Yoga Journey started with Bikram, now trying Moksha

Yoga Journey started with Bikram, now trying Moksha2012-04-11T08:02:27+00:00
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  • wladmin99
    Post count: 14

    Hi there,

    I am wondering what if any opinions there are out there about Moksha Hot Yoga.

    I had never previously tried any form of yoga, until purchasing an Internet offer for a month unlimited at a local Bikram chain.
    I went for about 4 months, i would say 3-5 times a week. Although the hot room still seems HOT and challenging on certain days, and at certain points…. I got thru every session without having to leave…. Okay i left once, but it was a needed toilet-break, serves me right for getting to class with no lead time….. But I digress…

    I recently tried Moksha yoga, and find it to be like The Kinder Gentler cousin of Bikram….

    So far the instructors are a liitle more soothing…. Lighting is less bright, room is slightly less hot or humid ….. Or both. I still have a dripping wet towel by the end, but it just seems more bearable…..

    Moksha offers variations. Even in Std Moksha90 min, From class toclass, even with same instructor…. Different instructors might have a completely different style again… And they also have shorter classes, and flows and doing an awful lot of Downward Dog

    Just wondering what other people have experienced and found in the “Hot Yoga” world – particularly between Bikram and Moksha.

    Thanks for sharing!!

    Tks for sharing….

    Post count: 78

    Hello Wayne,

    This is an interesting subject indeed!

    I have tried many different styles of hot yoga and I personally don’t have a strong preference, I enjoy them all! I love to change up my yoga classes a bit, I enjoy doing an awful lot of Downward dogs as you said 🙂 whether it’s ‘hot’ or not.

    I think a lot of people consciously or unconsciously agree with the ‘no pain, no gain’ notion. I don’t. I prefer to say: ‘no challenge, no change’. So when it comes to hot yoga some may think that the hotter the room is, the most benefits one gets from a class, which isn’t true. A non heated yoga class can be just as beneficial as a hot one.

    Some love to practise the same 26 poses everyday, some need a bit more variety than that. I personally just love yoga! and that can be power, vinyasa, bikram, yin or moksha. I’ll always find a way to challenge myself. 😉 One of my main motivations is remaining curious and discovering new things, inside and outside of the studio.

    At the end of the day, practising yoga IS good for you and you will find the one that suits you most. So preferring Moksha to the Bikram series is absolutely fine. Have you tried other styles of Yoga?



    Post count: 14

    Hi Andrea,

    Thanks for your reply…

    I have only ever done Bikram, pretty regularly for about 4 months.

    At my first Moksha class, the way they chain things together, and the many Downward Dogs and the planks, and the Ab work, were new to me… A little disorienting, and quite challenging. I realize that my upper body and abs needed some work.

    Now, after my first week, i am a little more used to some of the different postures, etc…. Although every class is still different….. Which i LIKE.

    So…… I have taken the plunge, and decided to sign-up for a 30 Day Challenge at Moksha….. I figure by the end of that, i will know if i like it.

    I think the variations (Flow classes, Power, Yin Yang) will make for some interesting variety…..

    I will then decide where my journey will take me….. Back to Bikram…. To see how i feel about the delivery and the consistency, etc…. Or stick with Moksha…… Or Perhaps Try another style, … Unheated, etc……. Who knows…..

    I do think i will complement my Yoga practice with some other stuff which has some resistance …. TRX bodyweight suspension and / or TRX Rip….. 50 is around the corner, and i want to be in better shape than when i was 30!!

    Post count: 78

    That sounds great Wayne! It seems to me, that if you carry on with such enthusiasm, you’ll achieve your goal in no time ! 😉

    I think it’s a very good idea to combine different types of physical activities. The human body is such a beautiful and complex instrument, it really appreciates being moved in different ways. Different styles of yoga will make muscles work in a different way, which I absolutely love.

    At the same time, I do see the beauty of practising the same series of poses. That way you can really measure your own development. It’s also a great way to challenge your mind, by having to put aside all your expectations and anticipations.

    Keep sampling Wayne and definitely keep us posted about your journey and experience!

    All the best!



    Post count: 4

    Hi Wayne!
    I’ve tried both and much prefer Moksha to Bikram, personally. The heat and duration of Bikram push me into heat exhaustion with signs like nausea, cold sweat, dizziness and cessation of sweating (particularly unsafe!) Moksha on the other hand, I can work very hard in the heat without the same issues.

    I’ve also found Moksha instructors more likely to encourage use of props and modifications to work within your abilities instead of pushing past your limits. I tend to overdo it and push into injury, so I need the reminders to tune in.

    (Currently on the downside of a 30day challenge, holy crap I’m tired.)

    Post count: 14

    Hi Erica,

    Tks for reading and posting….

    I haven’t been back to Bikram yet……. I think i will go back and try it just to see, but maybe only after summer has passed….. I too found it hot and hard to bear….. Always counting the poses to see where we were in the sequence.

    Definitley loving the various Moksha offerings…. Did my first Moksha with music class today…….

    Did a 90min Yin class last week all stretching, and holding of various poses……

    Enough variety, To always keep it fresh …. And the best thing is, here in Montreal, i am lucky enough to have a Moksha studio BOTH near home and near my work, and my membership is food at either!!!

    Post count: 4

    I find I have to be more careful with Yin than the regular classes. I tend to stretch too aggressively and for too long in Yin trying to open up my hips and torque my (already problematic) knees in the process. Hope you are surviving your classes during the recent Montreal heat waves!

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