Twisted pelvis /expectations managment

Twisted pelvis /expectations managment2009-09-13T21:49:53+00:00
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  • Snowm
    Post count: 4

    Hi Gabrielle,

    I was extremely pleased to discover your site today–thank you!

    I can imagine that thousands of people write you with their individual problems and that it is difficult to provide useful comment to so many people, knowing so little about them. However, my problem is one that has plagued me for 20 years and I would be so pleased for some sort of insight that I figure it’s worth a try.

    To sum it up, it feels like my pelvis is slightly twisted, and as a result, i have pain and tension from my low back all the way down to my feet, esp. a sharp pain in my right foot.Upper body is naturally also implicated. Specialists are unable to pinpoint a cause;they say I have a slight scoliosis but dont think is necessarily the source of my pain. (MRI shows L4-L5 disc protrusion but again that is not where i feel the pain).

    To get to the point, Bikram has been the best thing so far–i started four months ago and like so many others became addicted. The class makes me feel great, but i admit that part of the obsession is based on the hope that it will ‘magically’ heal this pain issue–have heard many success stories. I must say, it seems to have helped tremendously in stretching and strengthening the muscles, tendons, etc. in my legs, but there is still this core tightness/twist/pulling on the right side of my lower back that continues pulling all the way down to the foot (it’s so hard to describe the pain) which doesn’t seem to improve.

    Is it possible that Bikram just cant help me? Is four months (3x week) to early to judge?

    I’m starting the 60 day challenge tomorrow (my studio is open 6 days a week so i get a little weekly break), will see what happens but am dreading being disappointed yet again.

    thank you for any comments you can offer. you really provide a great service with this site and forum.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Michelle

    Thank you so much. I am happy you found ‘us’. I hope you find your answers. 😉

    OK. As for your condition. I really think that you will experience a better indication of the power to change your own body with your 60 day challenge. Three times a week, while great for anyone, is less likely to institute the changes that you are after.

    If you have read my story then you will know that although I didn’t have the longstanding pain problem that you have been experiencing I certainly had a moderate scoliosis. I felt my spine start to realign within weeks of starting. And no, I did NOT expect that to happen or even think that it could – so imagine how much more powerful your experience will be knowing that you can and will improve your alignment!

    Please, if you haven’t already, type ‘scoliosis’ into the search facility and see what comes up. Here is a good place to start though: Thoracic Scoliosis as I within that pose I have also popped in a couple of other posts that will probably help you.

    Frequency of practice is key. When you finish your 60 day challenge, see what you can do to keep up a minimum 4 classes per week, but 5 or 6 a week is better. Commit to a number that is achievable and the other extra class/es will be a bonus.

    Have fun and enjoy the feeling of your changing body. I am sure you will read it elsewhere but I actually got a real buzz out of the discomfort (even difficulty turning over in bed at night that woke me up nightly) knowing that my spine was realigning.

    Just one final note: don’t be in a hurry and expect to see changes occurring. Although they will, and you can be surprised when they do, if you hook your practice to the expectation rather than the joy of practicing the attachment to it can be quite distracting.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 4

    Thank you Gabrielle! I would be thrilled with the discomfort if I thought it was readjusting me (and I think it is, but fingers crossed, no expectation). Again, not sure if it’s actually scoliosis, but i guess (hope) that whatever it is, bikram will only help and not hurt it.

    ps–i wrote a few days ago with a question to [email protected] about shipping your Master class, but i havent heard back–is that the right address? thx

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Michelle

    I only received that email 24 hours ago!!! I am onto it now! Thanks for the reminder.

    Keep me posted on your progress – your back and your challenge!

    Gabrielle 🙂

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