yoga free vacation

yoga free vacation2010-08-27T15:29:03+00:00
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  • fraseram
    Post count: 356

    Me and and my hubby just got back from a great time off in Punta Cana. We were in a resort and though we went to the gym (which was so hot it FELT like Bikram Class LOL ) we both just flew caution to the wind and rested on the beach and got massages. I have to say I have QUITE enjoyed my time off and am excited about all the inner learning the yoga free time away brought up for me. I am going to class today but am thinking my practice will look very different than before…. who knows whats around the corner?

    Post count: 58

    Yeah, who knows. Maybe you can tell me. I just took a week off, not because it was planned but because of work issues and back to school shopping. I just couldn’t fit it in.

    The longer I am away the more afraid I am to go back. I keep asking myself, “why am I afraid?” Afraid of it being hard and laying in Savasana the whole time? I don’t know. But I gotta get in there I miss it!

    Post count: 356

    My class back was very good and taught me a lot … my body felt different going into each pose than I remembered. it was harder yet easier?????
    let me explain. It was hard because I had not done it a long time and my body was going wow this is new …. yet easier than I remembered because I was FULLY recovered, more bendy and stronger.
    It went by super fast and I had a great time.

    Post count: 58

    That’s great news. I realize today I am really ready to go back. My joints are getting stiffer and I feel more bloated. I crave sugar more than before and I am definitely more stressed about small stuff.
    I am not afraid anymore and think it was a little strange I was. I mean how much worse can it be than my first class?

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Can’t wait for my class tomorrow!

    Post count: 29

    I too have been on vacation and am feeling the same thing, afraid to go. I was going to go this morning and find myself making excuses. What does this to us?

    Post count: 29

    I did it, I just took a deep breath and got ready and went. When I got there a man from the previous class said how hard it was after he had been gone for 2 weeks, I said oh that is me I am afraid of how challenging it will be. The instructor said to clear my mind and go in then it will fall into place.

    I had forgotten how haot it was, I was afraid I hadn’t drank enough water…..when I layed down the thoughts started flowing…so I took a breath and relaxed. It was hard but I was able to do a lot, I did have to lay down but when I was doing a pose I pushed myself. It was a good workout.

    I am really tired and a little sore, I can feel the detoxifying effects also. I am ready to go back tomorrow.

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