Warning–Minoxidil based Hair Products!!

Warning–Minoxidil based Hair Products!!2009-07-02T05:24:08+00:00
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  • davidf15x
    Post count: 30

    I have endured three months of horrible symptoms until I have finally discovered my problem. Out of ignorance, I used a minoxidil based hair product that has devastated my health. As I explained in a previous folder, after a hot yoga class–my system crashed–I lost the ability to perspire, I took on all the symptoms of heat exhaustion and my heart became unbalanced. Three months after the event, my heart is still suffering and two cardiologists have no clue about a problem. Now I know the score. I am toxic for minoxidil and it has brought me pulmonary edema, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders, memory loss and more. All for a product that does not even help thinning hair. I am ashamed and completely embarrassed that I would throw away my health for nonsense. I am hoping I can stop some other poor sap from making a similar mistake.

    I admit that I often chuckled when instructors bragged that hot yoga can remove toxins from one’s body. I took minoxidil 5% once a day, 3-5 times a week for two and a half years. During much of this time, I participated in Bikram Yoga. I experienced no heart ailment, no negative symptoms during this period of time.- except for ringing in my ears which I now, in retrospect, also attribute to the hair product. Then, 4-5 months ago–I tore my meniscus in my knee and I had to stop the yoga practice. About two months later when I was just getting back into yoga–I had the crash and my current symptoms.

    I would really like Gabrielle, (Robert or others) to say whether or not it is possible, in her opinion, that the hot yoga saved me all those long months from the negative consequence of the minoxidil? I still lack the strength to try a class but I have recovered some, I am perspiring pretty normally and I am feeling better. My heart, however, still has a growl and I am gravely troubled. Now–the cardiologists will listen to me finally. Before–they told me to take a vacation–inferring that my chest pains were stress related. Now I have figured out the truth. In my ignorance, I heard that minoxidil was derived from a vegetable, sold over the counter, and was the safe alternative to Propecia, Rogaine and all the others that give bad side affects. I am now told it is stored in one’s fat cells for weeks–maybe months. I read on the internet how a guy used it on his cat and the cat died. I will appeal to my doctor’s office tomorrow morning–any comments here are most welcome.

    I feel like such a dope.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi David

    Wow, what a revelation. I do recall from some of my distant continuing medical/dental knowledge that minoxidil was used in lower concentrations than those used for hypertension, to treat baldness (as it was discovered that subjects had this side effect). Don’t be so hard on yourself about your choice of treatment.

    It is great that you worked out the connection and then did something about it. And what’s more important is that you are now improving. I guess I am wondering whether your use of minoxidil came up at all in your appointments before you made the connection.

    As for ‘toxins removed from the body’. I really DON’T like to subscribe to that theory. The whole idea that everyone is filled with toxins that you have to do something special to remove is to me totally ludicrous. Oh, I can just imagine how much controversy is going to ensue from that comment. :cheese: And please, if you do comment on the toxins comment, please read it carefully.

    Your body has the ability to get rid of ‘toxins’ through the liver and the kidneys and the digestive tract primarily. What the yoga is good at doing is tuning and fine-tuning your body to function better so that your excretive systems your filtering systems and all the ways that you get rid of your wastes, work better. And yes, your body is healthier as a result. There are many misunderstood ideas disseminated that may not be based on fact or truth. So I invite you to do your own research.

    But I digress. David I am as sure as I can be that the yoga you were practicing helped sustain your good health all this time. And it is entirely possible that whatever reaction you were having to the drug overrode your attempts to counter it. That is just me reading into your words based on your experience, and what I know that practicing the yoga can do. But as you know it can’t fix everything.

    You must be feeling such a sense of relief to be on your way to recovery.

    Dope eh? That is funny really. I want to point something out here. Are you paying close attention?
    >>>>> YOU were the one who worked it out. <<<<<
    In my books that is on the other SIDE of dopey. 😉 I wonder if you could reframe that to be something more supportive so that you can let it go and get back to the business of FULL RECOVERY?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 30

    Gabrielle, you are so kind. I need to stick to the “dope” accusation since I have a full head of hair and I unwittingly turned my good health to bad over a hair product.

    The interesting questions I posed remain. To repeat, is it really possible that the positive affects of the hot yoga neutralized the negative affects of the minoxidil toxins? Indeed, the drug fails to strongly affect many people. But I am sensitive so I am theorizing that a build up poised to give me heart trouble was lessened by the cardiovascular support of the yoga. We agree about the toxin removing aspect–although my pharmacist insists that the drug is contained in the blood and not stored in the fat so I am thinking it could have been partly excreted in the sweat. Then, when I suddenly stopped the yoga but kept up the hair product–the toxic buildup had no counter-balance and I crashed. Everyone agrees that losing the ability to perspire is a rare medical event. Tracing back how it all happened is interesting but now that I know the cause–it matters far less how it actually happened. After the crash, I struggled to recover especially the irregular heart beat and chest pain because I kept putting hair products on my scalp. Now I am finally getting better sleep and feeling a bit better every day.

    I am so desperate to get back to normal again and this heart grumbling had better end. I will get back to hot yoga when I feel I am strong enough.

    Lastly, I now wonder if my inability to improve in my hot yoga practice was partly due to the fact my system was burdened with a toxin?

    Post count: 41

    As for ‘toxins removed from the body’. I really DON’T like to subscribe to that theory. The whole idea that everyone is filled with toxins that you have to do something special to remove is to me totally ludicrous.

    I agree, as you said elsewhere, when did the by-products of normal metabolism become toxins? A good example is the recent article about how taking anti-oxidant supplements can counteract the benefits of exercise.

    Vitamins Found to Curb Exercise Benefits

    As with most things it is all about balance. In the right amounts, reactive oxygen compounds seem to act as a signal our body needs to adapt and improve. I’m a systems engineering type. I think we are often lead astray by too often looking at one thing in isolation [a good scientific and research technique] but then applying it in a hugely interactive system like our bodies without giving much consideration to the larger system or whether we have a clue what all the interdependencies are.

    Take Care,

    Post count: 8

    Upon what basis are you saying the minoxidil caused you health problems and not the yoga or some other cause. Why do you think the drug caused it.

    That product has been on the market for over 20 years. That’s not to say it doesn’t cause heart problems, but this doesn’t seem like the right place to forum to publish such a conclusion. I’m sure millions of men – Bikram practitioners and otherwise – use this product without incident.

    Post count: 30

    Perhaps there are millions of users of minoxidil. I assumed it to be safe and when I asked the pharmacist about it, he asked me if I had high blood pressure and I said no since my blood pressure has always been normal–so I did not even focus on its safety–only its alleged effectiveness. Later, when I took my ‘crash’ story to one doctor and he so quickly said–“sure” it is totally credible–I saw that I had the answer to my medical mystery as soon as the warnings matched up with my symptoms. Bottom line–it is foolish to put a drug directly on an one’s scalp where it can be absorbed so directly. And bottom line–the moment I dropped minoxidil and Kevis–my health immediately improved.

    The medical fact sheet on this drug is very scary and it played right into my weaknesses. It clearly can cause hypertension and causing sleep disruption is sufficient to create a problem alone.

    The timing on my first use of minoxidil and the timing of going to the hospital with heart pain and ringing in the ears matched up very well but I failed to make the connection. Soon after–I began Bikram yoga and it seems that the benefit to my whole system compensated for the bad effects of the drug. When I had to stop the yoga–the toxic affect of the drug built up in my bloodstream and I was a walking time bomb.

    I urge people to search the internet concerning the toxic effect of this substance and the reported negative side affects. I assume that most people in very good shape and with very low sensitivity to chemicals can absorb this in their bloodstream without incident(the active ingredient seems to remain in the bloodstream but other components are absorbed in one’s fat and perhaps elsewhere)and I have also been told that generic knockoffs can have altered chemical compositions that can present differently in one’s body than the drug studied and approved by the FDA.

    Sure, because we are talking about a cosmetic product that no one actually needs for their health–I believe that it should not be available over the counter but through prescription only. My doctor–looking at my full head of hair might have said–forget it–with your sensitivities–“no.” I feel badly for drug companies with a product that can save a life being hassled with detailed reports about every conceivable side affect some person might have–perhaps not even related to the product itself. This is very unfair. By contrast, here is a cosmetic product that will save no lives and will actually potentially ruin lives–given the right set of circumstances. Even at a minimum, if you want to risk harming your sleep patterns which can cause negative side affects–read the warnings that are all over the internet first.

    I freely admit that my experience might be atypical–indeed–I thought I was in deep trouble and I have been out of commission for a few months now. Further, I have become a critic of Kevis–supposedly non-drug but I had a rough experience with it as well–sexual dysfunction, horrible headaches–plus, of course, hair *loss* instead of gain. I respect all businesses and I feel fine making this public and I am fine telling people to be very cautious putting harsh chemicals directly onto the scalp where it is absorbed so immediately.

    There is a clear need to separate what is incidental from what is causal. I believe that I have made that distinction correctly for *my case* and quite obviously–every doctor I have spoken agrees that given the facts of my case–I should not ever use those hair products again. Concerning whether or not I have some kind of personal aversion to the heat–I doubt it. My ability to sweat has returned to what appear to be normal levels and a combination of Chinese herbs and vitamins seem to help.

    If anyone reading this has noticed a decline in health–I would surely recommend temporarily dropping the minoxidil product to see if things change for the better.

    Post count: 2

    Dear all,
    what Minoxidil has done to me is a true tragedy. It has ruined my life and my health.

    I have been searching for Minoxidil related health problems on the internet for a few months. I started using this product approx. 3 years ago on and off and more over the last few months. I read about it in the paper and bought it in the UK, where you can buy it off the shelf. – Because it was a topical solution available without prescription or a pharmacist I did not think it could be so dangerous. I got really ill over the last few months starting in July with a severe reaction in November and all possible symptoms you can imagine. My appearance started to change, I stopped sleeing completely. I took time off work, thinking the symptoms were stress related, but I felt worse every week. I was worried about stress-related hair loss and continued to apply Minoxidil regularly.
    In November I had a complete breakdown. I had extreme pain in my musles and bones. To my horror I noticed, that my body had changed, similar to growth changes. I had blood tests for growth hormone, which were negative. Then I disccovered, that there have been cases, where Minoxidil has induced growth changes in rare cases. I ran from doctor to doctor to get help and support with this condition, but ended up in psychiatric care instead. I could not work, my boyfriend left me, I could not go out.
    Now half a year later, I am still struggling to rebuild my life and deal with my health problems.
    If I had know, this product is highly toxic, I would have never used it.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Thanks Maria

    What an incredible story. What can we do to help you, support you? Wishing you a speedy and easy return to your normal comfortable self!

    Are you practising yoga?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 2

    thanks a lot Gabrielle. Yes, I am practising Yoga. I stopped doing Yoga when I felt ill in November. If I had not stopped, I might not have had such serious symptoms.
    The post by davidf caught my attention as I could not agree more with what he is writing. It would be great to exchange more infomation on this subject.

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