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  • Dcarter23103
    Post count: 11
    in reply to: Body aches? #7680

    Hi Gabrielle,

    I’m going to be ordering the Master Class book and DVDs for sure. I will also look at the blog entries as well. Will be going to my first Bikram class since hurting my back on Wednesday.



    Post count: 11
    in reply to: Body aches? #7656


    Now that I’m feeling much better, I’ve attended one Vinyasa Flow class (this past week) and will be going back to my regular Bikram classes as well this week. At this point, I’m pretty paranoid about hurting my lower back again. Not that I think the yoga caused it (because I’ve had this problem before when I wasn’t doing yoga) but I want to minimize any negative impact that the poses could have on my lower back.

    When I’m honest with myself, I realize that right now I have NO lower back pain (for about the past week) but I also haven’t been doing any Bikram yoga. Since I’ve been doing Bikram regularly (since March), I realize that I’ve been going around in a constant state of lower back pain (muscular), even though it’s just a little pain. I would wake up every morning with a painful lower back. The first time I had this pain, I was in physical therapy for 2 months where I learned how to activate my core muscles and I eventually did it as a reflex. Now I’m thinking that I’m the cause of the lower back pain because I may be doing Bikram “wrong” where my lower back muscles are concerned. My Bikram instructors just say, “Get back to class! This yoga is the best thing to do for your back!” OK, I believe that but they do not have the knowledge to tell me in which poses I need to protect my back. Before I had the problem (this time), I could get into the back bending poses pretty easily .

    So here’s my question—can you tell me which poses are potentially putting my lower back muscles more “at risk?” Are there any poses that I should completely avoid (I already avoid doing a straight-legged situp)? I don’t want to stop going to Bikram, because I do believe that is beneficial (and the doctors I’ve spoken with also agree with me).


    Post count: 11
    in reply to: Body aches? #7602


    I definitely agree as far as it being a core issue. I do know how to turn on the core muscles and not only consciously do that during class but also in my day to day life outside of the yoga studio. I’ve actually made a lot of progress in that area and work on the exercises, almost every day, that the physical therapist showed me. Apparently, though, I have a way to go!

    I agree that the bedrest does nothing to address the root cause—it’s more that my lower back is so painful that I can hardly move and it needs to recover. I hope to be back to normal activites, it not yoga class, within the next few days.

    Thanks for this forum!!!


    Post count: 11
    in reply to: Body aches? #7600

    Hi again Gabrielle,

    I went to the doctor Friday and he characterized the problem as “lower back syndrome” and said that 90% of people who have it once will get it again (I had it last fall for the first time). He prescribed bedrest for the weekend as well as muscle relaxers and prescription pain medication. He also said that I”m doing exactly the right thing by doing yoga and that this “attack” may not have been as bad as the first one because I am so active and doing yoga. As for what caused it, it could be anything—doing laundry, picking up something from the floor…who knows? It looks like I’m out of yoga for at least a week but I’ll be back once I can move without pain.

    Onward and upward!

    Post count: 11
    in reply to: Body aches? #7588

    Hi Gabrielle,

    Most of my achiness is in my back, either lower back or up through the muscles between my shoulder blades (it’s not so much that that area hurts as it is tight and uncomfortable).

    This morning, my lower back really hurts and is so tight. Lately, this happens when I first wake up in the morning and it takes awhile for those muscles to loosen. Today is a “bad day” for my lower back.

    The first time I had an issue with my lower back was last November. The muscles tightened so much and I was in such pain that I ended up in urgent care and was given a shot of a muscle relaxant and a pain killer. I then saw an orthopedic surgeon who said I have no issues with my spine/discs but rather have core issues. He prescribed 2 months of physical therapy, which seemed to work well. After physical therapy was over, I started doing Bikram. All along I’ve been working on my core muscles (and doesn’t this yoga help that as well?) and my back felt really good but lately I just feel so sore.

    Before each class, many of the students lie in savasana but I don’t do that because I feel discomfort in my back. Instead, I focus on stretching and a few non-bikram yoga poses to open up my hips (a problematic area for me that has gotten better). By the time we get to Standing Bow Pulling pose, I”m pretty warmed up. I will say that I do push it in Half Moon (all directions), as that pose seems fairly easy for me (I’ve never been told my form is wrong but that doesn’t mean it isn’t) and realize that maybe it’s a case of “just because I can, doesn’t mean I should.” Also, when it’s time to do the sit up, I roll to the side to protect my lower back. I am also able to do the full expression of Camel (beginner’s version, not the advanced).

    Now that I’m thinking of it, I haven’t been to class since Monday (it’s now Thursday) and am wondering if that’s why my back hurts so much today. I don’t know…I’m so confused about this!

    Anyway, thanks for any advice you can give me. I’m pretty frustrated and was hoping that this yoga would be the answer to my fairly recent back issues.


    Post count: 11
    in reply to: Body aches? #7577

    Anyone? Is it normal to ache the day after a Bikram class if one has been doing it for 6 months?


    Post count: 11

    Hi Gabrielle,

    Yes, my bust definitely does get in the way!

    I just got back from class and I tried a couple of things tonight. First in the forward bend after Half Moon (I can’t remember the name of the pose), I tried to really watch what I was doing when trying to stand on my fingers, near my heels. The dialog says something like, ‘bend you knees and put your pinky fingers together under your heels, don’t lose the grip” or something like that. When I bent my knees, my knees went out to the side (and I tried to keep them straight and there was no way) and my feet twisted so my heels came in towards the center and the toes went out to the sides. It really puts me “off balance” until I can get my hands underneath (with elbows out to the sides instead of behind the calves). Then in the standing separately leg, instead of taking a big step (like the dialog says), I took a less wide step and was able to slide my hands down my calves and touch the floor right behind my heels, but couldn’t actually step on my fingers.

    Hope that helps!


    Post count: 11

    Sorry, I just saw that your “name” is actually Fraseram! LOL

    Post count: 11

    Yoga Guru,

    That may be it and I am working on that. I know that I have just recently been able to get my “sitbones” on the floor in Fixed Firm. I seem to be pretty far from being able to lay back flat on the floor. This whole thing with the putting my fingers under the backs of my heels is really frustrating!


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