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  • tjh315
    Post count: 4

    Replying to my own post: Shoulder replacement surgery in a few months. I will post here and let yooz guyz know how great (!) every thing is, how amazing my recovery is…..etc.

    BUT, if any one has any info to pass along……..please do.

    Post count: 4

    G, apologies for the VERY LATE reply. Standing Leg is the problem with the Baker’s Cyst. It can be either leg. It starts to ‘fill’ during dandayamana janushirasana (standing head to knee). I do NOT do a FULL pose, just stand and hold my foot.

    By the time Standing Bow begins, the cyst is debilitating. Kind of like a small golf ball on the back of my knee/leg. Massaging seems to help a little. It forces me to 1. approach standing bow extra slow, 2. not go as far as I normally can and would like to, 3. really concentrate on kicking my leg up before charging forward.

    If it looks like I may have solved my own problem……..:)

    Post count: 4


    Four plus yrs into my practice and a shoulder(s) replacement seems inevitable. Seems drastic, but my rough and tumble life style and years of weight training, push ups, pull ups (not anymore)……plus 3 past  surgeries on one shoulder……..have caught up to me. Pain is chronic, and I do not like to ingest anti-inflammatories if I can avoid. Question: do you know of anyone who has had a SHOULDER REPLACEMENT….?………and how is that yogi doing ??

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