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  • saynotohate1955
    Post count: 6

    Springtime just brought me out of my shortetirement…..
    Since religion is the elephant in the room,why not at least think of removing it and see if it’s true that our world would be as messed up without it being there…….Every bad behavior of humans can be excused away or justified by religious teachings……Child abuse,,,,spousal abuse,,,,,enslavement of others,,,,,,racial superiority…..murder,,,,,torture…..;The list goes on and on.I ,personally finds it very difficult to find peace and quiet in the middle of all these wars and massacres being waged by our government under our names….I am new here so,if there are any rules against discussing politics and religion,please advise me so i can act accordingly….
    By the way,who am I exchanging with and where do you guys practice yoga at ?

    Post count: 6

    Do I sense a bit of frustration Feia?No need to bow out at the moment that you are at your best…At the risk of sounding sexist,I must admit that your feminity was about to win me over…(isn’t the way women win most arguments)…..I truly appreciate your input and ,I’ll bow out also and allow someone else to start a new thread.

    Post count: 6

    Therein lies the problem Freia,
    As long as one finds peace and happiness for one’s self,the rest of the world can go straight to hell.(I know that’s not what you said)…..What does it mean to have learned anything meaningful if not to put it to good use for humanity?….I am no more passing judgment over religion than anyone of us who would want to see the man who robbed him or her sent to jail..There is a difference between passing judgment and seeking the truth…..
    Thanks for responding and Namaste,

    Post count: 6

    That feeling of urgency that most of us felt during the last presidential campaign was not something imaginary….It was real back then and is stil real today..The change we felt we needed had a lot to do with getting closer to the truth that lies inside each and everyone of us..We are a people who have learned that it is much nobler to embrace a lie over the truth….For that reason and that reason only,we are on a collision course with what may become our doomsday….If students of the Yogi philosophy are too scared to call a lie a lie when necessary,what sense does it make to claim to be of a different mindset?…I am very disappointed in those of us who are willing to give a free pass to the professional liars and con artists of the religious world..Yoga is about truth and honesty..The practice teaches one to strive to reach the highest point of spiritual connection between one’s self and the rest of the world.Religion on the other hand,uses books full of fairy tales,lies,deceits and false promises to trick us into being confused and crazy peoples….I like to tell people that I have never seen a group of Atheists put on uniforms and armed themselves to the teeth to go kill another group of Atheists…..Religious freaks(I am being mean on purpose)on the other hand,have been killing each other and destroying this beautiful earth ever since one cares to remember..Hell,the bible even calls for the destruction of the planet in order for there to exist a more peaceful life.If such a book was written by a Muslim,I am sure it would be referred to as a terrorist manual calling for the destruction of America…It is my opinion that those of us who are searching for that inner place of strength and courage will never find it until we find the courage to stand up against liars and manipulators,no matter where they come from or what they call themselves….Unless we are willing to do that,we should stop talking about Yoga as a different set of ideas and only think of it just as another form of sweating activity….
    Thank you for giving me chance to share my ideas and all direct criticisms are welcomed.

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