30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge2008-04-28T01:01:08+00:00
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  • Steph
    Post count: 14

    Hi Gabrielle

    I have just finished my 28th class of a 30 Day challenge, so almost at the finish line. 🙂

    Even though I usually practice 5-6 times a week I can’t believe the difference going 7 days a week has made (besides trying to keep up with the laundry!)

    It has definitely helped me become much more aware of my body and how different every class can be. Some days have been amazing and I’ve felt that the class has been a true meditation experience, and then others, for seemingly no rhyme or reason, have been a 90 minute struggle full of aches and pains. Ugh…

    I’ve also noticed that in the past few classes I’ve felt a huge emotional release (to the point of tears – which luckily blend with the sweat :-).

    I’ve heard that this is a sign of old stored emotion, tension being released. I’m curious to know how this effects our body and chakras etc. Are there ways to know if we have blockages in our bodies and how to release them?

    Appreciate your thoughts on this

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Steph

    You must be so proud of yourself and your achievements! Great stuff.

    Yes, you may have heard it said that the body is a storehouse for crystallized emotions. It is a blueprint of your life and experiences. The yoga helps in the clearing process. All the while highlighting the imbalances and then working towards restoring balance.

    I like to take the standpoint that it doesn’t really matter whether you know or don’t know if there are blockages present. (Take it as read that you have some! :cheese:) But more importantly, what they mean is less important than taking the steps to observe your body and notice what happens when you do the yoga. Placing significance on these sensations is thinking too much and perhaps giving them more airtime than they deserve. What matters is the ‘now’ and not the history or baggage of what ‘was’ or ‘why it was’.

    I think there are ways to notice if you have blockages. It could be physically manifesting or it could be a result of your thoughts manifesting the emotions themselves. I love this Freud quote: “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”.

    Your toolbox allows you to deal with what is! Your yoga may be your best opportunity (if you don’t practice other forms of meditation) to really be one with your body. Embrace the sensations as they emerge, honor them and be with them while they are there. Then … let them go. Move on. Allow yourself an unforced journey of discovery. And enjoy the journey no matter what it brings up for you. That is life!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 7

    Wow.. good for you making your 30 days… Congrats on keeping your committment to you.

    I was going to go everyday, and my body and my yoga let me know that this wasn’t the thing at this time for me, so I am going two days, one day off, two days on one day off and its working much better for me… I intend to do a 30 day challenge as I move more into my yoga process too…

    I also find emotional release in my yoga, especially in the pose where your on your knees and making a circle by bending back and holding your heals or ankles… that one opens up some pretty overwhelming energy release for me… and truth be told, I know why and I am not surprise… being willing to allow it is the only question i had about it and i have decided yes… I hope you say yes to your energy release… the rest will do whatever it needs to if we say yes to it… thats all I know for sure. 🙂

    Again, Congrats!!


    Post count: 14

    Thanks very much for your response, Gabrielle. I really appreciate your advice and encouragement.

    I will try and “just be” with my emotions rather than put so much effort into trying to figure them out! 🙂

    Thanks too, Donna for your words of support. It is so great to have this forum as a place for open discussion and support.

    Stay bendy 🙂

    Post count: 32

    question . I am doing a 30 day challenge and something has come up to take me away from home and the studio. I have the cd on my ipod and MAY be able to get to a studio once or twice. If I do the class on cd every day does that count? or am I missing the benefits because of the loss of heat? I’m OK with having to start counting again when I get back and am dedicated enough to my practice to do the cd everyday any way (10 days w/ no yoga?……. I would not want to meet me after that!) any way just looking for advice and know my trip and yoga will be what it be.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Blue

    It never does feel as good to do hot yoga without the heat. There is a wonderful alchemy with the poses and the heat. The heat hastens and deepens the benefits and somehow makes it more satisfying. But as you probably guessed, yoga in a room without heat is better than no yoga at all. When it comes to the ‘rules’ at your studio, remember your integrity is the only thing that needs to stand up!

    When I have traveled to non-yoga studio destinations I have either practiced in warmer yoga clothing, closed the windows and maybe even put on a heater to raise the temperature even just a little bit, or practiced near a window where the sun warmed me up. Get a little creative if you have to. :cheese:

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 32

    Thank you for your quick response! No I it just is not the same and if I am honest with myself to count without the heat just doesn’t feel quite right. The idea of the challenge is to ….. challenge yourself! w/o the heat it feels like a good way to maintain while on the road or in diff situations but just won’t take me forward in my journey. I also believe this is an important lesson in my path I need to learn. Humility and stepping back to start again is difficult. Besides look at how far I’ve come already!! I can’t wait to see what will happen when I come back to start again!?

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