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  • Eagerbeaver
    Post count: 31
    in reply to: Lumbar problems so #21920

    I did think of an additional question about Half Moon. Am I correct when I assume that I’m using my right hand to grab my left arm when I’m bending to the right and vice versa?


    I was thinking about the Standing Seperate Leg Intense stretch. I think I may have misled you by my comment about my ankles. That’s the best I can do. Usually, however I’m grabbing my calves. I do have my thumbs toward the front and my fingers toward the back.


    I’m not sure I understand what you are asking me to do on Standing Separate Head to Knee. Am I to have my feet three inches apart but still in a straight line heel to heel? Or am I to separate them so they’re more at an angle relative to the mat? I have no idea how clear my question is. I usually use the length of the mat to do this pose rather than have my feet on the floor. With this in mind, should I have my feet closer to the narrow edges of the mat?


    As far as Floor Bow is concerned. It has been some time since I’ve attempted this pose, but at one time I could manage one foot at a time. I think I could initially grab the foot then wiggle down to the ankle. I believe that once I managed to grab the ankle, my hips would be on the ground.

    Post count: 31
    in reply to: Lumbar problems so #21918

    Standing Separate Leg Intense Stretch: Try stepping out a little less far. Remember to bend your legs. Are you doing that and keeping your back straight as the priority? Or are you focusing on straight legs? If you have my book then you MUST do this wonderful adjustment for Triangle. Bottom right corner, page 151. If you don’t have it I will explain it in detail next post to keep this one of a reasonable length! Just make the foot distance small and build it up over time.


    I do, indeed, bend my knees. Even with that the best I can do is grasp my ankles. I do have your book and I’ll take a look at p. 151. When I read it before it did help me understand the poses better and assure me that some of the modifications I’ve been doing are absolutely correct.


    Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee: What are you doing with your legs? Straight, bent? Feet completely flat on floor? Where is the weight? Any sense of the alignment of your hips?


    My front knee is bent, and my rear leg is straight. My feet are flat on the floor. I believe the weight is on the front foot and I believe my hips are facing front. I think part of my problem is that I can’t get that front leg between my arms and so it is on the outside of my arms. I think that if I could get my leg between my arms, I could get my head to my knee. I do keep my chin down so as to compress my thyroid.


    Tree: If you need to, you can do pigeon pose on the floor as you may occasionally have plantar issues.


    What is pigeon pose? I’ve only ever done Bikram poses and the ones on the Wii Fit.


    Cobra: Nice work. I assume you do the limited support variety with hands on the floor and placed back away from the shoulders.


    Oops! My hands are close to the shoulders. I’ll have to work on that.


    Floor Bow: May I please ask you to let me know this: When you lie on the floor, resting between poses with belly down, arms by your sides and palms up, how close can your arms be to the side of your body? If you bend your legs up, can your feet touch your buttocks? And then, can you easily raise your right arm up to touch your right foot with an open palm? How about your left arm/hand to touch your left foot?


    I am very inflexible and have been for most of my life. If I work hard at it I can get my arms right close to my body. However, if I truly relax then they’re a good bit away. I can get my feet to touch my buttocks when I’m standing if I hold on to them with my hand (like one would to stretch out the muscles in the front of one’s thighs,) but I’m not sure if I can do it without that assistance. It’s been a while since I’ve tried. I have to work hard to touch my feet with my hands, either of them, while lying on my belly. I have to do quite a bit of scootching and rocking in order to do it.


    Thank you so much for trying to help me with this.


    Namaste, Beverly

    Post count: 31
    in reply to: Lumbar problems so #21904

    Thank you so much for getting back to me. I really appreciate it. It took me a while to respond because with a couple of exceptions I’ve not been doing yoga as I’ve been concentrating on my physical therapy exercises. I think it is a good idea to start from now and work forward. I thought about going back and starting from the time I broke my arm the day before my 13th birthday, but a 40 year history of injuries seems a bit excessive, doesn’t it? However since many of those injuries are still affecting me today, please forgive me if I refer to them. I did the 60 minute Hot Yoga Doctor video today and I thought I’d go pose by pose and describe how I felt through them. I won’t do them all, just the ones I have especial trouble with or cause pain.


    Half Moon Pose – I have found this helps quite a bit with the rib I injured while recovering from surgery. However, my left shoulder hurts and it is difficult to keep my arms above my head. I do know that stretching my arms above my head is good for that shoulder pain. I include this when doing my PT exercises.


    Awkward – I’ve developed plantar fasciitis in my left foot. This has led to pain in the outside edge of the foot and my Achilles’ tendon. It is very difficult to hold this pose as a result. PT has me doing deep knee bends. When I’m at home I substitute this for that.


    Standing Separate Leg Intense Stretch – My left hip began to hurt during this pose and continued through the rest of the standing series. I pushed through but almost gave up after Triangle because of the pain.


    Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee – I absolutely cannot get my forehead to my knee.


    Tree – I have found that this really stretches out my hip muscles so I figure it’s probably good for rehabbing my lumbar area. I include this when I do my PT exercises.


    Cobra – I have tried this and the full arm variety as part of my PT routine for my lower back as you recommended in one of your e-mails. I do Child’s Pose between. The other way I stretch my lower back is by laying face up on my giant exercise ball for two minutes then laying face down on my giant exercise ball for two minutes.


    Floor Bow – When I was doing this pose at the Hot Yoga studio, I pulled the muscle in my bad (left) shoulder so badly, I cried through the rest of class and rendered that arm almost unusable for some time after. I am afraid to try it again.


    Head to Knee – I absolutely cannot get my head to my knee nor my leg between my arms

    Post count: 31

    I’m so sorry about your computer issues. You got back to me just as the doctor gave me the not to start exercising again, so now is a great time to work on both of those head to knee poses!

    Post count: 31
    in reply to: Lumbar problems so #21821

    Hello, Gabrielle,

    I have, indeed, had my hysterectomy and have had a go for exercise. I’ve also started PT for my lower back problems. I would like more help if I can get it. Also, while I was recovering, I blew out my rib coughing and was told I have costochondritis. My rib does seem to be moving back into place and that pain is greatly reduced. Thanks so much for your reply.


    Post count: 31

    Dear Gabrielle,

    The answer is yes, I’m quite excited to work with you. Between a nasty cold, female problems, and prepping for a colonoscopy things have been on hold for the last several weeks. I’m hoping to get back into things Monday.

    Btw, I’ve been reading your e-mails about the frequency of doing yoga. Currently I’m going three days per week. Our studio has early morning classes those days which fits into my schedule much better. However, I’m busy two days per week (including Sunday) so I could make it in four or five days. I could get in six days if I did it at home, but I don’t have a hot room. How important is that heat?

    Post count: 31
    in reply to: Shoulder injury #10302

    Hi, Gabrielle,

    The biggest problem I’m having with the strap is remembering to bring it with me! The answer is, yes, it works very well. I’m also using it for tree so I’m not standing cock-eyed and am able to open my hips better than when I just rest my foot on my leg.

    Post count: 31
    in reply to: Shoulder injury #10160

    Dear Gabrielle,

    Thank you so much for all your help. I know it’s hard to “diagnose”
    and “treat” long distance and sight unseen.

    When I am holding the strap, I am attempting to have my arms is Savasana
    position. So my palm, palm side wrist, and palm side elbow are facing out.
    My elbows are in my back pocket. I’m not sure what you mean by “leg just
    hand in the strap.” Sometimes I can make a loop of the strap and slip my
    foot right in. Most of the time, I have to wrap the strap around my leg. I’m
    not sure I’m fighting my leg with my arm, but I am fighting to keep my arm
    rotated forward.

    I’m not sure, but I think part of the problem is the strap itself. It is one
    I bought at my studio and is quite elastic. I’ve used my dog’s lead a couple
    of times when I’ve forgotten my strap. The leather has very little give and
    the times I’ve used it I feel like I have more control.

    When I stand at the wall, it is indeed a side wall and I face either toward
    the front or back of the room depending on which foot I’m standing on.

    When you stand at the wall, can you tell me which way you face? Are you for
    example at a side wall and you use it for lateral balance and you face the
    front or back wall?

    I hope I’ve been specific enough

    Have a Merry Christmas,


    Post count: 31
    in reply to: Shoulder injury #10144

    Hi Gabrielle,

    Thank you for your reply. My chiropractor and I were talking about you the other day. It was he who put me on to both hot yoga and you. He says he he emails you occasionally and appreciates it because you always get back.

    Now to try to answer your questions. I am marking my responses with “EB.”

    I would be interested to know if there is anything physical in your shoulder that is impeding your practice or healing.

    EB: As I mentioned in another post I have tendinitis in the supraspinatus and in my left wrist. Aside from that & the decades old injury there is nothing else as far as I know.

    It does appear to me that those decades ago when you hurt your shoulder – and this is pure conjecture based on what you’ve described – that you were not given the best rehabilitative program for the healing of the muscles in that area.

    I do believe there are great ways for you to improve the way you do the poses by simple modifications that sometimes will just be less depth. I will need to explain a good few things. So, although this is possibly drawing out a little more, would you please tell me:

    >> Are you still feeling that problem half way through half moon?

    EB: Modifications I’ve made with my instructor was to have my hands on my hips, so there’s no problem when I’m doing it that way. The other day I had a different instructor and she suggested having my hands in prayer position. I didn’t have much trouble with that either. A couple of weeks ago I was feeling strong and had been for a week or so, so I decided to give the arms above head a go. That seems to have been a mistake. I was able only to bend one direction in that postion in the first set of that pose before my shoulder started twinging and the repercussions have been worrisome. There’s not been a day since I did that but I’ve had some kind of pain in my shoulder. Sometimes it stays there other times it radiates down to my wrist. I’ve also been experiencing pins & needles in my hand on a daily basis. I recently had my annual blood test and though my triglycerides are high, my sugar is good, so I don’t think I have diabetes and the neuropathy related to that.

    >> What problems have you got with Pranayama prior to half moon?

    EB: That is going well I no longer have concerns there. I started out modifying this by not raising my arms above my shoulders. While I am not completely framing my face with my arms, I am now doing as well as I’ve ever done in this pose.

    >> Standing bow: What does yours look like, where is your foot and where is your front arm positioned? Where do you hold the foot with your ‘back’ hand? And how do you hold it?

    EB: Not being able to completely see myself, I can only guess at the answers here. I am using a strap to assist. It is all I can do to get my foot in the strap and stand there for the prescribed amount of time. There is no back bend going on at all. Also, I’m having trouble keeping palm forward while in this pose. While the strap seems to make things better for my elbows, it is just hard to have palms forward while using the strap. My front arm is either in front of me at a maybe 60 degree angle to my body or finger tips touching the wall to assist my balance. In the 10 months I’ve been doing yoga, I’ve only been corrected three times.. Once was to tell me how to position the strap on my ankle in this pose. The other time was to correct how my hand was positioned in the early days. My instructor says I’m improving, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it.

    >> Are you still experiencing the same issues in warrior poses?

    EB: My warrior poses are all right as long as I start out the class with my arms no higher than shoulder level.

    Thanks again for thinking of me. I really appreciate it.


    Post count: 31
    in reply to: Green Smoothie #10055

    I can’t help but wonder if my iron supplement is the guilty party. I assumed it was the greens because that was the color of things. But I laid off the smoothies for a couple of days, the problems have continued, and it’s still green.

    I’m going in for a blood test later to see if things have improved over the last month as far as my anemia is concerned and whether or not I need to continue. I know I quit taking iron before because it was not making a difference at all, but I had to start up again because my levels had dropped so much.

    Post count: 31
    in reply to: Green Smoothie #10051

    The first thing that occurs to me is that you could possibly need to consider stopping the Metamucil, after all it would be better to try just getting your fiber through your food. It is just artificially flavored and colored psyllium husks. Here’s the list of ingredients. If you’re taking the sugar free one then it has aspartame.
    Sucrose, Psyllium Husk, Citric Acid, Natural and Artificial Orange Flavor, FD&C Yellow No. 6.

    EB: thanks for your response. I’ve been using the coarse milled variety which has no color or flavor. It does have sugar. As a result I use quite a bit less :-). I avoid the sugar free like the plague. It’s a migraine waiting to happen. I used the name “Metamucil” even though I use the store brand because it is a product everyone knows.

    You could be taking too much fiber now. So cut back on the packaged stuff and maybe phase it out altogether. The body gets used to using psyllium so if you become constipated by removing it completely then phase it out over 3 days.

    EB: my doctor prescribed it because I eat a lot of fruit & veggies and have had this problem for several years. He said it would absorb the extra water and firm things up. My problem is I don’t take it as directed – I only take it once per day on average and I’m supposed to take it three times per day. It has helped some. I can now eat raw or steamed broccoli and cauliflower without having terrible consequences. I really rebelled, let me tell you!

    FYI although it’s less tasty, you can buy psyllium for a fraction of the cost and simply add it to water or food. I just checked Amazon and the branded stuff is 1.5 times the price of the plain husks/powder.

    EB: I’ve seen it at the health food store, but didn’t know how to substitute it. I would have done so for sure!

    The next thing that occurs to me is that it might not be the greens at all. It could be that you’re eating more fruit than you normally do.

    See how that works to maybe for a few days just eat a salad that has the exact same amount of greens that you would put in your smoothies.

    And for a few days try your smoothies without any greens at all and have an all-fruit smoothie. (I think an all green smoothie no fruit may be a little harder to take but do it if you think you would like to.)

    EB: I’ve had fruit smoothies for some years now with no problem at all. My favorite is red grapes, berries, & banana. I’ve also had savory ones with tomato, carrot, celery, bell pepper, and a handful of spinach. Another one I’ve tried is grapes, pear, and 1 leaf of kale. I’ve not had problems with those at all. Also, it seems to be worse when on the days I forget the psyllium and gets better when I take more. Of course, that could totally be my imagination.

    Post count: 31

    I bought the strap at my studio. Well, I have my dogs’ leads and towels. 🙂

    Post count: 31


    That is MY question you referred to when you told me about answering a Standing Bow question! LOL! I have a strap and I’ve tried it a couple of times. It has a lot of stretch to it, so I don’t know how much traction I’d be getting. And then remembering to take it with me… I’ll look for it tonight, put it with my mat, and use it tomorrow.

    Post count: 31
    in reply to: Shoulder injury #10030

    Thanks for thinking of me and asking. I’m very sorry for your loss. I’m sure things are worse since this happened on the other side of the world. When my dad was dying, I lived 3 hours away and I thought that was a terrible distance. My husband keeps hoping to get a job in Australia and I can’t imagine losing a family member while we were there.

    Things have been crazy lately! I finally decided to go back to my class to see if there were modifications I could do. We worked something out and I tried the class that same day. I was so sore that when I went to PT later he decided to ease up on some of my exercises that day and I thought it would be better to wait until I was finished with PT to start yoga again. I had only one session left so I figured that wasn’t too bad.

    My arm has been feeling much better and I was ready to go back, but things have been complicated by some female problems I’ve been having. I’ve been bleeding heavily for nearly 2 months and all I needed was to gush in the middle of class. However that has stopped for now and I went back yesterday. I did most of the poses with the modifications we’d come up with. I came out a little sore was feeling good enough that if I didn’t already have a chiropractor appointment, I wouldn’t have made one.

    Post count: 31

    I have to say I have seen the elbows in the back pockets video before. It was nice to refresh my memory in watching it again. I did try to start implementing this technique but I can’t remember if it was before or after my injury back in May. How well I’ve succeeded is anybody’s guess. The only person who practices hot yoga who I know has seen any of your stuff is my chiropractor. He is the one who initially got me started doing it & who pointed me to your website. We have occasionally attended the same class but he now has a studio in his home, so he rarely comes any more. Therefore I have no one to tell if I’ve been doing it correctly or not. I didn’t understand what I was trying to do until I did it in savasana. While laying supine, I could feel the rotation of my shoulders which I didn’t feel in any other position. I think after that discovery I’ve been able to do it properly in all positions.

    Post count: 31

    Dear Gabrielle,

    Thank you for your reply. I’m sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I hadn’t seen this reply.

    >> If you have access to the name of that unpronounceable part of your shoulder then it would be great to know what the specialists are saying about the location. In other words can you please access the diagnosis for our use?

    EB: I was finally able to access my doctor’s website and get my dx. It is tendinitis of the supraspinatus.

    >> Can you please indicate if the tendonitis/ the pain/ the limitation of movement is exactly related to the place where you broke your arm all those years ago? Or is it in the vicinity of it/close by?

    EB: I broke my humerous just below the ball of the shoulder, so I would think it is quite close by. This tendonitis is in the rotator cuff area.

    >> Have you ever seen my first (yes, it’s quite old) video called “A Transformational Technique For Your Practice, For Your Life”? It’s RIGHT HERE. Scroll to the bottom of the page of these free technique videos.

    EB: I didn’t know about it. I will soon. Thanks.

    >> What exactly has the chiropractor told you to do for the different movements (that you have had to change in order to continue doing yoga)? Be as specific as you can for each pose that you have a modification for.

    EB: Really the only pose we modified was half moon. There instead of having my arms straight above my head, he had me put my arms around my head. In other words, my elbows were bent and my fingers were touching opposite ears. I dropped standing bow and floor bow.

    >> When you say you have excruciating pain in half moon and even when your arm is parallel to the floor in warrior, where exactly is your arm hurting?

    EB: Kind of near where the break was. Also the muscles around my scapula. I understand this to be referred pain.

    Hopefully, this helps. I have finally contacted my instructor, so I’ll get her imput as well. Although the last time I spoke with her she wished me good luck.

    Namaste, (I hope that’s spelled correctly)

    Beverly Spring (Eagerbeaver)

    Post count: 31

    I’m sorry for your loss. My father passed away 7 years ago and I miss him greatly.

    As far as how I raise my arms, I’m attempting to keep my “elbows in my back pocket” with my palms facing forward. How well I’m succeeding is a whole different issue and can’t answer that question.

    Post count: 31

    As far as my shoulder is concerned, it is my left one which gives me problems. I attribute must of my problem to a 30+ year old injury. I broke my humerous just below my shoulder the day before my 13th birthday. Due to medical care at the time & the fact my family moved from one side of the country to the other, I never did proper physical therapy on it. As a result, that arm is quite a bit weaker than it might otherwise be.

    Post count: 31

    I have been snowed under! Apologies for the delay.
    EB: no worries. I figured you’d get to me eventually, or not. My shoulder is slowly getting better thanks to my chiropractor.

    OK, a couple of questions:

    >> May I assume that you are talking about the arm that is behind you?
    I am talking about the arm which is holding my foot in floor bow

    >> Does this happen on both sides?

    >> Is it still happening?
    Off and on. Some days are better than others.

    >> How could you describe your effort in this pose?
    It is very difficult for me. I have a hard time reaching my foot at all.

    >> What are you trying to check into when you’re adjusting your position?
    I’m not sure what you mean

    >> How difficult or easy is it for you to balance in this pose?
    Some days easy but most of the time very difficult.

    Post count: 31

    Just so you know, I haven’t heard anything yet. I’m leaving for a short holiday next week, so I’d like to get this thing resolved.

    Post count: 31
    in reply to: Master Class #9754

    Yes, I know I will find the book to be a valuable resource. Right now I’m working on locking my knees and my breath, not any particular pose. Once I get those down I figure I can start on a pose. I do review it often.

    I thought I read the tutorial videos were produced monthly so I assumed they were sent monthly. (LOL) Still, it was a pleasant surprise.

    Thanks for responding to my post.

    Post count: 31

    My app audio is not working either. I’ve left a message as well.

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