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  • carolynplum
    Post count: 4

    Thank you for this simple but effective suggestion! What a difference! Not having to crawl up and down my mat has made my knees very happy!

    Post count: 4

    Hi Gabrielle!

    Thanks for your great response.

    I too believe that sitting around after an injury is not the greatest idea- I like to move and keep the blood flowing. And I truly believe in the restorative nature of yoga. My knee has been in a lot of pain- more pain that I initially realized. After a few days of not doing anything I came down off of my Bikram high and saw that there was no position I could be in without pain in my knee. Lying down, sitting, leg up, walking- it was all the same or worse. So I have been resting, with the brace, and slooooooowly my knee has begun to calm down. I don’t have a tear, but rather a bad inflammation of the patella femoral area. I see the doctor in two weeks and he will reasses the situation then.

    I do have tracking issues (I am learning) from an old hip injury and an old ligament injury in my ankle, in the same leg. I have been doing a lot of alignment work through muscle manipulation (deep tissue work with a sports chiropractor) and specific exercises for my patella. It has helped tremendously!

    I realize that I probably need some kind of more individualized yoga practice before I return to Bikram. The classes in New York are large and very fast and there is little chance for the teacher to watch all of us. When I return to yoga (hopefully sooooon!) I will probably take some therapeutic yoga classes and also try some other types of yoga to see how they “fit” my body. I looooove Bikram but I am concerned about the fast pace. I love to push my body beyond its capabilities and I might be getting too old to do that. lol (I am 37). I am also considering taking some private Bikram sessions so that when I do go back I will be safe with my body. Right now I am taking it day by day. (This injury has given me time to watch all your videos! They are fantastic and so helpful!)

    I think I “drank the Bikram cool aid” and I am sad that I got injured. I wish someone had told me that as a beginner I should just take it easy. It is so tempting to listen to everything the teacher says and push beyond where you think you can go. I still love Bikram but now I know I need to work with it to fit my body, rather than forcing my body to fit with Bikram.

    Any further thoughts on what I can do for my body/knee in returning would be greatly appreciated.
    All the best! Namaste!

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