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  • heidilou
    Post count: 3
    in reply to: locust #7882

    I am the one who calls my arms odd…with my arms up they are not straight either. Fortunately for my yoga, but not so great for my husband (kidding) I am not large breasted, 5’7” 120ish, large boned, mild lumbar scoliosis (which yoga helps) I was just trying the pose so I could describe it…the problem starts with getting the arms midline…when standing attempting the same arm position for locust, elbows facing belly etc…my forarms and hands come forward, which doesn’t hurt while you are standing, but while lying on them feels like they are hyperextended (which they are not)and the triceps feel like they will break…In the actually pose, inaddition to the elbow disomfort, my outer upper arms at the shoulder feel very strained (and this is before I even try to lift my legs!
    The reason I think it is shoulders: lying on stomach with head to one side, my shoulders do not touch the floor (which I never thought odd until my first yoga class)
    The manual is so helpful too! I really appreciate your input. I can always take my picture doing locust and download it!

    Post count: 3
    in reply to: locust #7880

    OK regarding locust…my arms will not completely straighten so when i am on my belly with my plams down and under my hips, my elbow joints really hurt even though my shoulders do rest on the floor…I have a orthopedic massage person that has told me that my chest muscles are short (which my contribute to my odd arms. While on my back with arms by my side, my wrists must bend in order to lay my arms down 🙁 weird I know.
    Anyway it has gotten better over the last 8 years but will likely need lots more work…
    Thanks for your help.

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