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  • Emily
    Post count: 6

    I know there are some comments in this thread about difficulty with the foot slipping during tree/toe stand and just thought I would share my own experience.

    I used to have major problems with my foot slipping. It stayed more easily when I wore capri pants, so I believed that the slipping was unavoidable with the sweat. I found it hard to believe that it was actually about learning to us the right muscles.

    However, eventually (it only took a few months, I think) my foot just stayed! And now my foot stays up for the whole pose regardless of how sweaty I am or what pants I am wearing. It was great to prove myself wrong!

    One of the things that I found, which may or may not help others, is that rather than pushing the side of my foot into my body, my foot now reaches a position where it is actually the top of my foot that is pressed into the bikini line. My foot has twisted just slightly so that the sole of my foot sort of faces the mirror. I didn’t do this consciously, but just seemed to progress to this point. I imagine it is also increased flexibility. I’m not sure if this is specific to me, or if it may help others.

    This development really made me aware of how I can tend to jump to conclusions about the role of the sweat and slipping, in this and other poses (standing bow, wind-removing, triangle etc). I try now not to alter my clothing, but really to just have faith in the muscles finding their own way eventually!!

    Thanks so much to everyone for sharing such wonderful stories on this forum- I have learned so much from browsing through here!

    Post count: 6


    Thanks so much for providing this fantastic step by step analysis. I have found this very helpful. It makes things so clear and I really can’t wait to put the tips into action!!


    Post count: 6

    Hi Gabrielle- sorry to take so long to reply. Thank you so much for your insightful comments! I have always been advised that the nystagmus is a nerve and muscle condition that I will not be able to control (a standard medical/scientific answer)- your advice to approach it from the angle of calming and focussing the mind is something that I had not considered! I am sure this will bring me much greater focus and control. I am also very interested in following up with the natural eye therapy techniques. Thank you so much for taking the time to provide such a considered answer- I really appreciate it very much, and will let you know how I go.

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