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  • ElleE
    Post count: 12

    Just a quick update, I am going out to visit some family, but wanted you all to know I went to my third class this morning. It was a 8am class, I did not leave once! I lasted the whole time, but I did feel light headed and did have to sit or lie down a bit at times. I am definitely noticing some change from the first class, but I know I’ve got a very long way to go.
    My main problem is the feeling sick during class, weight of course restricts poses. I am planning on joining a gym, but still checking out the ones in my area.

    Those of you in Melbourne, does anyone go to curves, Fernwood or Fenix? What are your experiences?
    I am really trying to eat healthy and this is a struggle at times, because salads have no taste! I however know, I can’t eat crap and lose weight. I also know, I need to be more active alongside of Yoga!

    Post count: 12

    Today as my second class, and I did sweat a lot, but not nearly as much as some of the other girls in my class. I was kind of surprised since I am so overweight and the girl in front of me is so thin, yet her towel was literally soaking wet.

    I tried to hydrate myself quite a bit, but eventually water makes me feel sick to my stomach. Is there anyway to overcome this?

    Post count: 12

    heavencity – I haven’t had a chance to get to a health store, but will definitely be checking it out this weekend. Thank you for the heads up regarding kiwi. I already eat 1 kiwi a day.

    I was able to get coconut water at the Bikram Yoga studio I go to, but a little carton 250ml? Is $6! That is pretty expensive.
    I had a few sips after my class, and truth be told while it is not too bad, it seems kind of sweet and did make me want to omit, but I took a few sips of water and felt better after that. This definitely could be because today was my 2nd class and overall at the end I wasn’t feeling too great (because of the room temp).

    Gabrielle, unrefined sea salt can this be found at any supermarket or just health stores?

    RandomFemale – Today was my first morning class (6am) and I have to say I much prefer it. The studio isn’t as crowded and it was pretty cool outside. I would love to go to morning classes, but the studio I go to only has 2 6am classes weekly.

    Post count: 12

    Maya, Gus! Thank you so much! I really appreciate the encouragement. Well I just got back from my second class (got up at 4:55 to get there for 6am class).
    It was a different teacher and I introduced myself to her, told her yesterday evening was my first class and if I need to go out, I hope it’s okay. She was really pleasant and really nice.

    I did much better today and actually tried to do many of the postures. I did feel sick at times and sat out a lot also. All in all I think I did okay for second class, my poses look ridiculous because I am extremely overweight, many like the tree I cant even do, but I try at least with my hands.

    The teacher was so encouraging and what I really liked about her was, she encouraged me, she helped me adjust my postures and was really pleasant about it all. I really appreciated that. At the end I was just sitting down and she asked me to join in for the breathing exercise, I tried but literally had to vomit and she saw that I was holding it back. She said “babe, it’s okay if you need to go”. I walked out, went to the bathroom, freshened up and came back for savasana. Relaxed a bit and that was the end.
    We had a bit of a chat after class and she said, she tries to encourage people to do the breathing, but she saw I was feeling sick and everything was good.

    I am thinking of perhaps taking a day break, tomorrow is Friday and the traffic is just awful (plus no morning class) and perhaps going on Saturday.

    I realized also I need to do other for of exercise, so I will start with walking and maybe join a gym. The only thing about the gym which is currently putting me off is the $200 joining fee, I’ve spent about $500 for clothes, running shoes, mat, towel and such items and currently another $200 on top of a 3 month fee is just a bit much. I’ll see if they have some specials. What do you guys think?

    Thank you so much for the support.

    Post count: 12

    Thank you all very much! I really appreciate the support.

    I went!

    I went to my first Bikram Yoga class and I failed! I had to leave the room 2 times and vomited both times. I was only doing the first 2-3 poses and could no longer do it.

    I mentioned before. I am very overweight. My toes can’t touch each other very easily and I felt much pain when trying to put them together. I tried to join in for the rest of the class, but I just felt really nauseous and literally Needed AIR!

    I felt if I didn’t leave I’d have vomited right there. The first time I tried to leave the instructor told me to try and stay in the room, and I did try, really and truly until I felt so sick to my stomach I literally needed to get out. As soon as I got out I ran to the bathroom and had to vomit.

    I felt embarrassed and sad, but I went back in. Second time same thing happened and she actually checked up on me and said it was best if I tried to stay in the room. I went back and stayed there for the duration of the class, either sitting now or in savasana .

    The teacher is pleasant enough. I was hoping to be taught by a teacher Gabrielle recommended, I went to that particular studio,she did join the class, however no longer teaches.

    The people seemed friendly enough, all though I did get some of “THOSE” looks. When we all got out, some girls told me I did good for my first class and to just try and give my best shot. They also said today as REALLY HOT in the room (more than usual0? I’m not sure. There seems to be some politics between the instructor and some of the girls, I saw some of them complaining about the heat being too high, that in a way put me off, but I kept quiet.

    I was encouraged by two ladies to come again and just give it a good try.

    Even though my experience is far from good, I WILL go back and see how I go.

    The rive home wasn’t that good. A lot of traffic 1+ hour and I felt kind of light headed…

    Post count: 12

    sfbjork, thank you so much for sharing that with me it is really encouraging to now there are such amazing and supportive people out there willing to help anyone.
    I will definitely write to you and let you know how my progress goes, but I’ll also keep posting here. I was supposed to go to one studio today but had to work rather late so I’m going tomorrow to sign up. I am anxious and worried/scared, but I know I need to do this.

    I’m also worried about what my parents will say. I have no siblings and while as a child I was given anything I wanted my parents were also always working and we never had a healthy lifestyle. Our weekends were either spent at home or them working with my grandmother who was ill herself took care of me. My parents thought that by giving a 11 yr old money to buy junk food would substitute their presence. High school was even worse, I changed high schools to scape being called “porka spice” but I never told my parents the real reason for the change, and while I know they love me we never had a very close relationship where we could just talk. I realize my weight problem isn’t all my parents fault, but I do feel it is their fault for not setting limits or teaching me what I should be eating at a younger age. I also know they had problems in their lives moving to a new country so they had to work, but I just wish they had “talked” with me. I remember ever in high school my mother would tell me ” Elle, lose some weight. look how big you are”. but it was never that easy, you can’t just tell someone to go and lose the weight, there is so much more to it than that. Everyone in my family and extended family ALWAYS told me I was fat, I would be better looking if I was skinny or that no one will want me if I didn’t lose weight. I remember being on a diet at 20 and my mother telling me “well of course you don’t have a boyfriend, no one wants a fat person”.

    My mothers mother as far as I can remember has always been saying telling me that fat people are the only ones who sweat and it makes me so angry because it isn’t true! I am bigger than her yet she sweats more than me. I have always felt like the black sheep of the family. I stand up for myself but there is just so much I can take.
    I don’t really have a support system, my parents to this day are still wrapped up in their own problems. My mother to this day still tells me ” you are so fat, go to the gym”. I never had the courage to tell her ” I am scared I am afraid of people judging me because if MY FAMILY is judging me what will others do then?”

    Every relationship I ever had was an online relationship and every single of those “cyber” relationships turned in to emotional abuse. I still thank God for giving me life, for giving me courage to continue, but I just feel so much negativity around me that at times its hard to look on the bright side.

    Last year was the first time in a good 15 years that I went to the beach. A cousin from Europe was visiting and she really wanted to go, she boosted up my confidence and told me “lets just go, no one will look at you” and we did and it was okay. But I don’t think I have the guts to go alone.

    I know everyone has their story, this is mine and while I wish it was different, I am in some ways also glad to have gone through this because I would never treat my child the way my mother treated me or said the things she did. My father was always the quiet time, he never told me anything like that, but he also never encouraged me.

    Post count: 12

    sfbjork, thank you so much for your inspiring message. I am so excited. With Gabrielle’s help I have found 3 studios I will be trying out. 10 classes at each studio. I’m visiting the one closest to my house tonight after work and I am nervous and excited at the same time. I think my main worry now is attending that first class.

    There is a lot of information on this forum and I need to spend a bit more time reading it all and get familiar with some things. I am excited about this new journey as it is really much needed in my life.

    Post count: 12

    Thank you both so much for your replies. I greatly appreciate the time you took to respond to my thread.
    I will definitely be reading a lot of what the forum has to offer. I really want to get out there and start living life, I’ve been too closed in my shell for far too long and I think Yoga is the way to go.

    One thing I read on an article somewhere they say for people who are overweight or beginners in general it might be best for them to learn some of the poses before going to class. Is this something I should try to get my self familiar with before signing up to at least 10 classes?
    I feel if I sign up to a number of classes that will also motivate me to go since I’ve paid for them.

    I’m also wondering if there is anyone on the forum from Melbourne (Australia) and if you know of any good studios? I’m looking for some Hot Yoga places around my area but there don’t seem to really be any. I might have to travel about 15-20 min with car.

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