why wait to kick

why wait to kick2008-10-17T03:20:59+00:00
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  • maupski
    Post count: 3

    why is it so important for the standing leg to be absolutely locked before I kick out? can’t I just work on the kick and getting my knee locked at the same time? I’m sure there’s a good reason beyond practicing patience and humility. thanks.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi maupski

    You may have hit the nail on the head! These balancing poses are about patience and humility especially while you go through the process of building strength and balance. I wonder how much of your issue is about wanting to be somewhere perhaps before you are ready, based on your own judgment about what you SHOULD be doing…

    There is no timetable for your progress. And really the reason why you don’t want to kick out before your other leg is locked is to minimize the possibility of damaging your back, by placing too much strain on it.

    One thing at a time. There is a right and a wrong way to kick out. When you focus on locking the knee and you can do that unconsciously as your well ingrained habit then you have so much more bandwidth or conscious attention to make sure you can extend in total safety.

    As a teacher I can tell you that the most poorly done part of this pose is the actual kicking out bit! I hope that in itself is motivation enough for you. :cheese:

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 3

    thanks for your reply. I lead bikram yoga classes and have been taught to instruct students to make sure their standing leg is fully ‘locked”. many however are pushing ahead probably due to lack of patience and humility… and wanting to explore the fuller expression of the pose
    the reason i asked the question is so that i can give the a better reason, more information on why not to go ahead when they are not yet ready.

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