Weight loss and Bikram- What to eat?

Weight loss and Bikram- What to eat?2009-10-24T09:52:42+00:00
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  • bikramnewby
    Post count: 2

    Hi Everyone!

    I am new to Bikram Yoga (and Yoga in general if I am honest). I started out of curiosity and realised that I was starting to lose weight.
    I normally work out 5 times a week (hard) and still find it impossible to lose weight, without starving myself :zip: so this is great!
    I don’t expect that this is the magic thing that solves all and I know that diet comes into play also, so…
    Honestly, what do you guys eat? Cause I am the fat girl in my class :red: – everyone is so slim! (And I’m not actually overweight).
    Is there an eating plan that people who do yoga follow? My instructor told me to “listen to my body” which I haven’t developed the skill to do yet, and am not sure how to go about it?
    I know that fruit and vegetables should (and do) take up most of my food intake- but what else?

    Any advice?

    Post count: 1

    Hi Bikramnewbie…welcome to Bikram’s :coolsmile: . There is no ”eating plan” as such, and its true…listen to your body, it’ll tell you what to eat, no kidding. 🙂 I generally try to have lots of salads, fish and fruits,and a carrot-beetroot juice directly after class is my staple. One thing you absolutely need is coconut water, it replenishes essential nutrients, especially the B vit family that we lose during a vigorous class.

    Like you, I’m aiming for weight loss too :cheese: so I try to cut down on the carbs, and stick to fruits, veggies and fish. NO rice, white bread, NO sugar, (go for honey or molasses or jaggery instead,) also, H2o..drink drink drink…its my personal belief that fat cells melt away and flow out of thge body by means of urine. So water is a must. In general, I follow what I wud for a regular work out plan, only I add lot of liquids to my diet.
    All the best, hope this helped. 🙂

    Post count: 24

    I find that Michael Pollan, author of “In Defense Of Food”, sums it up pretty nicely in just 7 words.

    — Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. —

    And by “food” he means whole, fresh foods rather than processed food products. Might want to have a look at that book (it’s a quick read) as well as his other popular one called “The Omnivore’s Dilemma”.

    Post count: 2

    Thanks both of you, for your reply.

    I am already onto the coconut water and loving it so there’s a step in the right direction. 🙂 I am starving after class but always eat well (protein and or salad/vegies) at that time.
    I heard that all yoga gurus are vegetarians but wasn’t sure.

    As for weaknesses mine is sugar and coffee (though hot Yoga has pretty much cured me of my coffee cravings) – but I still feel like my body is telling me to eat sugar- hence the trouble with listening to it :grrr:
    Having said that, is it really my mind telling me to eat sugar and not my body?

    P.S. Thanks for the 7 word sum up. I like it!

    Post count: 98

    Is there other drink/food to take other than coconut water? Coconut water is quite expensive and I can’t find anywhere that sell it in bulk. I read that an apple is also good for after yoga.

    I remember I was feeling cold all night even after taking a hot shower. I took my first class at 4pm.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Jeffrey

    Regular electrolyte powders or tablets will do. There are simple and cheap varieties available that are very basic, right up to your more complex formulations. You can search on the word “electrolyte” and you will come up with some very recent conversations.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 1

    I like V8 juice or Motts Garden Cocktail after class when i get home. Both are very high in sodium but after class it works good for replacement. Coconut water is way too expensive here. Just eating sensible meals of a balanced diet will replace most everything you lost in class without having to spend money on ‘supplements’.

    All you need to do to lose weight is burn more calories than you take in. It has zero to do with carbs, or fat, or sugar, or refined, or raw. Raw and unrefined will give you better nutrients to be healthier, but for weight loss its simply calories in and calories out. You can lose weight on a diet of white bread covered in chocolate and deep fried as long as you worked out more than the calorie intake 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Thanks Randy

    You are right! I believe that if you can manage your nutrition with food rather than supplements then that is superior to taking powders or tablets. Coconut water is great but I agree, if you aren’t in Thailand or somewhere the coconuts are fresh and you can pop a straw in (and also spend less than a dollar 😉 ) then I am sure there are other choices you can make.

    Taking supplements may be necessary if you have a very regular practice (say 5+ classes per week) and/or if you are showing signs of nutritional lack (tingling extremities and other muscle function or nerve transmission problems, excessive tiredness, other signs of dehydration and so on).

    Gabrielle 🙂

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