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  • LightbyGrace
    Post count: 70

    Thank you!

    I hope all is well with you and yours!


    Post count: 70

    Welp, I am returning to this thread because just last Friday I had to have that hysterectomy after all. I had a baseball-sized fibroid on my uterus. I wanted to remind myself of this discussion about returning to Yoga post surgery. The surgery was laproscopic with robotic arm, so no abdominal cut, just the holes on my upper abdomen where they inserted the cameras and the instruments.  Gabrielle, I will refer back to your link above for the core building workout. Kristin – how did your surgery go? I trust you are all healed up? Have you gotten to get back to your practice?



    Post count: 70

    Haha! Yes…The TV remote finds its way into my hands too…It just follows me around!! I really like classes. I like the studio atmosphere – the studio close to where I live turns the lights down low and has soft music playing during class. Maybe one day I will be able to return…Even the Yin Class I took once left me a mess. I think it was the pigeon pose…I love that pose but it doesn’t love me! LOL!

    Prayers are with you for both of you in December!


    Post count: 70

    Hey Kristin!

    I am pretty well all healed up. It took some time for my GI tract to recover from Anesthesia but I’m starting to feel like myself again!

    I actually do not attend classes. My back is pretty messed up and I have to modify almost everything and cannot to any twisting so going to class is hard because I can’t really do what everyone else is doing. Sometimes the teachers try and come push me further than I should go and I have to ask them to stop. It just became more stressful (and painful afterward)than helpful so I do Gabrielle’s home program and have a set that works for me. I have a couple of Yoga coach friends that I also consult. I wish I could go to class – maybe someday I will be able to return. 🙂 BUT yes, I have returned to my mat. Slowly but surely!!

    How is everything going with you? Are you all prepped for December?


    Post count: 70

    Thank you, Gabrielle – Will check out your video!

    Hope you are doing well.



    Post count: 70

    Oh, wow! You are a hero!! All blessings and a quick healing be on you and your sister. My co-worker donated her kidney to her nephew last year. She was back at work and doing just fine in about 8 weeks. She had a lifting restriction for a time but otherwise was good.

    I’m not sure if I will be able to return to yoga in a few days but I should be able to go back to work much sooner than originally planned. I have three incisions in my stomach (on and beside my navel) that have to heal before I will be doing any back bends or deep Yoga breaths..LOL.


    Post count: 70

    Hi Kristin!

    Well, surgery was yesterday…They got in and the mass they were supposed to take out was gone! Wooohooo – Prayer and Papa in action. The decision was made by the doc and my husband not to take anything out since the primary purpose for the surgery – an orange-sized mass – was no longer an issue. I have three little incisions that need to heal but otherwise I am good to go in a few days.

    I am praying for you as well – I say to the Great Spirit, do it again for Kristin! Whatever is making her need surgery, take it away.

    Let me know how everything is going! I will still be here to cheer you on if you need it…And I am always happy for encouragement to expand my ‘edge’.



    Post count: 70

    Good luck to you, too, Kristin!! Maybe we can be recovery buddies…LOL! Since I am going first I will let you know how it goes for me and we can keep one another encouraged as we both get back to it 🙂

    I was not aware of the increased risk of hernia…Is that forever and always or just during the healing process?

    Thank you for your reply! Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers…


    Post count: 70
    in reply to: Colds and Sinitus #10875

    My guess would be the maybe if the studio is not cleaned properly and there are lots of bacteria in the room it might be breeding in the nice toasty/moist air and infecting your sinuses…

    If you don’t already, you also might try a nasal cleanse before and after your class with a neti pot. It’s nasty but well worth the adventure…LOL!

    Just my thoughts…Hard to tell.

    Post count: 70

    Thanks…I will give it a try – my initial reaction was just ‘Ahhhhhhkk!’…LOL.

    Post count: 70

    Oh, my…LOL! I’m not so sure that I will be able to do this one at this time…The smaller ball in the low back area is concerning as my sacral area is quite testy. 🙁 🙁 Is there another way I can support my low back before lifting my legs?

    Welcome to my world of frustration. I honestly do not try to be difficult. :red:

    Post count: 70

    Thanks! I will give it a look! 🙂 Do you think that a stronger core will help with twists?

    Post count: 70


    My core strength is not fabulous…I have started doing planks to work on it. I also have a therapy ball that I will sit on while at the computer sometimes. The walking workouts I do are also good because there’s a lot of focus on drawing in the core when doing knee lifts and such. A lot of core-strengthening activities like sit ups, crunches and pilates have proven to aggravate my upper back and neck. I loved pilates until it started to mess me up so, like with many other activities I have enjoyed, I had to stop. Twists have always been an issue. I have listed it with the other things that flare me up when talking to all of the docs I have seen regarding my back but no one has ever addressed it specifically.


    Post count: 70


    I am a Special Education Assistant working with Early Childhood students (3-8 years old)…I do very little sitting at work…Up and down off the floor and from little chairs, walking the halls at school and sometimes physically moving kids around.


    Post count: 70

    This is what I have started to carry with me to work so I get in lots of water… 🙂

    Post count: 70

    I do think that societies in general would do well with more happiness at their heart. So I totally dig your viewpoint there. 🙂

    Interesting thoughts on frequency of Yoga practice…Probably each person would need to decide for themselves their limits for practicing. I currently practice 5-6 days a week – on my own, not in a class at this time. I check in with myself to determine how long my practice will be each day and set a goal to do the full 90 minute series (as many of the postures as I can) once a week. This has done well for me and my body mechanics are improving with this schedule.

    Do you have research that supports the idea that Yogis eventually become more senile and otherwise mentally unhealthy with too much practice? It seems to contradict alot of other research. ??



    Post count: 70
    in reply to: My towel :( #10791

    This is good to know. 🙂

    By ‘barking’ I was referring to the way the teacher shouted at the student using the towel – not the general instructions. Sorry if that was confusing.

    And Bikram does make me laugh on his CD…Wouldn’t want to be in his class though…LOL!

    Post count: 70

    Floor Bow and Camel give a pretty big stretch of the entire back/shoulders. I think that I understand what you are describing…Is it more of a diagonal reach across the back, grasping the fingertips together in the center of the back?

    You might try doing a You Tube search for Yoga for the shoulders and Yoga for the lower body and see what comes up. I have a video of Yin Yoga that I found on YT that I use for supplemental stretching.

    Post count: 70
    in reply to: My towel :( #10787

    This is why I will probably never take an official Bikram class. I personally don’t do well with the ‘military’ style of teaching. Please don’t hear me say I do not like Bikram or respect him for his expertise, I quite enjoy the CD I have of his Beginner Class. Overall and he teaches well and has a good sense of humor, but scripted teaching hasn’t done well for me and barking instructions is uncalled for. We’re learning and Yoga is supposed to be about letting go and listening to our bodies. If I am worried about being called out or corrected abruptly I don’t believe I will find letting go to be possible and I may even push myself beyond what is safe for my body.

    Post count: 70

    Hey, Myrna!

    Ms. Gabrielle says that I can post the link here in the forum…So here it is if you would like to check it out!!


    Post count: 70

    Hey Myrna!

    I am so glad to meet you. I do not have MS but I do have a boat load of back issues that have made my practice, shall we say, interesting. Gabrielle has offered me a lot of support and has never made me feel like I am precluded from practicing Yoga or even teaching because of the limitations that I have. One day I would like to be able to teach people who require modifications in order to practice due to injury or other physical limitations.

    I have started a blog about my journey as a ‘broken yogini’ (and I use that term as kind of a purposeful misnomer – I am not truly broken, I just need to do things differently. Still, I know that we who struggle with physical limitations often feel broken and I wanted to convey that understanding). ANYWAY – I would love to have you guest post if you are interested about your story and any modifications that you employ in your practice.

    I don’t know if we are allowed to post links in the forum so PM me and I will give you the link if you’d like. 🙂

    Blessings and Namaste!


    Post count: 70

    Fixed! Thank you. 🙂

    Post count: 70

    I will check…I was focused on the 50 KB since that was the error message I was receiving…THANKS!

    Post count: 70
    in reply to: Small steps! #10747

    Hi Gabrielle (and all!)

    It has been a while since I have posted. My back took a turn for the worst a year or so ago following a Yin class. I found a new chiropractor who recommended ceasing all exercise for a brief period while he set me right – my back was in an ‘acute’ state – so tight that it was like the vertebrates were fused. I returned to walking for exercise (on level ground only which translated to indoor walking programs) but I was not able to return to my beloved Yoga. Each time I attempted it my upper back would flare and it would be days of pain and Advil until it felt better.

    After a year or so of treatment and massage therapy and working on some core strength I have been better. I began practicing again in the last week or two. It has meant being overly-careful and modifying to what works for my body and letting go of self-imposed pressure to perform perfectly. This means no holding my arms above my head for any longer than perhaps the length of a transition breath (chiropractor suggested no weight-bearing exercises over the head, but I found that even doing arm raises up and down during walking workouts would aggravate my neck and upper back), no twisting (even the gentlest of twists following all of yours or any teacher’s explicit instructions results in problems) and minimal back bending.

    I know it sounds like I can barely do any of the postures anywhere close to the ideal and that is largely true – but I have to be OK with that and respect that this is where my body is currently if I have any hope of continuing to practice. Modification has been key. I hope and pray that this time I will be back at it for a longer stretch and gain ground enough to one day move beyond at least some of the need for such ‘cuts’ to the program. I work with Special Needs students in school and sometimes things have to be broken down into the tiniest of steps/increments in order to get them to their ultimate goals. And so it goes for me. God has blessed me with the lessons those kids teach me about perseverance. 🙂

    As always your teaching style and instruction are so helpful to me and even though I have never taken a live class with you or met any of the people on this forum, I am blessed to know that there is a community of people out there I can turn to for support in this journey.

    Thanks for listening!



    Post count: 70

    Thank you, Gabrielle. I will do that!

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