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  • jacquie
    Post count: 23

    that is what I was saying to my friend that came to the seminar with me. I just disregard the crazy stuff, have a laugh etc, but you can’t argue with the results, the way you feel after class… & that’s what keeps you coming back to the torture chamber for more !

    Post count: 23

    Yeah definitely. I feel so motivated at the moment. He has some wierd ideas (like the no food is the best food one :-)) but despite that, the day was such a great experience & I am so glad I got to attend.

    Post count: 23

    I think it’s a matter of luck. You can be lucky and be in the same spot as a not very smelly person was the class before, (or a few classes prior) or not so lucky… Sometimes I am not bothered by the smells, but other times, particularly when face down for the second half of the class, it is overwhelming & I am sure I am lying in a pool of someone else’s sweat. (Well, of course I am, but I think about it more if I decide it’s a bit on the nose…) If a class has just finished you know there is going to be a lot of sweat floating around. then again, maybe it’s the old sweat that smells more. Maybe it’s just another distraction from what we should be focusing on. It would be interesting to know how often the carpets get cleaned… I know that whenever I describe Bikram yoga to friends, they are always particularly interested in the smell factor. Love to hear what others think. Namaste

    Post count: 23
    in reply to: pain during stretch #3151

    Thank you so much for your, as always, detailed response. I will definitely reread the article you mentioned. Should I still be focusing on getting my forehead to the floor, or is that not so important ? I don’t know how you find the time or energy to deal with all these questions, but I am so grateful & appreciative that you do 🙂


    Post count: 23

    Hi Jill. I often have the same problem. Strange how sometimes it’s an issue & sometimes not… We are told to push the outer edge of the foot (of the straight leg) into the floor…. Am sure it takes a while to develop inner thigh strength – I have only been practicing a few months but am still waiting 🙂 My understanding is that triangle is supposed to be the hardest pose, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Am sure someone more qualified will post to help you out…

    Post count: 23
    in reply to: pain during stretch #3147

    Hi guys. Thanks to Gabrielle & Robert for your responses. I have read the article you mentioned & have tried to implement what you suggest, but think I have not done it correctly given that I have injured myself. To answer your question Gabrielle, I don’t recall the straightening of the back ever being mentioned in the dialogue in our studio. I had read it in your article so was aware of it, but from memory we are told to pull, straighten the legs & touch the forehead to the floor (not necessarily in that order). Even when I was touching the floor with what I thought was straight legs, I was once told to “put my brain in my legs” so since then have tried even harder to keep my legs straight. Having said that, one instructor has warned us NOT to pull like a maniac, to lift the sit bones etc. Interestingly the day I first hurt my hamstring was the first time I heard an instructor say not to pull like a maniac. Funny how you hear things but don’t really hear them… 🙁

    Robert, thanks for sharing your experience. It definitely makes me feel better & sheds some light on what I might be doing wrong. I wish I could say my ego is not part of the problem :-/ As I was able to touch my forehead to the floor a couple of weeks after starting to practice, I EXPECT to be able to do so each time I come & maybe pulled too hard on a day when, for whatever reason, my body was not willing to do so. I too had that snapping feeling last Sunday. Funnily enough I was trying to follow what I understood to be Gabrielle’s directions in the hamstring article. I had my forehead to the floor &, while waiting for the magic “change” word, was pulling & straightening legs which felt quite straight already. Then ouch !

    When I went to class on Wednesday (after hurting myself on Sunday but felt better during normal non-yoga activity on Mon-Tues), I tried to concentrate on straightening my back & kept my legs bent. To be honest, I didn’t know what to do with myself without straight legs. I encountered significant pain & was unable to do anything…

    I am planning to rest until Sunday & try again. If you could explain how I should work on straightening my back without over stretching my hamstring, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the great responses. Love your site ! 🙂


    Post count: 23
    in reply to: pain during stretch #3138

    can anyone help me with this problem (above). i went to class again today & the same thing happened. my hamstring had felt better during normal use the last couple of days, but was v sore during class. i tried to do the class & just take it easy with any postures that hurt my hamstring. i iced it after class. wondering whether i should stay away from class til it’s all better, or if the yoga will help.

    Post count: 23

    Thanks for your response Robert. I will make a point of seeing if I can get my ear even more on the floor. Love this site & really appreciate all the work you & Gabrielle put into it. Namaste

    Post count: 23
    in reply to: set up for Savasana #2984

    As with all aspects of my Bikram practice, I find my ability to be still (mind & body) very variable. One thing that often bothers me is the sensation of sweat trickling down my scalp as I lie on my back. Sometimes I am trying so hard not to scratch it & probably using so much energy in resisting it, that I think I may as well. I think it might depend on how tired you are. In between the more difficult postures for me, when my heart is beating really fast etc, I think I am more able to be still. Today, after almost a week of not practising because of being away for Easter etc, I actually found more stillness that I often do. I put it down to needing it more, which I definitely did, but maybe there is another explanation. Anyway, hope this helps. Namaste. Jacquie

    Post count: 23

    Further to my mail, I have noticed some of my right fingers have been quite sore. I wonder if it has anything to do with this pose ?

    Post count: 23

    Hi there. I noticed that I was, without meaning to, using cupped hands. As we have been instructed not to, I have tried to make my hands flat. I find this pose very variable. Over the past 7 weeks of practice I have noticed a good improvement in my leg height, but I never really know when I am going to be able to lift high. Sometimes I just feel my legs lifting & lifting & other times it just doesn’t happen. A few days ago I found myself lifting my elbow off the floor & sort of lifting myself with that. Not good I would imagine. Hope this helps. Jacquie

    Post count: 23

    Thanks for another very helpful response. I did mean heels. It is good to know it’s normal, so will just listen to my body & take it easy, as per your instructions. I notice my back feels more balanced after rabbit, which I guess makes sense. With all the bending forwards & backwards I guess it’s only to be expected that I often have a dull ache in my back for a while (sometimes a day) after class ? Thanks again.

    Post count: 23
    in reply to: just can't hold on #2927

    Had a go at this during the mini class & it seems part of the problem (in addition to not having strong hands) may be that my legs are not very strong. I don’t seem to be creating much of a backbend when kicking out & my foot is close to my back. Same in floor bow. Is that also just a matter of practice ? It’s such a beautiful posture when others do it – I would particularly love to make some progress with this one. Thanks for all the advice. I have plenty to work on. Jacquie

    Post count: 23
    in reply to: alignment problems #2926

    Hi again. It was only a mini class today so I could only experiment with the one set, but I think my alignment was better. It felt a bit odd, putting the weight back & trying to do all the other stuff, but I do think the adjustments you suggested have put me on the right track. A full class tomorrow will confirm… Thanks so much for all your help. I am now keen to experiment with it, rather than dreading it, as I was. Not great to be dreading the first posture ! Namaste Jacquie :-S

    Post count: 23
    in reply to: alignment problems #2919

    Thanks Gabrielle for such a detailed response. It definitely warrants reading through a few times 🙂
    Re my arms, I start off ok, (ie. they start off behind my ears) but after a little time stretching to the side, the arm which is the same as the side to which we are stretching starts to bend at the elbow. It is partly because my arms get tired I think. I definitely don’t feel any back bend going on. I think maybe the leaning into the toes is the problem, as u suggest. I don’t do too much with bringing my shoulders down, as I am constantly try to adjust the alignment of the shoulders & I can see I am not succeeding. I will probably do a mini class today so I will try the adjustments you recommend & report back what is going on. I should mention that I have a very long torso – maybe that is related. Thanks so much for all that you put into your responses.

    Post count: 23
    in reply to: just can't hold on #2913

    What a response ! Thanks so much. Lots of food for thought. Years ago when I was practising at a different studio, lots of people used hand towels for this pose. I will resist the temptation to do so & be patient. Thanks very much.

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