where EXACTLY am I supposed to be moving my knee???

where EXACTLY am I supposed to be moving my knee???2008-09-16T00:47:36+00:00
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  • andrea
    Post count: 6

    I’m confused.

    I “hear” the words to move my leg down, pulling in my knee-avoiding my ribcage (not sure of the exact wording), but I’m supposed to be feeling it in my hips, and if I’m massaging my colon, wouldn’t there have to be compression at/near my belly??? Can you guide me a little more clearly on this pose?

    Thank you!!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Andrea

    I hear what you are saying. 😉 Surely with a name like Wind Removing pose you should feel more in the abdomen. But believe me the colon is being massaged. A similar technique is used to help babies by maneuvering each leg to the chest and then both legs in. In this pose, you are bringing each leg up and out just enough as if you were aiming for your underarm. Any closer in to the midline and you collide with your ribs (not comfy!) and any further out and you create a little too much hip twist (and at the same time negate the compressive effects).

    One technique that will really help you: consciously ‘release’ your hip. In other words don’t use the muscles you don’t need. You should feel a lot less resistance when you do… and more compression and more hip opening too.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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