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  • Lisetica
    Post count: 6

    Thanks Barb!

    To the Newbie, keep trying! It’s been 6 months for me and I am just getting to get my head to my knees. It does happen!

    Good luck!

    Post count: 6

    Thanks for writing and for your suggestion, Ali! I was starting to feel lonely in this topic. I do have to say that it is very to me that I feel mysteriously (good) different. Meaning, I believe find myself noticing that have more patience, that I am happier, I handle things in a calmer way… It’s just one of those things that you wonder, “how can this be happening?”. I obviously have not been a very “positive” person but at least I am learning to recognize that. I will embrace what I feel instead of thinking that I am NUTS, especially when I tell others, i.e. MY FAMILY. They are so judgmental. Anyhow, yes, I do see many benefits that have been all coming out little by little. I even had problems skin problems (Malesma and Seborrhea) which stared to come out and are now under control. I need to put the “weight” thing behind me and maybe once I do that, I will just happen.

    Thanks again!

    Post count: 6


    I think that you are very fortunate as well as most of the persons writing in this thread and I congratulate you. I, on the other hand, have not been so fortunate and I can’t help to wonder, why? I have been athletic since my early twenty’s and I am now 38, nonetheless, I have always had a problem with keeping weight off. I used to weight train and do half our to an hour of cardio 3 to 5 time a week. After my mid thirties I gained an 10 additional pounds that just don’t come off. I started hot yoga in May and try to go 3 to 4 times a week, sometimes, 5. So far, I can say that a mayor improvement for me has been the internal peace that I now feel. I feel more relaxed about certain things. Can’t explain it… I suppose this is a mayor one but I still struggle with sleep, which is very important, pain in my left ankle and of course the extra weight. I have big thighs but they are strong and toned so this does not bother me to much. I am pear shaped so my upper body is fairly okay too. My biggest challenges are the “Kangaroo Pouch” a.k.a the lower part of my abs and wide hips. I don’t binge or over eat most of the time. I have breakfast, 2 snacks and dinner. I try to stay away from the “white food” but do eat it once in a while. I drink wine almost daily but have cut down on that too since practicing hot yoga, especially on the days that I go to class. I have gotten tested for thyroid and my doctor tells me that I am genetically pronged to be a “think” girl. I don’t want to get discouraged but with so many success stories, it’s hard not to wonder what is happening to me.

    After reading my post, I do realize that I sound a lot like a “victim” but I hope that everyone can understand and know that my cry is more for encouragement. Has it taken anyone out there longer than 4 months to see significant physical changes?

    Thank you for reading my post. Your input it appreciated! :red:

    Post count: 6

    Hello everyone!

    I come to this topic because this is my best pose and I am still surprised about it. I don’t know what it is, but it is very easy for me. To the point that I can’t wait to get to it. Mind you, I can’t do tree pose no matter how hard I try. I do have very big thighs but still, I see men that do it. I just don’t get it???

    Post count: 6
    in reply to: Rosacea #5470

    Hi Gabrielle,

    Thanks for your feedback!

    It’s funny that say “when I look at myself in the mirror at yoga” because although I try to find a spot where I can see myself, I am never too very close to the mirror. It’s not that “I don’t like to look at myself”, as I have heard others say. I just like to be closer to the door which gets opened once in a while. Coincidently in the last two practices, I have stood very close to the mirror and besides it being hotter since I am not close to the door, I love seeing myself and the way I do the poses. When I think about your question, I do think of a ton of things I am angry at myself about, but I do not think about them when I am there. I do see that my belly is bigger than other student’s belly and that it gets in the way of many poses, but I let it go and affirm that one day it will not be there. I have to admit that I did get imotional writing that so :red: , so I am not sure what is going on, but there is something there. I will keep this in mind and keep affirming positive things because you could be right on target.

    Regarding the Seborrehic Dermatitis, yes it was a definite diagnose. Actually, I just got off the phone with my dermatologist who said that this is a normal yeast growth that gets agrevated with heat and that my hormones do not have to do with it. I am confused >:( She says that it’s a pretty stubborn thing to control so I guess it will be there for ever if it means I have to quit hot yoga! :shut:

    Malesma is hormonal and also runs in my family. I got my hormones tested about two years ago due to “fertility” treatments I thought I needed but all was well. I am going to test myself again so we’ll see.

    In the meantime, I will definitely keep doing the mental work and see what happens. I think hot yoga is magical for my soul so there is no way it can not eventually reflect in my physical body. 🙂

    Again – thanks for your much appreciated input!


    Post count: 6
    in reply to: Rosacea #5467

    Hello everyone! My post is a bit related so I figured I would put it here. I am sorry that it is a bit long…

    I have been practicing Bikram Yoga for about three months. I started very slow (once a week) because I had to let time pass to get over the fear of the heat. The poses are not a breeze either, especially since I also weight train and had very tight shoulders and hamstrings. Anyhow, I increased my practice to two times a week, then three and just this last week I completed five days. I have not stepped on the scale for about two weeks but I have noticed that my arms are thinner. The rest, especially the mid section, is still somewhat the same :-(. I don’t have the best diet but, but I don’t have the worse either. I do have to say that the “cravings” for food (my favorite: wine and salty things) have gone away. I even find myself asking myself, if I want to eat something only to realize that I don’t! So all of that was just a little pre information before I go to the “real” issue that I have with Bikram (hot) yoga and the fact that I don’t find related posts. Although I do agree that this yoga is addictive, I have a love hate relationship with it. It’s dreadful when I am in that room and heaven once it’s over. The physical feeling certainly is AMAZING once you are done. My problem with it is my FACE/skin. I am one of those unfortunate women who has Malesma (brown spots in the face/pregnancy mask) which is usually common on “pregnant” women due to their hormones. These spots worsen with sun exposure or heat and here is where this yoga comes in. So after finally getting a cream called Tri-Luma which worked very well, I started doing this yoga and I am back to square one. My face looks horrible!. I am 38 and look 30 but the spots are dreadful and are starting to really age me. To make things worse, I have recently inherited Seborrheic Dermatitis which is another nasty skin condition, which is also flared up by “heat”. Any thoughts besides telling me to stay away from the “heat” and this type of class? I really like it and I am insanely hoping that this is all just a form of detox.

    Thank you,

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