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  • brandostile
    Post count: 4
    in reply to: Headaches #8719

    I also have taken the Himaylan salts too….I’ll try that again.

    Post count: 4
    in reply to: Headaches #8718

    I sweat but my towel is not drenched. I taste the salt from my sweat. I still think that the room is toooooo hot for me and my body can’t take it any longer. My husband thinks my brain is on fire and he wants me to stop altogether. I asked about the room temp and it is between 105-107 and humid, depending on the number of people in the room. I don’t think it is Rabbit either. So, I’ve stumped everyone. I will go to class again tomorrow and if I come out with another headache I think I will call it quits for Hot Bikram Yoga…whaaaaaa very strange indeed. Maybe I’ll try the CORE Yoga? depressed.

    Thanks for all your help with this issue….still not sure what is wrong with me!


    Post count: 4
    in reply to: Headaches #8685

    I drink about 2-4 liters of water during the day before class. I think the rooms is much hotter than the 105 limit….along with humidity. I was drinking Gatorade during class then I stopped and started the Lava Salts, which I thought helped. I went again today making sure I had at least 2 Liters last night and 1 liter before class and took a Gatorade with 1 Lava Salt and had a great class. Again, 2 hours later got a small headache. Finally I took an 800mg Motrin because I was afraid to get another Migraine! UG. Maybe I should drink more Gatorade? My yoga teacher is stumped too! He thinks it might be the Rabbit pose-I barely did the pose. Not sure what is next to help….

    Post count: 4
    in reply to: Headaches #8671

    I’ve been going to Bikram Yoga for almost a year. I had started with 20 days in a row. I am down to 3 days a week. I’ve lost 10 pounds and my varicose veins are diminishing, my patience is improving and I am a new person! I feel great. However, the past 3 weeks I’ve been suffering migraines after my classes. I am drinking at least 2 Liters before class and also take “Lava Salts” which are electolytes. I took 2 before my last class and 1 after class and still had a horrible migraine that lasted 3-4 hours. I’m not sure what is going on with me. I love reading everyone else’s post about this and I will try the EmergenC next. Any other recommendations? I have also stopped doing “Rabbit” as I thought that was the problem, not anymore…..HELP! I am ready to stop Bikram altogether as my mind is getting the better of me. I’m afraid to go to the next class….yikes…

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