What is "traction"?

What is "traction"?2013-01-27T02:26:16+00:00
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  • FaeryWink
    Post count: 4

    Hi Gabrielle, Robert, and hotyogadoctor community!

    Even after doing a search in the Forum for this, I’m still mystified. What is “traction”? Specifically I refer to Rabbit Pose, my nemesis, the pose I hate the most among all poses I’ve ever seen, heard of, or been instructed to do. I read pages 260-265 of my paperback Hot Yoga Master Class to review and attempt again. This morning my rabbit was a little less evil when I allowed some space to remain between my head and knees. Even with the space, when I listen to the teacher tell us to drop our shoulders away from our ears (and is this up toward the ceiling? or towards where the ceiling and back wall meet?) and to straighten our arms, I still end up shifting my shoulders all over the place. It’s so irritating.

    My chin is tucked, I roll carefully forward and pull my heels with a fierce grip, barely any weight on my head, breathing softly with stomach engaged and supporting my rounded back… then, nothing. For 2 years I’ve always thought, “Is this it? Is THIS it?” I’m throwing the stretching feeling up and down my back and shoulders trying to figure it out. I want to know what if feels like to be “maintaining traction in the arms and body.” Is it a stretching of the spine? Engaging muscles in the arms? The balance of pulling on the heels and pushing the hips up at the same time?

    Thank you all for your great questions and answers. Since I found this website I’ve stayed up long past my bedtime just reading and learning from all of your experiences.


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