I am so, so happy to be following up on the huge response you have given me from the recent survey. I had intended to write a series of emails to you but on reflection decided to put it all together into one download. So see below to claim your FREE 17 page booklet entitled Meditation 101. And when you do, please, Please, PLEASE come back and leave your comments. I get a buzz from learning from you and your comments inspire me and others to expand our yoga-consciousness.

I am so loving being part of this community and continue to feel joy with it on a daily basis. 🙂


Here’s the link to download your Free 17 page booklet called Meditation 101.

This download is free. I often make lots of free stuff available so if you’d like advance notice of when I release more free resources or, if you would like to get my much-loved weekly practical tips and emails (chock-filled with things to improve your yoga practice and your life), then please (if you haven’t already done so) go to the Home Page and click on Learn More!