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  • faizah
    Post count: 17
    in reply to: Bikram yoga at home #9199

    Hi Kristin,

    Strangely, it says the humidity level is 60% in there :-s. That seems quite high, so I don’t really feel I need to add a humidifier.

    Post count: 17
    in reply to: Bikram yoga at home #9194

    I should also add that I bought a sheet that was wide enough for me to fold it into 3, so I actually got 3 layers of plastic – so, better insulation.

    Post count: 17
    in reply to: Bikram yoga at home #9193

    Hi all,

    If anyone is interested, I just wanted to give you an update as I’ve finally been successful at getting my yoga space sufficiently hot! I gave up on heating an entire room. Instead, I mapped out an area of the room about 5ft x 7ft, away from any windows and sectioned it off using that thick plastic they use on construction sites. I just attached it to the ceiling, walls and floor using masking tape. You can buy a zipper that adheres to the plastic so you can get in and out. I used my same old baseboard heater (1500W) and got the room hot in no time at all! So excited! Hope this is helpful for someone!

    Post count: 17
    in reply to: Bikram yoga at home #9162

    Hi Kristin,

    Thanks for the tip! This looks like a great one. I just had a look at it, but price is a bit prohibitive, though (looks like it’s $450.00). Too bad. I’m very tempted, but I think I’ll have to see what I can find on the cheap :-). Thanks anyway!

    Post count: 17

    Hi sarah29,

    Just had a thought: this could be totally unhelpful but wanted to share just in case it was: do you by any chance wear a thong during your practice? (you don’t have to answer on this forum! just something to think about)…I just can imagine a wet string rubbing back and forth on that area would definitely be irritating! I know this from personal experience. Anyway, I’m sorry if that was a personal question – I didn’t mean to intrude; just wanted to put that out there. All the best!

    Post count: 17
    in reply to: Bikram yoga at home #9155

    ok, my first attempt at doing hot yoga at home was promising but I definitely need to get the room hotter. I used just one 1500W oil heater (thought that might work if I left it on long enough) in a spare bedroom and after 2 hours, the room just got up to 77 F and wouldn’t go higher, so I had to go with that. It got up to 85 F about 30 minutes into it but that was as high as it went. One of the problems is that the heater has a built-in thermostat that shuts it off well before it reaches my desired temp, even when I set it to maximum. I’m not sure what to do. I’m thinking I might have more luck with a ceramic heater, so gonna pick one up. I’ve also been reading about infrared heaters. They all seem to have built-in thermostats, though, so I’m worried that even if I get more heaters, they’ll just shut down faster! Anyway, this is a long post, but was just wondering if anyone has been successful in reaching 90 degrees, and how they did it!

    Post count: 17
    in reply to: Bikram yoga at home #9135

    Thanks so much for the advice. I’ll definitely post again and let everyone know how it went.

    Post count: 17
    in reply to: Bikram yoga at home #9130

    Yeah, I guess it doesn’t need to be quite as hot as in the studios. I asked my former hot yoga teacher and he recommended using 2-3 oil heaters and a couple of humidifiers. I’ll start with 2 heaters, skip the humidifiers (I’ll be in the basement and it’s pretty humid down there as it is) and see how it goes. Thanks for the input! By the way, I find all those floor rests annoying too – I guess that’s the luxury of practicing at home: you can customize the workout somewhat to suit you. That’s the danger too, though (for me, at least): I might get tempted to be lazy and cut the workout short or sit out some poses! 😮

    Post count: 17

    I just wanted to post an update, and say that I don’t believe my acne was in any way related to dairy after all. I’ve gone on the birth control pill (Diane 35) and that took care of the problem within a month or so (I still have scars but stopped getting new breakouts). I consume dairy now whenever I feel like it, and never break out anymore.

    I have a feeling that the intense exercise, followed by no exercise at all (I went from not being very active, to going about 5 times a week, and then not going at all) may have somehow thrown off my hormone levels. I say that because the breakouts started shortly after I stopped going to yoga.

    Anyway, I’ve started going to yoga again, and am still taking the pill, and no longer breaking out at all.

    Hope this can help someone.

    Post count: 17
    in reply to: Contact lenses #8119

    Hi divsreddy,

    I wear contacts all the time for yoga and haven’t had any problems at all (I wear soft lenses). I don’t believe you have anything to worry about.

    Post count: 17

    Hi Gabrielle,

    So sorry…I didn’t see your message until now. I practice in a hot yoga studio.


    Post count: 17

    Well, after experimenting with diet changes (including cutting out dairy), I’ve come to the conclusion that dairy isn’t what was causing my breakouts. I think it actually has to do with Bikram yoga, which is upsetting because I love it, and it does wonders for keeping me in great shape physically, but it seems to make me break out like crazy. I have an appointment with a dermatologist in a few weeks, and will let you all know what he/she says

    Post count: 17

    hmmm….interesting! And you know, you might be right. My acne could have nothing to do with the dairy. I guess it’s just an explanation I came up with to try to understand/fix a stubborn problem, and just from reading about where “hormonal acne” tends to be located on the face. It’s really just a self-diagnosis :-S. It’s funny you should bring up microdermabrasion because I was just thinking today about getting something like that.

    So I guess that while I reaaally hope you’re right, and my acne isn’t caused by dairy (which means I can continue to eat it :-), I think I’ll still try to cut back for about a month and see what happens. This way at least I’ll know for sure. And I’ll let you guys know, too, in case it can help anyone else who might be struggling with the same issue. Thanks so much for your input, Freiamaya! Namaste 🙂

    Post count: 17

    Wow, interesting, Lisafr. It was really neat to read your post because I can relate 100% to what you wrote. I also just feel better when I have dairy (which is why I was so confused about the negative impact it seemed to have on me). Like you, I’ve decided that rather than cut it out completely, I’m going to try to cut back to 1 serving/day (organic only), and complement with other creamy, satisfying foods. Gabrielle mentioned yogurt made from coconut milk, which sounds amaaazing to me. I’m going to try that first chance I get, and let you all know how it works as a substitute…for a dairy lover like myself! Thanks again.

    Post count: 17

    Thank you both kindly for taking the time to reply. I’m so touched that people who don’t really know each other take the time out of their busy schedule to help each other out – so again thank you. Gabrielle, those were some excellent suggestions. It’s funny that you should mention avocado. I had guacamole last night when I was craving ice cream or cheese, and it did the trick! I was full and satisfied and not even thinking about eating anything else. The sesame/almond milk idea sounds great too – I’ve never tried either so I’ll give them a try. And to answer your question, those intense cravings only come after a hot yoga class. Weird :-S. Anyway, I’ll try your wonderful suggestions and let you know how it goes! Namaste.

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