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  • Feenix
    Post count: 26

    Hehee, it’s 6 metres by 6 metres – I’m at loss in inches; I tried to use a converter and apparently it went wrong. It’s not a big space. Ceiling height 220 centimetres.

    Post count: 26

    Hi there,
    Maybe you could do some sun salutations? Ashtanga salutations warm you up really quick and you can decide how many you want to do. For example three As and three Bs or just A:s until you ad salutations from the B series. It stretches and warms up your body nicely.

    Post count: 26

    Thank you, you’re making a very valid point, it didn’t even cross my mind. I’m from Scandinavia and we go to a sauna – a lot! The temperature is around 80 celsius so it’s pretty hot. I wonder if that should carry me over the rest week. Of course we don’t stay there for 90 minutes and there is no exercise involved 🙂 I never knew it would take that long for the body to adjust.

    Post count: 26

    Thank you Gabrielle, I will do that!

    It also occurred to me that I could do that Lucas’s pin and needles strech and hanging man (I’ve been concentrating on the hamstrings and legs so far). I will modify Locust and see how it goes 😉
    Thank you for your support!

    Post count: 26

    Hi Gabrielle,
    Thank you very much for your extremely fast reply 🙂
    I read the posts. I’m not sure I have the same thing in my elbow. I have a feeling it’s more related to my shoulder blade. My fingers don’t get numb, my toes used to go numb that’s why I had to stop taking spinning classes.
    I can do eagle fine and can wrap my arms pretty correctly and feel no pain in that. In locust my right leg lifts way easier from thae ground than my left leg. I like the idea “put your hear to the ground”. I can’t do that due to my chest. But I can grab the floor with my fingers and my wrists don’t hurt anymore. I want to try and keep my hands even further apart – maybe that would help. Full locust is one my favourite poses 🙂

    Fixed firm: I’ve never been able to keep my knees together, they are quite far apart. At the moment I can only sit and maybe put my elbows down on the second set. At the moment when sitting in this pose I tend to lean a little bit to my left leg since my right knee feels that sharpish pain. My ankles are straight and in conctact with my hips. I know that my ischiatic nerve on my right side is pretty tight as are my hips (shamefully so…)

    Post count: 26

    one more thing – after watching Gabrielle’s video about keeping ankles up I analyzed my feet. My weight in normal standing position seems to be more on the outer sole of my foot – especially in my right leg. The right knee pain feels on the inside of my knee. I only experience the knee pain in fixed firm and slight discomfort in starting half tortoise or rabbit. My balance is much better when standing on my right leg.

    Post count: 26
    in reply to: heaters #5195

    Hi diesel17 and Gabrielle,

    I practice hot yoga in Scandinavia and our studio is heated with infrared heaters that our teacher says doctors use as well. They supposedly kill germs as well so the studio is more hygienic. The thing is that the room never feels very hot – even though the temperature is 38-39 celsius. The room is filled with oxygen and practicing is quite easy due to that. But I’ve heard about the insane heat that teachers like to have in the room so I’m not sure if these heaters are able to heat the room like that. Personally I like to breathe that fresh oxygen 🙂

    Post count: 26

    Hi Mtcat,

    This is really interesting – I’m vada/pitta too and I have problems with my skin and it goes hand in hand with my hormonal cycle. I started Bikram in March and in the beginning my skin went quite bad but it seems to be clearing up now. I have notice that my skin does react to heat. I think that yoga could very well balance and clear the skin. I mean does every vada/pitta yoga practitioner for example in India (where it’s pretty hot and humid) have bad skin?

    With me it has been helpful to make sure that my skin is clean before and after the exercise (no make up etc and totally clean towel for wiping the face). I notice a big difference as soon as I even look at a chocolate bar, and hard cheese doesn’t agree with my skin at all. I also notice that after taking Yogabody supplements my skin has improved. I’ve now added another supplement acid-alkaline powder which helps my body to become more alkaline and can then fight the bad germs and infections.

    Already after a few months practice my hormones are balancing so personally I wouldn’t give up about two weeks practice a month.

    Hang in there!
    all the best, Feenix

    Post count: 26
    in reply to: On flexiblity #4930

    Hi Sol,

    I am newbie to Bikram as well (I started in the beginning of April) and although I’m a woman I’ve never been very flexible.

    I posted under another topic about Lucas’s Yogabody suplement that has helped me a lot. I’ve done his gravity poses maybe three times a week (not every day, I’m working on it) and introduced YogaBody to my diet approx three weeks ago. After first month in Bikram my flexibility improved but after taking this supplement and gravity stretches it has greatly improved. I couldn’t but sit in fixed firm pose since my ankles and knees were so tight. I sat there for six weeks. After yogabody I can now lay flat on the floor – and that was only after two weeks. I also noticed that this supplement helps me to recover quickly. So, I really do believe Lucas has a good thing going here 🙂

    Post count: 26
    in reply to: Rotating shoulders #4885

    Hi Gabrielle,

    Yes I also think it was maybe a bit exaggerated (looked kind of funny) but I think I got the idea from your reply. My lower back and/or hips are quite tight and I need to watch out not to rotate my hip bones as well.

    Thank you Gabrielle 😉

    Post count: 26

    Hi all,

    I’ve been using Yogabody for three weeks now and I also think it’s really helpful.

    I’ve been doing bikram only for a little over two months now. I was as stiff as a board before starting this practice. At first I couldn’t even grab my ankles in floor bow and have been sitting in upward position in Fixed firm pose for over a month. My floor bow has quickly advanced but the Fixed firm pose has been a bit problematic. After first 6 weeks I could finally lower by elbows to the floor but only after starting Lucas’s Yogabody I finally managed to get the back of my head and my shoulders to the ground (last two classes) ! I was super pleased. The hurting in my ankles after this pose is no longer there and also my shoulders are way more bendy than before. I think this is a real aid.

    Post count: 26

    Thank you Gabrielle,

    Italy would be nice- I couldn’t find hot yoga from there. The one in Spain was full but would have been a good option too. I’ll check the ones you suggested.

    Thanks again 🙂 – I love this forum and your input to helping us to get more out of our practice

    Post count: 26

    Hello Gabrielle,

    I would need to travel in July (the Hawaii resort is in November). I’d be glad to travel quite far (India, Thailand, Bali, China, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Americas,(maybe not too near Mexico at the moment though.) I wouldn’t want to go somewhere where it’s pouring in July since we get more than enough of rain the rest of the year. I’d be really grateful for all the links. I’ve done massive googling and found 1 holiday in Ireland and one in Turkey in July but would like to visit some new location and outside Europe.

    Thanks a lot!

    Post count: 26

    Hi you all,

    Thank you for your kind replies. It’s essential to have a forum like this where we can talk about anything.

    This last weekend my teacher was going to have a silent class but due to Mother’s day it was cancelled. But it gave me an excellent chance to talk to her about what happened last time. I told her that I’m not sure if I can take part in the next silence class since I don’t want to disturb anyone. She was genuinely apologetic and said that there are bunch of people she consistently tries to remind that everyone should concentrate on their own practice. She said to breathe deep but without the sound.

    Gabrielle, I’m not really sure how loud the sound is, since I don’t notice it myself too much (I was really somewhere else than in the class room) Our training room is really small and since this is fairly new discipline in our country there aren’t that many students attending to silent class anyway. In that class there where 8-9 students. (Basically, you can hear a needle drop.) In a normal class it’s different since there is more noise due to dialog and even some students speaking (which I don’t like too much but try to ignore). But without me hearing my own breathing it’s also more difficult to reach that flow state. I think the loudness also varies according to how hard I need to work to for example keep my balance. I’ll check the links and will get back to this topic.

    I’m thinking of buying a new apartment and possibly creating my own training space there. I do realize the teaching of this whole incident; keep my own boundaries and not to let anybody’s mood affect me. I think it’s a two way road, my breathing disturbing other person and that other person’s opinion disturbing me 🙂

    Post count: 26

    Okay, I now realize that I’m looking for a detailed answer while not being
    specific enough myself. My mistake, so here goes.
    The reason i’m even mentioning astanga is that
    it also emphasizes the importance of heat in practise.
    The difference is that in ashtanga you need to create
    the heat inside your body by breathing technique
    that involves three locks. The root lock is held
    by slighty contracting and pulling the anus up
    the second lock is created by slightly tightening your lower abdomen and the third lock is the throat lock and that’s the one making the sound. S
    Advanced ashtangis can break a sweat with five deep breaths. Another thing is that
    in my opinion slight contraction in the throat
    enables me control the lenght of the breath and one breath can be quite ling.
    In more detail i think when trying to analyze it i draw the air in through the nose and it also comes out through my nose. My mouth is closed and teeth slighty apart. I contract something in the back of my throat, propably the same that enables swalloving. I feel ithe air tickling up in my throat just before it’its drawn up to my nose.
    My teacher says just to breath normally. Being a niitty gritty person i want more info…lol

    Post count: 26

    Thanks for your replies. I did watch the video before posting and i’m
    not trying to make any sound. The breathing
    deepens somewhat in stronger poses without me
    even noticing it. I don’t sip air like a panting
    dog in backward bends but continue breathing long and
    slow even then. This really bothers me, since
    i thought that was one of the few
    things that i could actually do well
    (meaning it came to me naturally).
    I just would like to know if the tecnique
    is somehow wrong… Btw this person who was so annoyed is a smoker
    and i cannot rely on breathing advice coming from a smoker.

    Post count: 26

    Hi Dave,

    I am also one of those people who easily suffers from mood swings and previously have had depression as well. (One thing that might help is to cut down sugar intake as much as you can as well as increase omega acids to your diet.) Aside from that, maybe it helps to think that it’s quite okay to feel anger/hatred etc. The whole idea of yoga as I understand it, is to become more aware of your thoughts, whatever they are, and then let them go – not to pay too much attention to them, but to be more of an observer. Okay, I feel this way at this moment, it’s okay and that’s all there is to it. You maybe hating yourself right now, but at least you are doing something about it. You’re doing yoga and it will heal your body and mind. Give it time and try not to fear the future nor your feelings. Pull yourself back to present if you notice your mind wondering and giving you hard time.

    I feel very deeply about everything and through yoga practice my mind is definitely calming down and I also find myself reacting more positively and balanced to different situations. I’ve done yoga for two months and practice 4-6 weekly. I noticed the positive changes quite quickly and like to think that am more pleasant person to be around now. All the best!

    Post count: 26

    Hi there,

    I just heard a really good tip; After washing your clothes properly and letting them dry put them into freezer and let them there for a few hours. That kills all smells!

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