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  • Blondiesorganic
    Post count: 21

    Hi Gabrielle~

    Wow, you are really so helpful!! I feel very lucky yo have found you and your site. You are really on a mission to help hot yogis and yoginis. Customer service does not get much better.

    I don’t have your book and I know I should. It is great that you have it on amazon now. It is on my wish list. Even at that amazing price, I am afraid it is out of my budget range range now. I may be able to swing it next week or the week after as my hair business looks pretty good for the next couple weeks. As you know being a business owner, you must budget accordingly!

    I did get the ball to do the ab exercise on and have started that. Yeah! My abs seem fairly strong and able to do them without too much effort, but I am sure I am getting more strengthening from them. I will watch the video again. I think you showed how to make it more challenging in it.

    I will check out the hamstring thing too.
    Normally I do lots of hamstring stretching, but I am always interested in your knowledge about the body.

    As far as I know my neck is bad from 2 whiplashes and my low back started with falling off a horse barrel racing in 5 th grade. I landed on my left buttock. Years later at thirty after worrking on a cement floor in a very disorganized and maddening hair salon, pain shot down my left buttock into my calf. My

    Now my fatherhood has spinal stenosis, I wonder if it is hereditary. In any case, I do believe in yoga and the bodies ability to heal. As long as I show up and gently get back into it. I know I can improve and be strong and fit.

    Thank you for helping me get there, you are my Yoga Angel!


    Post count: 21

    Thank you Kristen 🙂

    I hurt my neck by having whip lash twice, Years and years ago. But maybe bikrim can fix it. We will see!

    Post count: 21

    Thank you Kristin. I so appreciate your understanding! 🙂

    I too have a neck injury and I cannot bend It backward at all. I modify too.

    I have a plan to keep going to class and do what I can. You are so right, people get injuries and it is a part of life. I unfortunately have been ill with some sickness or injury most of my life and it has really affected my ability to create an adequate income doing what I do ( hairdresser) or participate in relationships fully.

    Alas, I keep trying to get better and I will never give up trying or having hope for better health.

    This really is a mental practice first and foremost for me!

    Post count: 21
    in reply to: Ab exercise ball #10206

    Gabrielle, you rock! Thank you so much!

    Post count: 21
    in reply to: Ab exercise ball #10204

    Thanks Gabrielle. Do they come already blown up? If so, how do you let some of the air out so it is usable lie the way you describe in your video? Is is easy to do?
    Thank you~
    : )

    Post count: 21

    Thanks Wendy!!

    Post count: 21

    Where did you get your exercise ball? What brand is it? Thanks!

    Post count: 21

    Thank you Gabriielle! I will watch the video.:-)

    Post count: 21

    I like to come in half hour early, get save my favorite spot : ) put my stuff away.

    I then like to come in and just listen to my body. Usually start by lying down or sitting cross legged and focus inward to listen to my body. it usually feels like some gentle stretching and other yoga poses that are not bikrim that help me stretch out my hips and buttocks.I also like to wiggle my feet and toes to prepare them for all the standing poses. I like to massage them too. Those feet take a beating as I work on them and I like to give them some love and attention.

    Post count: 21

    Thank you so much for these tips Gabrielle!!!
    I will do that when things seems calmer in my neck.
    Take care,

    Post count: 21

    Thank you so much Gabrielle.
    It is weird because I tired what you,say and I am still,getting pain. Just tilting my head up at all hurts the back of my neck. It is worse with hands behind my neck supporting it. Somehow the hands add some pressure to my neck when I lift up even a little bit.
    I think there is a flare up of something right now. I will let it relax for a bit and try again.

    Post count: 21

    My neck is really out today. I have to go get an adjustment and I am on vacation. Luckily I found a chiropractor up here where I am. I just do not think I should be putting my head back at all for awhile. I will do my best in class with out putting my neck back. I will try again at some point but for now I need to back off.

    I get very frustrated and impatient with my body because it seems there are many limitations with it. I have Lyme disease and it is very frustrating to deal with.

    The good news is that it is all a practice in surrendering and allowing what is to be and accept what is. It is about peace with what is in my life overall.
    Learning about compassion for self and others.

    Staying in the room when its hot and doing my best, not anyone else’s best and be willing to trust my teacher to help me improve is such a lesson. Staying in the game of life and trusting enough to get help in the areas I want to improve is a humbling and growth full experience.


    Post count: 21

    Hi Gabrielle,
    I think I found some stuff on the forum for pranayama. I tried it , not in class but just at home. Still it hurt. It felt like it forced my neck forward from the middle and strained it that way if that makes sense. I will keep playing with it.

    The standing back bend and camel are an issue too. I will look for modifications for those as well.

    I wonder if my neck muscles were stronger that it would not go out of joint/atlas?

    I am not giving up yet!

    Thanks for your good work and your help!

    Post count: 21

    Have you heard of Health At Every Size? It really helps me to just take care of my body and let go of my weight or size. I hope you are enjoying your body as you get strong. Be gentle with your miraculous body!
    : )

    Post count: 21

    Hi Gabriel!
    She did not give me anything specific just to be careful. But I think I need more detailed guidance. So far I have not found anything on the forum with tips on this. I will keep searching.

    Thank you~
    : )

    Post count: 21

    I do that too! I have a bag all set with towel, yoga clothes, headband. I keep my mat in the car. I have a note on the bag to remind me to bring my electrolyte water and other water. I keep my water bottles ready in the kitchen. Being ready for the next class is very helpful! Plus, I love the idea of getting older and staying flexible and strong as I age!!!

    Post count: 21

    You went 20 times! Good for you!
    I know being busy can get in the way, or we let it get in the way. Also, maybe just go once, be gentle with yourself and your body when you go, do the best you can what ever you choose to do in that class. Enjoy the class by not pushing too hard or too fast.

    I make sure I do not over schedule myself so I get in my practice. I use my calendar and am very realistic on how long things take me.

    Good luck!

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