Why can't I stand on the cooler side of the room?

Why can't I stand on the cooler side of the room?2011-07-02T23:13:46+00:00
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  • jcfo
    Post count: 7

    I’ve been practicing Bikram (3 X week) for about 6 months. At our studio, one side of the room is cooler. How much cooler? I really don’t know, because I’ve never stood on the hotter side. That’s because, to me, the “cooler” side feels blistering hot. I’m broiling and sweating and simply canNOT imagine being any hotter, but the instructors say we should challenge ourselves and not always stand on the cool side (unless someone is hew, not feeling well, or has an injury). I’m tired of being made to feel like a big baby because I always choose the cooler side. Shouldn’t I be allowed to practice in a way that is challenging to me yet allows me to actually do the poses rather than lie down for half the class (as happened when I tried standing in the middle of the room several times). I’m starting to feel pressure and anxiety because I feel like I SHOULD stand on the hot side, but I’m afraid to, because I just think it will be too hot.

    I’d love some advice or feedback. Would you see this as yet another way to challenge yourself and try the hotter side of the room, or would you stay in your comfort (but still blazing hot) zone?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Julia

    Seems to me that you are happy with your current challenge. Stick with that. You have nobody to answer to but yourself. There is absolutely no need to put yourself in a risky situation.

    Anyway, it’s hard to say what the temperature is. If you really want to know, then either ask the studio to verify it or better still do it yourself. Measure somewhere midway up from the floor. The floor is cooler.

    The temperature really need not be more than about body temperature (there are other considerations that have to do with humidity and combination of heat and humidity) but basically you are there to do yoga. You are not there to put yourself at risk or apply some kind of ridiculous gladiatorial challenge to prove something to somebody. Is it yoga to experience struggle and have to stop because you’re (heat) exhausted? NO! On the one hand you are being encouraged to move to the ‘hotter’ side and I bet that on the other hand you’re being told to ‘listen to your body’.

    Now, if the room didn’t have a ‘hot’ side then moving around is really a very good idea. It helps you stay non-habituated.


    Let it go. Laugh silently to yourself when you hear those utterances. Know that ‘they’re’ not really talking to you. Pretend that you have a shield off which the bad stuff bounces and through which the good stuff passes. Know many people spread nonsense about the heat. You know better. There’s plenty of posts about the heat on this forum! Take a look 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 7


    Thank you so much for your swift response and wise words! This is how I feel (that it’s my practice and I must show myself compassion), but then I feel bad that I’m not living up to the instructors’ goal for their students, which is that they constantly push themselves to be stronger and better — which is something I like, but when it comes to the heat issue, I’m just not onboard. I have a lot of physical issues to deal with, and I feel like that challenge is more or a priority to me than being even hotter.

    Yes, sometimes I feel like there’s a disconnect between the “challenge yourself” and “listen to your body.” It can be a fine line. But I am constantly pushing myself in other ways, so I know I’m not just being a wimp about the heat.

    The instructors do urge students to not “get stuck” in the same place, and I do heed that directive by moving around while staying on the cooler side. I do realize the importance in not standing in the same place every time.

    Anyway, thank you again. I’m new to the forums and have been reading a lot of the posts related to heat as well as the other topics. This is a great site. Thank you!

    Post count: 356

    I always encourage listening to YOU about yourself than someone else LOL but another idea too is that how do you know how hot it feels if you ve never sat there?
    I know in my practice as Ive moves around Ive hit cool spots and hot spots as well as each day is so diff to my body even if then room stays the same!!!! and through this I can tell you that for me the diff (though there) is not HUGE!!
    think about just trying it once …. its not like you re plastered there:lol: if you feel too hot just move (in between poses of course)
    think of it like trying a new food for the first time …… you dont have to eat it if you dont like it but how else would you ever know without tasting it!!!
    just playing both sides

    Post count: 7

    Thanks, fraseram!

    You’re quite right: I have no idea how hot the other side of the room is. I do know there’s a difference, because I’ve heard other students compare the sides. And yes, there are definitely days when I know it’s not the room — it’s me. So, to be fair, I probably should at least give it a shot. (Maybe once summer and all the hot, humid weather is over?!)

    Unfortunately, at our studio, once you’re in a spot, you can’t move, at least not once class has started.

    I appreciate your response and input — thanks again!

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