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  • Pamela0414
    Post count: 58
    in reply to: Hyperventilating #8256


    I found out I have Asthma. Mostly affected by exercise or very cold weather. Also, the studio was having problems keeping the humidity up so it was dry heat making it even harder on me to breathe.

    I am now on some inhaled medications and the studio has installed a new humidifier. I have such a better experience in class and can finally do the final breathing!

    Post count: 58

    This is your own blog right?

    Anyway, I did read the article and the thing that came to mind is when I went to beauty school and all the guys that were attending just to “hook-up”. It’s not as if Bikram TT is the only place it happens.

    I am not really concerned about Bikram the man. The hair playing and foot massaging is weird if you ask me. What I am concerned with is Bikram the practice. So people can think what they want. The yoga I practice has been great for me and what people think of the man, Bikram, doesn’t matter to me.

    Post count: 58

    Thank you for all your replies.
    I have learned to accept it and lay down before it gets too bad. If I wait my heart won’t recover and will be to high for the rest of class. I have also figured out I have a mild ‘sports induced’ asthma. I am in the process of getting that taken care of too.

    My studio is having a heat problem (in my opinion). and that is another story.

    Post count: 58
    in reply to: Asthma and Hot Yoga #8191

    I have been practicing for a while now and just found out I have exercise induced asthma. I am so relieved to have an answer cause I seriously couldn’t breathe in class and thought I was just a wimp with the heat. Now I am taking some medication and they got a new commercial humidifier and class was great! In the past I could never do the final breathing and now I can. I am not happy to have asthma, but I am happy to have an answer.

    Post count: 58

    I used to have this problem and sometimes still do. I have to be very careful when I stop eating and what I eat. Not anything too fatty or too hard to digest. I stop eating about 3.5 hours before class. I also make sure I drink water slowly throughout the day instead of chugging a bunch before class. I only take small sips of water during class because if I take in too much the floor series will cause heartburn and nausea even with just water.

    If there is still a problem, there are digestive enzymes you can get at the supplement store that help. I don’t have a gallbladder and I think that is part of the problem. I really does make the class a uncomfortable experience.

    Post count: 58

    Thank you everyone for your replies. I did class last night and I now know I need to pay attention and not let my HR get so high that it won’t recover. If I do, then I can’t do much in the class. I try to anticipate when it’s happening now so I can do more poses.

    I did some research and found that there are some contributing factors. It sounds like I just need to keep at it and eventually I can improve this. With good nutrition and continuing my yoga. It’s slow Heart Rate Recovery that is my problem. There can be other reasons for it, but for me it’s just lack of physical fitness, my weight, and need to change my eating habits (which I have done.)

    I guess we all have our challenges and I have to get out of my head and not worry about other people and what they may think. Most likely they don’t think of me at all, just as I don’t think about them.

    Post count: 58

    Thank you for this reply. I think one thing I need to work on is to make sure I take breaks before I am gasping for air. I tend to go too long and then I am really struggling to not breath through my mouth.

    I will keep it up and just remind myself that I am proud of myself for being there. Whether I do a lot or a little, I am still there and getting benefits of it. I am sure you are right about the others. I really appreciate your reply, makes me feel better.


    Post count: 58
    in reply to: Contact lenses #8094

    I’ve wondered this too. I currently only wear glasses and choose not to wear them in yoga. So everything appears a fuzzy blur execpt my towel and feet. I would love to wear contacts in class and was thinking you can get those hydrating drops for contacts, possibly that would work?

    Post count: 58
    in reply to: Knee is grinding #7842

    I can’t speak for your knee and I cannot give you medical advice, however I can tell you what I know for myself and what I have read in Bikram’s book.

    I started my practice in May and I go about 3-4 times a week. I have a “not so great’ knee. At first it hurt and felt weak. Sometimes it would be tight after class and then when I would tighten my quad it would “click’ or “pop’ sort of like a cracking knuckle. That freaked me out. I am noticing that isn’t happening as much and my knee is getting stronger, but it is still a weak knee.

    Sometimes it’s my ankles, they hurt. Right now, my toes go numb or tingly when I do Awkward Pose.

    I read in Bikram’s book that sometimes your body is adjusting and going through changes. He has a great way of explaining things. Now, again. If the pain is serious, I think you should worry. And perhaps it is a good idea to get it checked out anyway. I am just telling you my experience.

    My knee makes a crunchy sound all the time even used to when I went on walks. Cant hurt to check it out.

    Post count: 58

    I am sooooo proud of you! You actually went back after vomiting! You are a strong and determined person.

    I am also overweight, by about 90lbs. It hurt my ankles to put my heels and toes together, but I am noticing them getting stronger. I have never made it through a class without laying down. My heart rate gets too high and I do get a bit nauseated, that is my body telling me it needs to lay down. So I understand exactly how it’s going for you.

    It gets easier every time. I think you are so awesome for going and sticking to it. Oh, and I get light heading or spacy after, I need to sit afterward at the studio and drink some electrolyte drink or something and rest before I drive.

    Good luck to you and let us know how it goes.


    Post count: 58

    There are lots of other types of electrolyte replacements too. Gabrielle addresses it in a few posts. You could search electrolyte in the top of the page and you will get a lot of information. For me Coconut water is just too expensive for what I get. I use a product called Ultima Replenisher. However, Gabrielle has said that Sea Salt especially Hawaiian or a few other types are just as good. I suggest you look at the other posts. I salt my food with Himalayan Sea Salt.

    Post count: 58

    I have lost motivation in every exercise I have done, except yoga. Why? Because I actually LIKE doing yoga. In doing exercise you have to choose something you like. I kept trying to do what was popular, gyms, walking, running. Then I decided I needed to try something different. Yoga.

    I stay motivated because I feel good after, I don’t hurt or dread the next class. I am motivated because I want to see if I can balance longer in some of the postures or not lay in Savasana as much. I stay motivated because when I leave yoga I no longer am focused on stressful things and my body is relaxed.

    I started yoga to lose weight and I see that happening, but I continue for all the above reasons.

    Post count: 58
    in reply to: Cardio #7739

    I also think it depends on weight and fitness level. I am positive I am getting a very good cardio workout in my class. Only because I am not very fit cardiovasularly. There are times I know my heart rate is too high and I have to take a Savasana break. I am sure someone in good cardiovascular shape needs to do a lot more work to get their heart rate up. Either way, Bikram is a cardio exercise for how long and equivilent? I think it depends on the person.

    Post count: 58
    in reply to: Redlining #7720

    Yes a packed room won’t only make it “feel” hotter and more humid it IS. That is why it is so important the instructor is paying attention to everything not only the thermostat but class size and paying attention to class behavior.

    I’ve only been practicing since May but I go often enough to have had a few very hot times. I know what that panic feels like, I have never left but I sure have wanted too!

    I think it is definitely the right thing to talk to the owner as I think he/she would want to know. Let us know how it goes.

    Post count: 58
    in reply to: 30 day Challenge #7679

    I don’t have the stamina to do a 30 day challenge. I tried to do 6 in a row and I just get too tired. I know that I need to listen to my body and rest. I admire people that can do the challenge. I have read Bikram’s books, He doesn’t recommend 30 in a row, he says 6 days a week for 2 months. He even says he thinks people are crazy to do yoga on Sunday’s.

    For myself, I wish I could do 6 in a row. I am fairly new and I have a lot of other things that go on in my life that can be tiring, I don’t know…but hopefully someday I can do it.

    Post count: 58


    I have a sinus infection and had the worst class ever. I was so tired it turned into a nap instead of a yoga class. It was okay though cause I got rest and I detoxed by sweating.

    I would encourage you to do yoga at home if you want to practice sick. It isn’t kind to others to come to class with a contagious illness in a room that is humid and sometimes crowded and close to others. You don’t always have a fever with colds. I personally would be unhappy if the person next to me was sick. I think the responsible thing to do is to think of our fellow yogis and yoginis when ill.

    Just my opinion.



    Post count: 58
    in reply to: yoga free vacation #7626

    That’s great news. I realize today I am really ready to go back. My joints are getting stiffer and I feel more bloated. I crave sugar more than before and I am definitely more stressed about small stuff.
    I am not afraid anymore and think it was a little strange I was. I mean how much worse can it be than my first class?

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Can’t wait for my class tomorrow!

    Post count: 58
    in reply to: yoga free vacation #7620

    Yeah, who knows. Maybe you can tell me. I just took a week off, not because it was planned but because of work issues and back to school shopping. I just couldn’t fit it in.

    The longer I am away the more afraid I am to go back. I keep asking myself, “why am I afraid?” Afraid of it being hard and laying in Savasana the whole time? I don’t know. But I gotta get in there I miss it!

    Post count: 58
    in reply to: Electrolyte Help #7567

    Thank you for the information. I am going to go get some of these salts this weekend. I have been using Sea Salt but not much and it was Iodized. I am going to try Hawaiian even though it is expensive.

    Namaste 🙂

    Post count: 58
    in reply to: Electrolyte Help #7565

    I agree with use use of the sea salt. “Table Salt” is another corporate money maker that isn’t for our health but for their pocket books.

    What about potassium and magnesium and the other types of things you get it electrolyte replacement products? Do we not need to supplement with them other than our regular healthy diet?

    Post count: 58


    I suffer with depression and for me exhaustion is a big symptom. Is is possible going of the Cymbalta right now isn’t right for you? Only you and your Dr. know for sure. Yoga is great and healthy for you, but for myself I believe that for some of us we may still need a little “extra help”

    I feel for you because I know that exhaustion all too well. To the point I couldn’t function. I had to use paper plates and plastic utensils because I couldn’t do dishes. Hang in there whatever you decide.


    Post count: 58


    Loved your response. This was exactly my experience when I began. I drink a lot of water all day before evening class, though I stop about an hour before so I don’t have to leave class to go to the bathroom. I also drink the Emergen-C or Airborne. I still lay down several times during class and I have been going about 6 weeks. I think it will be a while before I can do the whole class but I can tell I am getting better. I also have good and bad days.

    Post count: 58
    in reply to: Hyperventilating #7538

    Hi and thank you,

    I do think I am pushing out way too much air, much more than I bring in. I am going to try your advice and focus more on form than the amount of air I move. Thank you!


    Post count: 58
    in reply to: Mat Placement #7537


    Thanks for the reply. I have been really trying to make it a part of my practice to avoid distractions. I do move on my mat. I just didn’t know if it would be rude to ask a person to do the same. I have decided it is my discipline to not let things bother me along with the sweat, my hair in my face, other people’s noises, movements and talking in the classroom. So I am letting it go. I am choosing to set up in a different place.

    I asked someone to move once and felt guilty afterward, that was more distracting than the person just being in front of me. I am learning new things. I guess it is part of my practice.

    Thanks again. 😀


    Post count: 58
    in reply to: Hyperventilating #7512

    Thank you for responding. I feel that I am really focusing on my abdominals and using my diaphragm to push out air. It’s just I think I exhale more air than I take in, which causes the hyperventilation. Maybe I am forcing to hard..I don’t know. I just tried it now..I get very light headed. Are we supposed to feel that way?

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