Very sore

Very sore2008-07-17T05:53:59+00:00
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  • Author
  • theresavergara
    Post count: 1

    Hi there, i did my first bikram yoga class yesterday, and my body i swear from my neck down to my legs are painfully sore. Is this what is suppose to happen? My i really enjoyed the class though. Can anyone suggest what i can do to my very aching (unbearably) body? Should i give my body a rest for a couple of days or should i just get straight back into it?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Theresa

    Congratulations are in order. Welcome to the fold. :cheese:

    It is very unusual but not unheard of to have intense aches and pains after your first class. It can happen when you embark on many different kinds of exercise. Oy! Can you imagine how bad it might have been had you not had the heat?

    The heat helps you move your body around safely and more deeply than regularly, and also shifts the lactic acid that builds up with intense exercise.

    Take it as a very strong suggestion to return to yoga as soon as you can. It is my experience with muscle soreness that left to its own devices actually can feel worse the next 2 days. Returning to class will help shift it and make your body more comfortable.

    Right now you can try a warm bath. If you can put lots of epsom salts in there that would be even better. If you need to take some ibuprofen. Above all, keep some movements in your body. Get back to yoga.

    You will be feeling comfortable in no time.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 21

    If it is any consolation, I practice this yoga a LOT and I still get sore.

    The epsom baths are awesome. LOTS of epsom salt 😉

    Oh and congratulations and welcome to your body!


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