Ventricular Tachycardia QUestion

Ventricular Tachycardia QUestion2009-12-29T16:50:53+00:00
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  • yerph1
    Post count: 1

    This is from a prospective student wanting to possibly start Bikram Yoga and a little out of my league… Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks!

    Also, I have ventricular tachycardia for which I have an implanted defibulator. I’ve stretched of and on for years to help my back and neck. At times, I’ve found some relief for not only my bac, but also my sinus problem. Also, I’ve read where yoga can help with heart rhythm problems. So, this is the reason for my email. With my heart issue, I have to limit what I can do and not get my heart rate up too high. I usually keep at around 100-110 when I exercise and definitely back down when it gets up to 120. I am looking for some advice on what your yoga place can do for me and if I could do it under those parameters. Thank you,

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Thomas

    I do believe that yoga can help enormously with cardiovascular problems. The question is whether hot yoga is the right place to start for you. I am not a cardiologist so this is just my opinion. No one but you can decide whether you should try it. I hope others may chime in and offer some thoughts.

    Are the limits to your heart rate self-imposed? Does your specialist advise you to keep your heart rate below that level?

    I just found a testimonial of a person with ventricular tachycardia. It’s someone who goes to a studio in Fitzroy Australia. They have an ICD (Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator). This testimonial is definitely worth a read: Testimonial by Student with Complete Heart Block and Ventricular Tachycardia.

    Now if this were me, I would do whatever I could to personally get in touch with the person who wrote this testimonial because I would want to feel reassured about their experience. Maybe they can offer you some advice about the best way to start or approach the practice. I would find out if they felt they made any mistakes that you could avoid. That kind of thing. In this way you could make a more informed decision and whether you want to take the ‘risk’. It seems to me that improving your cardiovascular health is very possible here. The thing that rang alarm bells for me in your post was the limit on your heart rate because I have no doubt that a hot yoga class will raise your HR higher than that. This is why I ask you about the limit.

    OK my new yogi friend, please report back and tell me what you are thinking.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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