Lower back pain do not heal and I am strange…

Lower back pain do not heal and I am strange…2008-11-23T17:46:07+00:00
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  • Stefan
    Post count: 93

    I skated a bit yesterday and did some yoga.

    As I have pain when I stand up doing yoga, I tried the pelvic tilt when standing straight, with straight legs a bit relaxed. It felt better.

    Gabrielle, any feedback on this?

    I also have pain laying on my back: In the savasana I tried 2 versions:

    1. Straigth legs doing a pelvic tilt.
    2. Laying on my side with bent knees.

    Version 2 felt most relaxing.

    Any feedback and suggestions?

    Post count: 93

    Update: I finally got my back x-rayed. No Spondylarthropathy.

    My doctor told me disc L5-S1, ahs “slipped down”, or being compressed. Something that happens to everyone as we age ha said.

    My lower back is also too straight, not the curve (but it does look very curved if you ask me…), but he knows not why, maybe due to tight muscles.

    Good thing is that my doctor told me my back is in a very good condition considering my 44 years (hey, I AM ageless!;-) except for this.

    But still, even though most of the back is in good condition, this disc problem and straight lower back causes pain and stiffness so i can hardly skateboard.

    Any tips and advices?

    I still nedd to do the pelvic tilts with straight legs to be able to stand straingt when doing my yoga, and also in the savasana. Even when laying on my stomach.

    I have experinted myself with these things, and am open for all suggestions and help.

    Laying on my stomach, i thin having a pillow under my stomach helps a bit.

    Floor bow is impossible.

    Bending forward when I have done the half moon backwards is very difficult.

    Post count: 1

    Hi Steph…
    Thanks for sharing your story… Out of curiosity, based on the compressed disc, have you given any thought to trying an inversion table? this of course would have to be approached slowly, but can have positive results on the negative effects of gravity on our spine. My chiropractor recommends it.

    Post count: 93

    A frend of mine he an inversion table. I will try it out. Thanks!

    I am now making sure to stretch my back up as mush as I can in all postures, making it a natural traction. bending backwrds, i make sure to on inhale strech up.

    Post count: 3

    Having been a bikram practitioner for approx 3 yrs, I find it is a great way to keep fit.
    This allows me to do a good workout with old martial arts and sports injuries.
    I have a bad back and it has not helped this. (Spondylosis lower buldge etc) If you
    want to try some great exercises for a bad back try typing in SLM yoga in australian search engine.
    The guy who runs this will explain every kind of back pain and their root causes.
    He sells a book and DVD which i have been utilising after years of chiro physio etc and so far it is working.


    Post count: 93

    I looked at the website about SLM, but got directed to one of those standard buy an e-book websites, that contains way too much information and repeated information on one page. So I left… but thanks anyway.

    Post count: 1

    Michal Harris recommended “Healing Back Pain” and “The Divided Mind” both by Dr. John Sarno during a local workshop. I read the latter and found it very helpful. I see Dr. Sarno also now has a website up, http://www.healingbackpain.com/index.html

    Hope This Helps,

    Thank you fot the information


    Post count: 93

    I am finally better! Thanks to the Bikram Yoga and the Tahitin Noni Juice (Link Removed!). The Noni seemed to have helped with the inflammation.

    I am not 100% helaed, but so much better than before. I can skateboard at the same level, and also snowboard and snowskate.

    Hope it is OK to mention Noni here and the link to my section of their website. I just wanna help and update you what I do to heal. But I understand this forum is not for us members to promote stuff, so it i OK if this post of mine gets removed or moderated.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Stefan

    I am thrilled you are feeling better. This was an enormous problem for you causing you pain for years. It must be such a relief for you.

    Regarding the link: I know your intentions are pure. We would really prefer to keep the forum free from the grasp of Multi-Level Marketing. Thanks for your understanding.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 93

    Thank you. And yes, it is such a relief, and I am very thankful to the Polynesians. Not only for their Noni, but they also invented surfing, took to it Hawaii, then it got to California, and then skateboarding was invented… and 1978 I got my first skateboard.

    I understad about the link. This forum should be about Hot Yoga, and not about promoting ones business, and if you allow some links here and there, it may attract people who just go here to promote their business and products and not even do Yoga. In my signature I added the URL to my personal website that is about me and everything I do. I hope that is OK, I do that at skateboarding forums, and many others as well. Personally I like to visit websites of people I talk to on forums. I can’t find the forum rules, so I am not sure about the rules and guidelines for signatures.

    Post count: 3

    Try pycnogenol– it’s a natural anti-inflammatory that is unusually powerful (and years of European study show it to be safe– although research before taking anything).

    Another powerful anti-inflammatory are proteolytic enzymes (only take between meals, and spread through the day).

    They have no toxicity and so I suggest 3 tablets 5 times a day (there are numerous brands and if you find one with the enzyme seripeptidase, (may be slightly mis-spelled) that particular enzyme helps with severe skeleto-muscular inflammation.

    The only down side with enzymes is the inflammation will come back quickly if you go off of them.

    Good luck!

    I have posted here before, but here is a fresh start and updates on my condition.

    I had lower backpain for 20 years, but in early 2000 I learned Bikram Yoga and was within 1 year free from pain and then no real problems for about 6 years. Once in a while I hurt my back, strained something, but a few days with the Bikram yoga home practice healed me.

    June this year I woke up one morning with stiffness in lower back, and it was not as before. Stiffness and pain have followed me since then and Bikram Yoga have not helped, and neither have chiropractic. I have taken some anti-inflammatory from western school medicine and also Ayurvedic Boswellia. Nothing helps. I also tried other poses and stretching but none helped. I also took off 1 week from Bikram Yoga and skateboarding, but it did not help at all.

    My chiropractor is very puzzled, because my problem is strange:

    – Pain and stiffnes when I lay flat on back with legs extended.
    – Pain and stiffness when I stand up or walk.

    I can hardly do my skateboarding shows and contests. I warm up and down with sun salutations and the short Bikram Yoga pick-me-up-set. I also follow Ayurvedic guidelines for exersice that I learned from John Douillard, author of “Body, Mind and Sports”.

    I am painfree and flexible:

    – When I sit on a chair for extended periods of time. I get flexible from sitting on a chair…!
    – I get painless and more flexible when walking with a heavy backpack (without, I get stiff and experience pain).

    Today I bought the Bikram Yoga dialogue on iTunes. Good and fun to hear him again (Took a class with Bikram 2 years ago). It was good also as I don’t have a studio where I live. But it was 30 min extra… my home practice takes 60 min (or 30 when doing poses once).

    BUT, I always get pain from Bikram Yoga in my lower back these days. All backbends except Fixed firm pose (but my butt do not reach the floor).

    I get tremendous pain and stiffness from the Bow Pose. It last until I am finished and have sit down for some time on a chair or sofa. With the diaogue on iTunes it got even worse, as poses are many times hold longer than the 10-20 seconds outlined i the book (confusing…).

    Please help!

    Stefan “Lillis” Ã…kesson

    Post count: 1

    Hello ,

    If any one please let me know about the Bikram Yoga. I suffered from lower back pain previously.

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