Wedding ring is breaking my concentration

Wedding ring is breaking my concentration2010-11-08T22:31:41+00:00
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  • T.Scott
    Post count: 10

    I sweat profusely and become a slippery soggy mess during yoga. During the Standing Head to Knee pose especially, my concentration is lost when I feel my wedding band starting to slide off my finger. My spouse would have a problem with me removing my ring during yoga class. We go to yoga together but are often separated in the room due to available space so if I did remove my ring I’m sure she would notice and make a huge issue of it. I’m wondering how other people deal with their rings or am I just gripping too hard?


    Post count: 356

    I have a similar prob… have you tried talking to her about it??
    I do have to take mine off

    Robert Scanlon (Webmaster)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 266

    I know Gabrielle has to take hers off (and I don’t mind, but of course, this is a highly personal thing that deserves empathic communication!).

    I actually can’t wear mine – not because of slipping – but because the sweat underneath it and the shower after leaves it damp and eventually the skin just won’t dry out (I sweat profusely too).

    So I’d definitely discuss it – it makes sense to remove it for many reasons.

    Re: Your grip – that would be worth investigating, as once your hand/fingers are strong, they should pretty much hang on with less perceived effort. For standing head to knee for example, trying to interlock the thumbs as well can result in problems all the way up to the shoulders and neck, even the back.

    So if you can post back about your grip and how you are going about that, as well as in poses such as head to knee, what focus you have on relaxing the shoulders away from the neck (this can have a big effect on how you grip) then we can take the conversation further that way too 😉


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Todd

    Check with your beloved. What you have in your head could be just your ‘story’ about what could happen if… It’s probable that she’d be more concerned if you didn’t wear it OUTSIDE of class! 😆 Anyway that is all conjecture.

    I actually LOVE taking my jewelery off before class. I wear the same necklace, ring and earrings all the time and taking them off somehow makes me feel more physically and mentally liberated to reconnect with me with no distractions at all. I don’t feel more or less married with it off in class. What I do enjoy though is practising with my hubby.

    And then I enjoy putting my ring back on again! When I do it’s a kind of love renewal… awwww it’s even a little romantic.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 356

    here here !!! I love that feeling of reconnecting by putting it back on

    Post count: 60

    Well, with continued practice eventually it won’t take as much effort to lift the leg and keep your hands in the grip, and then the ring issue will be resolved. It is a really hard posture in general, and I am sure that most people have certain aspects that distract/limit their progression. I definitely have the “if only I could fix … then the posture would be better” mentality sometimes, but just as soon as one thing resolves another is there to take its place. One of my instructors always says that’s why it is called a “practice,” since you’re learning how to work through these things.

    Post count: 103

    I used to always wear my rings as well, but have gotten so used to taking them off now for class, it is just routine. I leave them home as well!

    Post count: 10

    Thanks for everyone’s input! After attending a few more classes I realize now what is happening. It’s all about the grip or specifically what I am doing wrong with the grip in standing-head-to-knee. All along the instructors have been saying interlace your fingers and include your thumbs with the grip. Well I have been interlacing the thumbs as well as pressing the fingers together up to the webbing, ending up with a cupped hand under the foot which caused me to grip too hard to maintain the posture. As a result the ring starts to slide off the finger and it all goes downhill from there.

    Last night the instructor called out my name and told me to relax my shoulders and lift my chest higher. As I did this I relaxed the grip a little and slid the hands apart a bit so the thumbs were not interlaced but were still under the foot and eliminated the pocket under the foot. I was able to hold there without the ring moving and I was able to drop my elbows below my knees. I nearly got my forehead to the knee as a result.

    So being a little better educated on the proper form for the posture and having corrected my grip and upper body position, hopefully I shouldn’t have any more issues with the wedding band.


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Todd

    That’s great news. If you need more help go to the Standing Head to Knee threads on this forum. There’s the Hot Yoga MasterClass manual too plus a whole 71 minute pose tutorial on it as well. As you have discovered the grip is essential to finesse. In effect you are NOT holding your foot up you are supporting your foot. It’s one of THE classic errors that Bikram yoga students make… It’s wonderful you have tangible improvements in your pose in one single class. Keep us posted!

    Gabrielle 🙂

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