. Because I’ve pushed through this myself a few times. A mindset that helps me is the view that when life’s circumstances up the ante, you gotta do the same with the yoga. I have a high-stress job, a bunch of great causes I volunteer for, and an hour+ commute to work. Plus for a few years, some stupid health issues that weren’t too pleasant. (But what’s a little cancer? Really.). My solution was to commit to myself to do the early-bird classes at the studios that are close to my office. I have to arrange my whole life to make it work, but it’s a total win/win. I skip the rush hour traffic and get my yoga done before most of my coworkers have had their first cup of coffee. And I’ve never felt better.

    Maybe not “the” solution for you, but it’s about focusing on the fact that everything will work itself out because you say so. It just takes a serious “I can do this” attitude, and being determined that you can have circumstances AND do the best that you can today. And, ironically, that attitude works in the yoga studio, too.

    Post count: 9

    I understand your predicament. I was forced to stop practice for about one year because of a back injury. I did a lot of pilates during this period with my physio, and then gradually introduced more yoga. If you can’t get motivated to get to a studio (or find the time because of your work pressures), I think you should just do something else in the meantime. The key is to get back into some form of exercise, a routine, and then the yoga will just find its way back into that routine.

    We all know that the reality with this yoga is you can’t just do it once a week. It needs to be practiced regularly. You won’t enjoy it if you can only make it once a week during this busy period and every class is an awful struggle. Perhaps do something like pilates/ walking/ running/ swimming (something else you enjoy and can easily fit into a busy day) until your work pressures drop off and you can fit the yoga back into your day and honestly commit to it properly again.

    I hope that is somewhat helpful!

    I hope that is somewhat helpful!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Cindy

    I have some additional ideas for you Cindy.

    OK, if you know sun salutations or are willing to learn them, then doing a few of these in the morning when you get out of bed really does feel great – especially when you hold the ‘down dogs’ for a while (30+ seconds). I know that this advice has really helped people feel that delicious stretched out and invogorated feeling without fighting the mental anguish of forcing yourself back to class. 😉

    Here’s something that is a quick pick-me-up for those off the wagon: Get out of bed, do Pranayama exercise and then one or 2 sets of Half Moon. Instead of counting seconds, count breaths. Choose 10-15 breaths for side bends and 7 or so breaths for backbends and 15 breaths for hands to feet. If you feel motivated after that then do a sun salutation or 2. You could switch it around: Salute to the sun then Half Moon with or without Pranayama.

    And finally, when you have the time with your growing inclination!!!!!!!! pop on the DVD (you don’t need to watch I’m sure) but practice to the soundtrack and do the 60 minute class. We do it at home from time to time. It’s challenging and satisfying without wearing you out so much!!!

    Please tell me/us how you’re going

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 106

    Thanks so much for all of the wonderful ideas! I do walk 3 miles every weekday morning with a neighbor, so I am getting some exercise there. Gabrielle, your thoughts re: first thing out of bed would be a great warm-up before walking. However, we walk at 5:00am so I am unlikely to get up earlier for that. (It’s hard enough to get up that early as it is!!) However, I could probably do it AFTER walking. I was also thinking about working in a few of the shorter classes after walking as I wouldn’t really have time to do the longer before work.

    I haven’t made it back to the studio yet, but should be able to get to a class on Thursday (in 2 days). I will be thinking about all of the positive support that I’ve gotten here!

    Wabbit – I hope that your health issues are better. Did you find that yoga helped?

    green apple
    Post count: 9

    Maybe your already doing better than you think! In fact your already doing great.

    I love to swim in AM for myself. Swimming in meditative as you need to go blank to do it well. My favorite exercise is weight lifting, followed by yoga. Yoga for me is more about balance to my efforts. I progress at 1X per week as long as your active in other areas.

    Post count: 106

    I made it to the studio tonight and had a great class! I have obviously lost some strength and flexibility, but I can tell that it won’t take long to get it back. It will likely take quite a bit longer to get rid of the extra weight that I picked up over the last few months! :sick:

    I can feel that I’m going to be able to get back in the groove. I am planning to go to tomorrow morning’s class and I can tell that I’ll be able to pick it back up after that. Thanks again for all of the wonderful support!

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