Walk me through my first class?

Walk me through my first class?2010-02-22T17:45:26+00:00
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  • kristen10
    Post count: 1

    Hello everyone,
    I’ve been doing a lot of reading online and in this forum, and I have yet to find a detailed explanation of what I can expect in my first class (this Saturday!). I am really looking forward to it, but, at the same time, I am pretty nervous. According to what I’ve been reading, apparently the hardest part is just putting my name on the sign up sheet, and I think that if I had someone to explain to me what happens every step of the way, I would be more confident and have the best experience possible. Maybe this would also help other readers in the future! I am actually not really even talking about the actual yoga part – that I feel like I can handle with instruction. I am asking more about things like:
    • getting there – how much time before class begins should I be there?
    • setting up my mat – would you recommend a beginner take a spot in the back or front of the room? Speaking of mats – is there any one brand/type in particular that is recommended for bikram? I have a pretty basic Gaiam mat – maybe it is more porous or stiffer than another kind?
    • advice on what to eat and drink beforehand – obviously a lot of water and maybe a Gatorade right before class, but what about eating?
    • Once the class is over, I’ll shower of course. The website for my studio says “keep showers between 2-3 minutes please”. Is this kind of rushing also expected once the shower is over and I am getting dressed, or will I be able to take my time there, blow dry my hair, etc? (Obviously this may be particular to a studio, but I’d like to hear your experiences anyway)

    Really, ANY information at all you can offer to a newbie would be much appreciated! If there was anything that was shared with you before your first class that you were glad you knew, or anything you wish you had been told, please fill me in! Thank you so much!

    Post count: 25

    Hi Kristen,

    I remember asking a lot of the same questions when I was about to commence my first hot yoga class! A lot of the questions you are asking really depend on your studio and your body… However, I am more than happy to give you my suggestions – and I hope they help a little.

    For you first class aim to arrive 20 to 30 minutes before because you will need time to fill out forms, drop your stuff off, have a bathroom stop, and enjoy some time lying down in the hot room prior to class commencing. As a beginner I would recommend not being in the front row in your first class. Depending on the size of your studio I would suggest being in the second or third row so that you can see yourself in the front mirror and have something to focus on.

    If I am doing an afternoon or evening class I drink between 2.5 to 3.0 litres of water evenly during the day, and I have an electrolyte drink about an hour before class. I don’t drink any water during class, however as this is a new experience for you, take some water into class and just have small sips if you need to. I try to eat several light meals during the day (I don’t eat any meat on the days I go to yoga), and I also have a snack about two hours before class (although I know a lot of people don’t like eat so close to class, however I am always hungry!).

    As for showering and getting changed after class – I can’t really offer much advice. I live about a 5 minute walk from my studio so I get to do all of this at home.

    I wish you all the best for your first class. Breathe, relax, and enjoy.



    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Kristen

    Thanks Shona for your succinct and helpful reply! Kristen, when you finish class just lie there until your heart beat and breath are normal and it feels right to get up. Sometimes a class follows yours but don’t be too concerned, you’ll know when you should get up.

    Just take it easy and have a shower. The best thing you can do is simply rinse off the sweat. You should really only need less than one minute, maybe even only 30 seconds. 2-3 minutes is WAY more than enough time to have a shower. The request from your studio is a guideline so that others can have a shower too. After all are you really going to do your whole beauty routine at the studio (shampoo, conditioner and so on) every time? That really is better left for your own environment.

    It really boils down to making your yoga a mindful experience. And extending that mindfulness beyond your own existence and needs. After class you will simply move at your own speed and get washed and changed. No rush, no fuss, and (hopefully) not a lot of waiting. Although you may feel relaxed and refreshed after your class, you still just want the opportunity to rinse off the sweat (otherwise you may feel sticky after a while) and continue with your day. If you have to wait for a line of people in front of you who are taking 3 minutes and washing their hair and conditioning and spending unnecessary time, you could be waiting for a long time.

    That’s probably more than you needed but what you’re trying to do in yoga is be mindful of your actions.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 356

    WOW how exciting 🙂 I remember my first class……… AHH memories LOL any way to answer you question all I can do is tell you what my experience is and was like in my studio and in class. Try to be there as early as you can be about 20-30 mins before class as this will give you time to fill out forms as mentioned but also ask questions and get settled with out feeling too pressured and rushed.
    DRINK WATER and take an electrolyte supplement before or you can drink coconut water during which is a great alternative as it gives you sugar (all natural) and energy you need but also replaces your minerals.
    eat light all day before your class I’m not sure what time your planning on attending but I feel best on a very light ( but not totally empty ) stomach. I usually do fruit and liquid calories only before a class (about an hour or so before)
    SHOWERS…… the whole class id rushing off to be the first in line and don’t fall for that trap. Lye on your mat and relax for as long as you can. enjoy the quiet time 🙂 then change, go home and shower….. or do shower there, but I always just wash off my body taking about 3 mins tops. I dont bother with my hair as I put it up and keep it up after saving my REAL shower for later.
    Good luck and I expect a full play by play on Sunday !!!!!!!!!!

    Post count: 98

    For new student, you are better off stay at the back of the class so you can follow people in front of you. Find a spot so you can see yourself in the mirror. Being able to see yourself on the mirror helps your alignment in addition to listening to teacher’s instruction. The teacher will know in advance if there is any first timer. You show hand and the teacher will give a brief introduction about the yoga and what to expect. Depending on your studio, you may or may not get free mat/towel rental. Drink lots of water and bring a bottle of water to class. You’ll definitely need it. Try not to eat three hours prior to class. Arrive early so you can lie down to relax before class. At the end of the class, try to lie down for two minutes, but not too long if you are planning to take a shower. Depending on where you are and the climate, hot water might not affect you. I once was the last person who left the room and there was no more hot water when I took my shower. I was forced to take a cold water shower. There is a reason why people are rushing out at the end of the class. At least in my studio.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Kristen

    Well? Have you? What was it like?

    I just wanted to share something with you. If you are really concerned about your first classes and where you are positioned I actually would recommend you don’t go right down the back of the room IF your studio has more than 3 rows of students. Try to be in the second or the second row. (Hey, if you want to I have had plenty of students who have been in the first row for their first class. When offered to move, they have not and they have managed just fine. This is more of an exception).

    The main thing is that you can see yourself and someone within your peripheral vision in the mirror. The reason why it’s great to be one row back from the mirror is that you get to see the back of someone as well as their front in the mirror. This is useful. You really don’t want to be in a whole huddle of new students. It’s best to be around regular students. The problem is that because most teachers teach to a script you won’t learn exactly what to do from listening to the teacher. It is best at least in the beginning to have some reliance on looking at other students for visual cues.

    Having said all that and read all that has been advised beforehand, remember that a lot of it is going to be left up to chance and circumstance, so …

    … if you haven’t gone already, I think you know enough (perhaps too much! 😉 )

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 4

    Hey Kristen: Well I have taken six classes thus far. My first class I was clueless when I went into the studio. However, my instructor advised me to possibly get in the second row, where I could see myself in the mirroe and some one next to mee. Kelly is an excellent instructor and will talk you through your moves anbd postures. Just remember that YOU are the reason for being in here, Jus ju
    Relax and enjoy the experioence,…

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