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  • MoJo
    Post count: 7

    Thanks for your insight Gabrielle!

    You hit the nail on the head!! I can get through Bikram Yoga without engaging my core for the most part. Having said that, I do see (through my reflection in the mirror) and feel my core strength has improved a degree from class, especially when doing the standing series.

    You know how our spirit directs us to what we need, if we listen. Well, over the past few days I have been asking what it is that my body needs. Pilates has come up (fantastic to have you place that to me, as well – my receptors are working). I used to do pilates and still have the VHS series. So …. I believe it is time to dust off the tapes and build the center of my body to wellness.

    Another insight I have been presented with is whether this style of Yoga is right for my body, at this time. Too vigorous are the words I hear. Perhaps a gentle style will lead to a healthier me. I know that completely goes against Bikram’s philosophy, yet we all can’t wear the same shoes either!

    Our journey’s are ours, and by implementing the experience of educators and facilitators, and listening to our spirits – we live a path of uniqueness. I remain searching out my way and appreciate your guidance.

    Thank you dearly for your care.

    Post count: 7

    For the past 6 weeks I have had pimples on my face, too. Mainly they are just above my eyebrows. They aren’t typical white heads, more oily glands. Not being able to stand it any longer, as I have never had experienced pimples (not even through puberty), I went to the Dr. to seek some advice.

    He made a quick diagnosis calling it rosacea (adult acne) and perscribed me an antibiotic cream (that began helping after the first application). Also, he commented that I should stay away from too much heat. Being that it is fall, I knew the outside weather wouldn’t have bearing. It was then that I told him I practised Bikram Yoga. Of course, he suggested that I might stop for a while, but inside I told myself – not possible.

    If you haven’t made a visit to your Dr. it might be worth the visit.

    all the best,

    Post count: 7
    in reply to: Feeling Pooped #3558

    Here’s what I have been trying yesterday and today. I mindfully told myself that I was possibly trying to acheive too much and pull back some on the exersion side. Pleasantly, it has been working – and actually I find that I have opened up in some postures as a result, and most importantly, not so “pooped” for the remainder of the day. YEAH – I love when things straighten out!


    Post count: 7
    in reply to: Feeling Pooped #3548

    Thanks to everyone for their replies, much value there.

    Electrolytes: are we talking gatorade type drink, or what do you recommend for that? I don’t have any cramping in my muscles. I did ask a teacher about it and she basically recommended eating a pickle.

    Sleep – well since kids are back in school, no I haven’t had enough so I could improve on that.

    Eating – some improvements could be made, but generally I do try to have a well balanced nutrional intake.

    It is possible that I try too hard in class – some days I remind myself to go easy on myself and those days I seem to be less fatigued.

    Stress – now that’s a culprit but it’s usually brought on by myself and expectations.

    Water – I am careful to drink plenty before, some during and after class as well as for the remainder of the day.

    I have added vitamins this week, as well.

    I like the idea of staggering classes, but my schedule is open for the 9:30 class only –

    Thank you again, and the imput on electrolytes is appreciated.


    Post count: 7

    presently, I am fighting off a cold, and have signed up for a 30 day Bikram challange. I was concerned, not to mention disappointed, that I felt a cold coming on. I decided to attend the classes and just do what I could, as well as, see how I felt afterwards. I am attending my 4th consequtive class this afternoon. My cold symptoms have lessened, and I feel far better having gone to the class. The warmth of the room and the sweat seem to be a good recipe for my cold, not bringing it full on.


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