High Expectations?

High Expectations?2010-01-04T09:45:18+00:00
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  • CynthiaR
    Post count: 1


    First, I would like to say that I am a newbie here in all respects: I am new to this site, new to Bikram/hot yoga, and new to yoga in general. So far, I have spent hours reading through the posts on this site, and have received a wealth of useful and inspiring information, and would like to say thanks for creating this great resource!

    Personally, I am full-time graduate student who is over-stressed and overweight (about forty pounds–not proud about it, but it will be changing). I am just about to embark on my second semester as a graduate student and based on my experience last semester, I know that I need to make changes in my life to avoid the stress of school from drastically impacting my health in a negative way. Therefore, I am looking into Bikram yoga as a way to get myself out of the house, away from the stresses of school and life, and possibly shed a few pounds, but is it realistic to expect that practicing Bikram yoga can do all of these things?

    When doing school work or school-related work, I have found that my mind is muddled, and restricted, almost that I cannot think because I am so stressed about having to complete assignments and move on to something else. I used to have a social life but that disappeared when school work started consuming my existence (something else I plan to change) but as a result, I spent all day (literally) doing school work only to break for the occasional meal, to complete a household chore, or to attend classes. In incorporating Bikram yoga into my weekly regiment, I am hoping the 90-minutes will give me a chance to get out of my head, so-to-speak, and relax a bit. Can this happen?

    Also, up until a few months ago, I used to work out, in my apartment, with weights, which has been ongoing for about three years. During that time, I lost some weight, but it was not a drastic weight-loss, per se. In fact, I do not even own a scale. Instead, I changed my shape and I was looking better than I ever have, and I was feeling better about myself. At the same time, while I am not worried about weight-loss as according to a scale, I am hoping to slim down. I have overly-healthy thighs, hips, and buttocks, which I was hoping would maybe look a bit more slim as I practiced Bikram (I plan to begin within the next two weeks, so depending on how my first few classes go I would like to jump into a thirty- [or even sixty-!] day challenge). Is slimming these areas possible? I’ve read posts on this forum by people saying how they were disappointed that they did not lose weight, and then I read the very inspiration post by Donna. Yet, I am still confused by how the term “weight” is being applied because, as I said, weight is not a big deal to me, rather than slimming down. Is this possible as well, or me just hoping?

    I would appreciate any advice, stories, opinions, etc, that anyone would be willing to provide. Thank you! And, again, I truly appreciate this site! Thanks!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Cynthia

    Thank you! You’re welcome and welcome to the site! :cheese:

    I would like to answer your questions in turn.

    Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes 😆

    I only had a few minutes but may add more later.

    Have the intention, have the goal. Let go of the day to day expectation of something visible or tangible happening. Just notice what you notice. Enjoy the process and let the magic creep up on you as you find unexpected positive changes affect all areas of your life.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 12

    I have lost 35 pounds, so it is definitely possible, but I didn’t have the intention of losing weight(maybe 10 pounds I thought) My shape changed in that I lost my body fat but no muscle mass was lost, I just leaned out. My diet slowly changed, my drinking habits changed (not just alcohol, but water consumption, juice,tea, etc.) So right effort plays a part. While I have never done a 30 or 60 day “challenge”, I simply try to go everyday. It is intense enough, there is no need to add another challenge to it!!! I go to yoga everyday because I WANT to. If you like it, try to go as much as you can, you are just helping yourself. For me, the more I go = the more I love going = the more I keep going. If you like it, and like the results you get, and enjoy going to class, then I say stick to it. My instructors say “90 minutes. My brain, your body” Learn to block out what is happening around you and in your head. I like to focus on the sound of my breath to help me focus, in poses and out of poses, it helps clear out whatever might be running through my mind. You sound like you have the right attitude, so have fun with your Yoga =)

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