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  • mjok
    Post count: 1

    Has the Hot Yoga Doctor spoken to an actual doctor to come up with her observations about children practicing yoga in a hot room?

    this article is from Yoga Journal and it has a quotation from a pediatrician…

    Dr. Alanna Levine says
    “I do not recommend that young children participate in Bikram yoga. Children handle high temperatures differently than adults. They have a higher surface-area-to-mass ratio, which means they absorb heat more than adults do. They also have a smaller blood volume, which makes it harder for them to dissipate the heat. Lastly, they have a slower rate of sweat production than adults, and sweating is a mechanism to cool us off. Children are not ‘mini adults’ — and should not be treated as such.”

    now doesn’t that make more sense than a bunch of mumbo jumbo about sweat glands and “everybody sweats”. Doing yoga in a room with added heat and humidity is VERY different from playing soccer or doing gymnastics…

    don’t get me wrong i love the hot yoga practice and i teach yoga in my community but it has to be understood that it is a very intense practice and is not for everyone.

    we each of us have a responsibility to keep our community safe and functional… do your research and check your sources… don’t listen to someone just cos their username has the word “doctor” in it.

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